123 research outputs found

    Introducing RSC Mechanochemistry

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    Co-Editors-in-Chief James Batteas and Tomislav FriŔčić introduce RSC Mechanochemistry

    Modularity in Organic Solid State and Supramolecular Chemistry

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    Connection between the concept of modularity and how it relates to both organic solid state and supramolecular chemistry is discussed. It is demonstrated how the interrelationship between the three areas can be exploited to control chemical reactivity in the solid state. Specifically, it is shown how these areas can be used to achieve and fine-tune reactivity in organic solids. How modularity relates to other chemical systems, as well as to other areas of technology, is also discussed


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    Electrochemically deposited transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructures as electrocatalysts:Accelerated kinetics for the hydrogen evolution reaction

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    Transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) heterostructures have been discovered to have improved catalytic activity towards the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). This study explores the stability and HER catalytic activity including reaction kinetics of heterolayers of different TMDs (MoS2, MoSe2 and WS2). The stability of the heterolayers varied with those having an overlayer of electrodeposited MoS2 being more stable as compared to those with MoSe2 overlayer which degraded with each scan in acidic media. Investigation into the HER kinetics of the heterolayers involved Tafel analysis and electrochemical rate constant calculation. There was an improvement in Tafel values calculated in comparison to reported values for these heterolayers. WS2/MoS2 and MoSe2/MoS2 heterolayers registered rate constants of (3.20 Ā± 0.10) Ɨ 10āˆ’4 cm sāˆ’1 and (1.73 Ā± 0.03) Ɨ 10āˆ’4 cm sāˆ’1 respectively, which was an improvement of up to an order of magnitude compared to the reported rate constant of electrodeposited MoS2 of (3.17 Ā± 0.30) Ɨ 10āˆ’5 cm sāˆ’1. All this highlights the improved HER catalytic activity of the heterolayers.</p

    Thermal relaxation and quantum tunnelling of the magnetization in Mn_12-acetate

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    The dependence of the magnetic moment m on the temperature T and the magnetic field H in a synthesized molecular magnet Mn_12-acetate has been measured using a SQUID magnetometer. The splitting of zero-field cooled (ZFC) and field-cooled (FC) m(T) curves below the so-called blocking temperature TB ( ā‰ˆ 3.6 K at H = 0) was observed. By measuring the time relaxation of m, it was found that it tended to the same value with the same relaxation time ( ā‰ˆ 560 s at 3 K) for both ZFC and FC processes. This indicates spin freezing below TB and the single molecule process in the explored temperature range (2 K < T < 4 K). The dependence of TB on applied H was also investigated. The decreasing of TB with increasing H can be explained in the frame of barrier reduction in the applied field

    Termička relaksacija i kvantno tuneliranje magnetizacije u Mn12-acetatu

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    The dependence of the magnetic moment m on the temperature T and the magnetic field H in a synthesized molecular magnet Mn12-acetate has been measured using a SQUID magnetometer. The splitting of zero-field cooled (ZFC) and field-cooled (FC) m(T) curves below the so-called blocking temperature TB (ā‰ˆ 3.6 K at H = 0) was observed. By measuring the time relaxation of m, it was found that it tended to the same value with the same relaxation time (ā‰ˆ 560 s at 3 K) for both ZFC and FC processes. This indicates spin freezing below TB and the single molecule process in the explored temperature range (2 K <T < 4 K). The dependence of TB on applied H was also investigated. The decreasing of TB with increasing H can be explained in the frame of barrier reduction in the applied field.Mjerili smo ovisnost magnetskog momenta m sintetiziranog molekulskog magneta Mn12-acetat o temperaturi T i magnetskom polju H pomoću SQUID magnetometra. Ispod tzv. temperature kočenja TB (ā‰ˆ 3.6 K pri H = 0) primijetili smo razdvajanje krivulja m(T) za uzorak hlađen bez polja (ZFC) i hlađen u polju (FC). Mjerenja vremenske relaksacije m pokazuju da m teži istim vrijednostima s jednakim relaksacijskim vremenima (ā‰ˆ 560 s na 3 K) za oba procesa, ZFC i FC. Narečeno ukazuje na zamrzavanje spinova ispod temperature kočenja TB (ā‰ˆ 3.5 K) i jednočestičnu prirodu procesa u istraživanom temperaturnom području (2 K <T < 4 K). Istraživali smo i ovisnost TB o primijenjenom polju H. Pad TB s povećanjem H objaÅ”njavamo sniženjem bedema u primijenjenom polju
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