34 research outputs found

    Boron application in red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) seed production

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    peer-reviewedThis work is part of the research project TR-31016, funded by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia.A field trial with four red clover cultivars was established on acid soil in order to evaluate the effect of foliar boron application on seed yield. The crop received foliar boron treatment during the second growth of the second year at two applications. Although seed yield showed a significant increase in boron-treated plants in 2011 compared with control (26.0%), its relative increase was far higher in 2010 (43.2%), which had increased total rainfall amounts during flowering. Sufficient level of boron supply to red clover plants for seed production has a remarkably positive effect under conditions hampering pollination and fertilisation.Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbi

    Proizvodne osobine i kvalitet ploda novointrodukovanih sorti jagode

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    The paper presents results of the research into productive qualities and fruit quality of the ā€˜Clery, ā€˜Jolyā€™ and ā€˜Delyā€™ strawberry cultivars, conducted during 2012 and 2013. The fruit mass and yield per crown were significantly higher in the ā€˜Jolyā€™ cultivar. A significantly higher number of fruits per crown and higher yield per crown were recorded in the second year of harvest, whereas the fruit mass was significantly higher in the first year. The highest values of fruit quality parameters (RSM and total acidity) were recorded in the ā€˜Jolyā€™ cultivar, whereas the highest values of the total sugars, pH and the RSM/total acidity ratio were recorded in the ā€˜Delyā€™ cultivar. A better chemical composition of the fruit of the examined cultivars was determined in 2012. In the overall result, the ā€˜Jolyā€™ cultivar demonstrated the best productive qualities, whereas the ā€˜Delyā€™ cultivar was superior from the aspect of the fruit quality.U radu su prikazani rezultati dvogodiÅ”njih proučavanja (2012āˆ’2013.) proizvodnih osobina i kvaliteta ploda jagode sorti ā€˜Cleryā€™, ā€˜Jolyā€™ i ā€˜Delyā€™. Vrednosti mase ploda i prinosa po bokoru bile su značajno veće kod sorte ā€˜Jolyā€™. Značajno veći broj plodova po bokoru i prinos po bokoru zabeležen je u drugoj godini plodonoÅ”enja, dok je masa ploda bila značajno veća u prvoj godini. Najveće vrednosti parametara kvaliteta ploda (rastvorljiva suva materija i ukupna kiselost), zabeležene su kod sorte ā€˜Jolyā€™, dok su najveće vrednosti sadržaja ukupnih Å”ećera, pH i odnosa RSM/UK zabeležene kod sorte ā€˜Delyā€™. Hemisjki sastav ploda, svih proučavanih sorti, bio je izraženiji u 2012. godini. Ukupno posmatrano, najbolja proizvodna svojstva ispoljila je sorta ā€˜Jolyā€™, dok je sa stanoviÅ”ta kvaliteta ploda, superiornost pokazala sorta ā€˜Delyā€™

    Uticaj kalcizacije na proizvodnju krme crvene deteline i italijanskog ljulja gajenih u smeŔi

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    This paper examines the influence of liming (control - without CaO; 3t ha-1 CaO) on acidic soil pH of 4.8 to forage, hay yield, the share of red clover, Italian ryegrass and weeds in the total hay yield of mixture crop. The experiment was a set up by randomized complete block design with three replications, with the size of the experimental plots of 5m2 (5x1m). Sowing was done on 20 cm interrow. Soil liming was resulted in a significant increase of yields forage and hay of crops only the first cut in 2012. In all growth during 2011 and 2012, liming is influenced significantly increase the share of Italian ryegrass at the expense of reduction of red clover share, while the share of weeds was not significantly changed. In the third year of production, there was only one growth of red clover, which was very sparse and exhausted, and Italian ryegrass was not. In such conditions, liming is influenced significantly increase the share of red clover at the expense of a significant reduction in the share of weeds.U radu je ispitivan uticaj primene kalcizacije (kontrola ā€“ bez CaO; 3t ha-1 CaO) na kiselom zemljiÅ”tu pH 4,8 na prinos krme, prinos sena, udeo crvene deteline, italijanskog ljulja i korova u ukupnom prinosu sena zdrzuženog useva. Ogled je postavljen po potpuno slučajnom blok sistemu u tri ponavljanja, sa veličinom eksperimentalne parcele od 5m2 (5x1m). Setva je obavljena na međurednom rastojanju od 20cm. Primena kalcizacije značajno je uticala na povećanje prinosa krme i prinosa sena združenog useva jedino u prvom porastu 2012. godine. U svim porastima tokom 2011. i 2012. godine, kalcizacija je uticala na značajno povećanje udela italijanskog ljulja na račun smanjenja udela crvene deteline, dok se udeo korova nije značajno menjao. U trećoj godini proizvodnje, postojao je samo jedan porast crvene deteline, koji je bio jako proređen i iscrpljen, a italijanskog ljulja nije bilo. U takvim uslovima kalcizacija je uticala na značajno povećanje udela crvene deteline na račun značajnog smanjenja udela korova

