190 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Impact of Public Education Expenditure on Economic Growth of European Union and BRICS

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    Knowledge is one of the key factors for the development and progress of each of the world economies. Starting with the industrial revolution, more attention and resources are invested in the development of the education system. Economies need to invest effort and resources in the education system that would allow for population to prepare for participation in the economic life of their country. This means that investing in youth education and training for work in the economy and development of young people in research, development and science would contribute to the development of new technologies and knowledge. Development of new technologies and knowledge contributes to increased competitiveness of country in the global market. This paper presents a comparative analysis of investment funds in the education systems of the European Union and BRICS, and it is shown that there is a positive correlation between public expenditure on education and the value of GDP of the country

    A Review of Consensus Protocols in Permissioned Blockchains

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    Consensus protocols are used for the distributed management of large databases in an environment without trust among participants. The choice of a specific protocol depends on the purpose and characteristics of the system itself. The subjects of the paper are consensus protocols in permissioned blockchains. The objective of this paper is to identify functional advantages and disadvantages of observed protocol. The analysis covers a total of six consensus protocols for permissioned blockchains. The following characteristics were compared: security, trust among participants, throughput and scalability. The results show that no protocol shows absolute dominance in all aspects of the comparison. Paxos and Raft are intended for systems in which there is no suspicion of unreliable users, but only the problem of a temporary shutdown. Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance is intended for systems with a small number of nodes. Federated Byzantine Fault Tolerance shows better scalability and is more suitable for large systems, but can withstand a smaller number of malicious nodes. Proof-of-authority can withstand the largest number of malicious nodes without interfering with the functioning of the system. When choosing a consensus protocol for a blockchain application, one should take into account priority characteristics

    The University Dress Code

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    Namjera je ovoga rada pokazati kako je pravilnik o odijevanju prijeko potreban i nužan dio procesa brendiranja sveučilišta. U tu je svrhu provedeno istraživanje koje je obuhvatilo brojna cijenjena sveučilišta na Zapadu. Na početku se određuje značenje izraza pravilnik o odijevanju u njegovu izvornome obliku dress code, zatim se ukazuje na tri razine važnosti ovoga pravilnika u pisanu obliku (individualna, institucionalna i društvena), kao i na tri moguća pristupa ovomu fenomenu (konzervativni, liberalni i umjereni). Nakon toga slijede iskustva iz svijeta koja su poslužila u izradbi ovoga prijedloga pravilnika, s posebnim osvrtom na sveučilišta u Sjedinjenim Državama. Kao ogledni primjer potrebe za pisanim oblikom pravilnika naveden je slučaj sveučilišta Berkley, CA iz 1992. Tada se jedan student na predavanjima pojavljivao potpuno razodjeven. U konačnici je prijedlog Pravilnika o odijevanju Sveučilišta u Mostaru.The intention of this work is to show that „Regulations on Dress Code“ is a neccessary and indispensable part of the University Branding Process. For this purpose the research was undertaken and it includes a number of universities in the West. At the start it determines the meaning of the expression „Dress Code“ in its original form, then points out three levels of importance of the adoption of this Ordinance in writing (individual, institutional and „moderate“). This is followed by the experience of the world that was used in the drafting of this Ordinance, with particular emphasis on universities in the U.S.. The case of the University of Berkley, CA in 1992. is singled out as an example of the need for a written form of the Regulations, when a student appeared completely undress in the classroom. Finally, the draft „Regulations on the Dress Code of the University of Mostar“

    Political Public Relations − Media and Information Management

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    Political public relations, as one of the PR programmes, has slowly created strategies and tactics for communication with the public and the media. Media management and information management are the most important activities of the political public relations. These activities are frequently connected with non-ethical communication, whose aim is media manipulation and manipulation of the public. Media manipulation is well known as communication spin. These activities are created by government and political communication specialists, referred to as spin doctors. The paper analyzes several spin techniques of the government PR. Although there are signs of manipulation, political PR specialists claim that it is “acceptable” communication that is in the “interest” of the organization and the public


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    Odnosi s medijima jedan su od najvažnijih programa odnosa s javnošću. Zbog svoje javne izloženosti često se pojmovi odnosa s javnošću i odnosa s medijima poistovjećuje. Takav je pogled ne- potpun i netočan. Odnosi s medijima područje su komunikaci- je organizacije s jednim od najvažnijih dionika, a to su mediji. Unutar takve suradnje praktičari odnosa s javnošću u stalnoj su komunikaciji s novinarima. Taj odnos često zna biti napet i prožet brojnim nesporazumima. S druge strane, moguće je izgraditi ko- rektne odnose koji će biti u interesu organizacije i medija, a time i javnosti. Autori razmatraju poglede i perspektivu novinara na te odnose kao i praktičara odnosa s javnošću. Samo potpun uvid u složenost ovih odnosa omogućava izgradnju dvosmjerne simetrične komunikacije kao modela uspješne komunikacije organizacija i medija.Media relations are one of the most important programmes of the public relations. Because of the element of publicity we frequently mix the terms media relations and public relations. Such a view is incomplete and incorrect. Media relations belong to the field of communication between an or- ganization and one of the most important participants, the media. As a part of such a cooperation, the PRs are in close communication with the journalists. The relationship is frequently tense and loaded with misunderstandings. On the other hand, it is possible to build correct relations that will be in the interest of the organzation and the media, and the public. The authors of the paper discuss the views and the perspective of journalists as well as PRs to those relations. Only a thorough insight into the complexity of these relations can build a bidirectional symmetric communication as a model of a successful communication between an organization and the media

    Promjena gustoće i položaja zuba kod ortodontske terapije

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    Ovim radom analizirana je promjena gustoće alveolne kosti prije i nakon ortodontske terapije koristeći CT snimke i programski paket Mimics. Koristeći ovu metodu moguće je definirati smjer djelovanja sile, pomak i centar rotacije promatrajući promjenu vrijednosti Houndsfield unitsa (HU) alveolne kosti. Primjenjujući empirijske jednadžbe, preko promjene HU definirana je i promjena prividne gustoće, koja je pokazatelj procesa koštane pregradnje, odnosno procesa resorpcije i apozicije, a analogno s gustoćom i promjena modula elastičnosti. Koristeći programski paket Mimics promjene HU vrijednosti koje su direktno povezane s pomakom zuba, potvrđene su uspoređivanjem modela prije i nakon terapije

    The Relevance of GHG Emissions from Motor Vehicles

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    The Earth\u27s atmosphere contains not more than 2% of greenhouse gases (GHG), and only 3.4% of them are produced by human activities. GHG emissions from road transport amount to less than 0.3 % of global GHG emissions. In spite of that, even in the Kyoto Protocol, road transport is pointed out as one of the most important targets when the global GHG emission reduction is concerned. In April 2009, the European Commission adopted the regulation (EC) 443/2009, setting CO2 emission performance standards for new passenger cars. The paper briefly describes the global economic impact of the Kyoto Protocol on developing countries. Then, total GHG emissions of various types of vehicles are reviewed, and the emerging vehicle technologies, focusing on reducing GHG emissions and replacing fossil fuels with alternative energy resources, are discussed. A well-to-wheel (WTW) analysis of a midsize electric car operating in Croatia has been carried out in the case study. Finally, the main conclusions are drawn: further reduction in GHG emissions from road transport would result in marginal global effects and, compared to all new power train systems, internal combustion engine running on fossil fuels still has great potential for further improvements thus remaining the most viable solution for the future