    Uticaj kalcizacije zemljiŔta na prinos krme i semena Žutog zvezdana (Lotus corniculatus L.)

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    A prerequisite for improving birdsfoot trefoil cultivation is the production of sufficient quantities of quality seeds. The field experiment was set 2012th in Čačak on alluvium soil type, acid reaction (pHH2O 4.8). Varieties birdsfoot trefoil (K-37 and Rocco) were sown at a interrow spacing of 20 cm and 10 kg ha-1 seed. The aim of the experiment was to analyze the impact of the application of limestone soil (without CaO and treatment with 3 t ha-1 CaO) on forage yield, seed yield and yield components of birdsfoot trefoil. The results indicate that birdsfoot trefoil was largely tolerant on acidity. The positive influence of liming on number of stems m-2 and number of seeds per pod in the variety Rocco contributed to its greater seed yield in relation to the variety of K-37.Preduslov za unapređenje gajenja žutog zvezdana je proizvodnja dovoljne količine kvalitetnog semena. Poljski ekseriment je postavljen 2012. godine u Čačku na zemljiÅ”tu tipa aluvijum, kisele reakcije (pHH2O 4,8). Sorte žutog zvezdana (K-37 i Rocco) posejane su na rastojanju 20 cm međuredno sa 10 kg ha-1 semena. Cilj ogleda bio je da se analizira uticaj kalcizacije zemljiÅ”ta (kontrola - bez CaO i tretman sa 3 t ha-1 CaO) na kiselom zemljiÅ”tu na prinos krme, prinos i komponente prinosa semena sorti žutog zvezdana. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je žuti zvezdan u velikoj meri tolerantan na uslove kiselog zemljiÅ”ta. Kalcizacija zemljiÅ”ta je ispoljila jači uticaj na broj izdanaka m-2 i broj zrna po mahuni kod sorte Rocco, Å”to se odrazilo i na njen značajno veći prinos semena u odnosu na sortu K-37

    Influence of fertigation on generative potential and pomological properties of different apple cultivars

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    The paper presents an investigation into the influence of fertigation on generative potential parameters and pomological properties of apple fruits. The study was done in apple orchard of Fruit Research Institute Cacak (Serbia) over two-year period (2009ā€“2011) on three cultivars (\u27Morens Jonagored\u27, \u27Gloster\u27 and \u27Granny Smith\u27). Fertigation included fertilizers NPK 16:8:32, NPK 12:0:43 and PGPR ā€“ inoculum of diazotrophic bacterium Klebsiella. Results of the study suggest that fertigation with 12:0:43 NPK fertilizer had the most pronounced effect on all generative potential parameters, except abundance of flowering (initial fruit set ā€“ 3.71; final fruit set ā€“ 3.31). Similarly, this fertilizer had the same effect on all yield parameters in the apple cultivars studied, i.e. yield per tree ā€“ 9.60 kg/tree, yield per unit land area ā€“ 24.40 t/ha, cumulative yield ā€“ 19.20 kg/tree, cumulative yield 48.00 t/ha and yield efficiency ā€“ 0.77 kg/cm2. Mineral fertilizer NPK 16:8:32 gave the highest abundance of flowering (4.51). In terms of pomological properties the applied fertilizers had a significant effect on fruit weight (239.05 g), soluble solids content (14.78%) and ripeness degree (4.75)

    Uticaj biohemijskog sastava ploda na senzoričku ocenu kvaliteta ploda novointrodukovanih sorti jagode

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    The paper presents the results of the study conducted into the impact made by biochemical composition on sensory appraisal of the fruits of the Ź»Cleryā€™, Ź»Jolyā€™ and Ź»Delyā€™ strawberry cultivars in the period 2012ā€“2013. In 2012 a significantly higher content of total sugars was recorded in Ź»Delyā€™ and Ź»Cleryā€™ cultivars, compared to Ź»Jolyā€™ cultivar. In 2013, a significantly higher content of total and reduced sugars were determined in the Ź»Jolyā€™ and Ź»Delyā€™ cultivar compared to ā€˜Cleryā€™. Within the scope of the two years of research, the highest contents of sucrose was recorded in the ā€˜Jolyā€™ strawberry cultivar. In the first trial year, the highest content of total acids was recorded in the ā€˜Cleryā€™ cultivar, whereas in the second trial year the highest total acids content was found in the ā€˜Jolyā€™ cultivar. A high cumulative grade for the sensory quality of fruit was attained by the ā€˜Jolyā€™ cultivar, whereas the lowest cumulative grade was given to the Ź»Cleryā€™ cultivar in both trial years. Considering the best score for the biochemical composition and sensory quality of the fruit, the ā€˜Jolyā€™ cultivar can be recommended for more intensive use in the production practice.U radu su prikazani rezultati proučavanja uticaja biohemijskog sastava ploda na senzoričku ocenu kvaliteta ploda jagode sorti Ź»Cleryā€™, Ź»Jolyā€™ i Ź»Delyā€™ u periodu 2012ā€“2013. godina. Značajno viÅ”i sadržaj ukupnih Å”ećera registrovan je kod sorti Ź»Delyā€™ i Ź»Cleryā€™ u poređenju sa sortom Ź»Jolyā€™, u 2012. godini. U 2013. godini, značajno viÅ”i sadržaj ukupnih i invertnih Å”ećera evidentiran je kod sorti Ź»Jolyā€™ i Ź»Delyā€™ u odnosu na sortu ā€˜Cleryā€™. U dvogodiÅ”njem periodu istraživanja, najveća vrednost sadržaja saharoze evidentirana je u plodu jagode sorte Ź»Jolyā€™. U prvoj godini istraživanja, najviÅ”i sadržaj ukupnih kiselina zabeležen je kod sorte Ź»Cleryā€™, a u drugoj godini istraživanja kod sorte Ź»Jolyā€™. Visoke zbirne ocene za senzorički kvalitet ploda ostvarila je sorta Ź»Jolyā€™, a najniže zbirne ocene sorta Ź»Cleryā€™, u obe godine istraživanja. Najbolje rezultate u pogledu biohemijskog sastava i senzoričkog kvaliteta ploda ostvarila je sorta Ź»Jolyā€™, pa se ova sorta može preporučiti za intenzivnije Å”irenje u proizvodnoj praksi

    Uticaj folijarne primene tečnog organskog đubriva na prinos i komponente prinosa semena crvene deteline na kiselom zemljiÅ”tu

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    The field experiment with varieties of red clover K-39 and Amos, was set up on alluvial soil type using a randomized block design with three replications and plot size 5x1m. The aim was to analyze the effect of foliar application of liquid organic fertilizer (Bioplant flora, Plant DOO, Russia) on seed yield and yield components of red clover in the conditions of dense planting. Regardless of foliar application of liquid fertilizer, cultivar K-39 had a significantly higher number of inflorescences per stem, number of inflorescences m-2, seed number per inflorescence, fertility of flowers and seed yield. Foliar application of liquid fertilizer resulted in a significant increase in the value of yield components, especially fertility and the number of flowers per inflorescence in cultivar K-39.Poljski ogled sa sortama crvene deteline K-39 i Amos, postavljen je na zemljiÅ”tu tipa aluvijum po potpuno slučajnom blok sistemu u tri ponavljanja i veličinom elementarne parcele 5x1m. Cilj rada bio je da se analizira uticaj folijarne primene tečniog organskog đubriva (Bioplant flora, Plant DOO, Rusija) na komponente prinosa i prinos semena crvene deteline u uslovima guste setve. Nezavisno od folijarne primene tečnog organskog đubriva, sorta K-39 je imala značajno veći broj cvasti po izdanku, broj cvasti m-2, broj zrna po cvasti, značajno veću fertilnost cvetova i prinos semena u odnosu na sortu Amos. Folijarna primena tečnog organskog đubriva uticala je na značajno povećanje vrednosti komponenti prinosa, a pre svega fertilnosti cvetova i broja zrna po cvasti kod sorte K-39

    BioloÅ”ko-proizvodne osobine sorte jagodeā€˜Leatitiaā€™ na području Čačka

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    The paper presents results of the research of vegetative and generative potential, phenological properties and fruit quality of the promising strawberry cultivar ā€˜Leatitiaā€™ in the 2016ā€“2017 period. Significantly higher values of all tested parameters of vegetative, generative potential, productivity and fruit mass were determined in the second experimental year. High firmness values were determined in both years of the research, while significantly higher phenolics content and antioxidative capacity were registered in the fruits the second year after planting. Spread of the strawberry cultivar ā€˜Leatitiaā€™ in production practices can be recommended primarily because of the late ripening, high productivity and very high quality of fruits.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja vegetativnog, generativnog potencijala, fenoloÅ”kih osobina i kvaliteta ploda perspektivne sorte jagode ā€˜Leatitiaā€™ u periodu 2016ā€“2017. godine. U drugoj eksprimentalnoj godini, utvrđene su značajno viÅ”e vrednosti svih ispitivanih parametara vegetativnog, generativnog potencijala, produktivnosti i mase ploda. Visoke vrednosti čvrstine ploda utvrđene su u obe godine istraživanja, dok su značajno veći fenolni sadržaj i antioksidativni kapacitet registrovani u plodovima jagode u drugoj godini nakon sadnje. Å irenje sorte jagode ā€˜Leatitiaā€™ u proizvodnjoj praksi može se preporučiti prevashodno zbog kasnog vremena zrenja, visoke rodnosti i veoma kvalitetnog ploda

    Patients\u27 Perceptions and Patient-Reported Outcomes in Progressive-Fibrosing Interstitial Lung Diseases

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    The effects of interstitial lung disease (ILD) create a significant burden on patients, unsettling almost every domain of their lives, disrupting their physical and emotional well-being and impairing their quality of life (QoL). Because many ILDs are incurable, and there are limited reliably-effective, life-prolonging treatment options available, the focus of many therapeutic interventions has been on improving or maintaining how patients with ILD feel and function, and by extension, their QoL. Such patient-centred outcomes are best assessed by patients themselves through tools that capture their perceptions, which inherently incorporate their values and judgements. These patient-reported outcome measures (PROs) can be used to assess an array of constructs affected by a disease or the interventions implemented to treat it. Here, we review the impact of ILD that may present with a progressive-fibrosing phenotype on patients\u27 lives and examine how PROs have been used to measure that impact and the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions

    Patients\u27 perceptions and patient-reported outcomes in progressive-fibrosing interstitial lung diseases

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    The effects of interstitial lung disease (ILD) create a significant burden on patients, unsettling almost every domain of their lives, disrupting their physical and emotional well-being and impairing their quality of life (QoL). Because many ILDs are incurable, and there are limited reliably-effective, life-prolonging treatment options available, the focus of many therapeutic interventions has been on improving or maintaining how patients with ILD feel and function, and by extension, their QoL. Such patient-centred outcomes are best assessed by patients themselves through tools that capture their perceptions, which inherently incorporate their values and judgements. These patient-reported outcome measures (PROs) can be used to assess an array of constructs affected by a disease or the interventions implemented to treat it. Here, we review the impact of ILD that may present with a progressive-fibrosing phenotype on patients\u27 lives and examine how PROs have been used to measure that impact and the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions