32 research outputs found


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    U izdanju Sveučilišta u Mostaru krajem 2018 godine objavljena je knjiga ˶Bolesti dojkeʺ urednika prof. dr. sc. Nikice Šutala i prof. dr. sc. Joška Petričevića. Knjiga sadrži 13 poglavlja Pored urednika koji su osmislili koncept knjige, u pisanju poglavlja učestovali su sljedeći autori: prof. dr. sc. Ljerka Ostojić, prof. dr. sc. Katarina Vukojević, doc. dr. sc. Sandra Kostić, prof. dr. sc. Dragan Babić, prof. dr. sc. Danijel Pravdić, prof. dr. sc. Ivan Vasilj, doc. dr. sc. Davorin Kozomara, doc. dr. sc. Vesna Miljanović– Damjanović, doc. dr. sc. Josip Mišković, doc. dr. sc. Marko Martinac, dr. sc. Martina Šoljić, dr. sc. Inga Marijanović, mr. sc. IvanaTica-Sedlar, dr. sc. Vedran Markotić, Dorijan Radančević, dr. med., Gojko Bogdan dr. med., Teo Buhovac dr. med., i Danijela Glibo-Bevanda dr. med


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    U radu je istaknuta važnost Sveučilišta kao znanstvene institucije koja doprinosi povećanju broja istraživanja i znanstvene produktivnosti, te koliko je ono važno za razvoj i zaštitu lokalne zajednice u kriznim situacijama poput pandemije koronoavirusa (COVID-19). Iako znanost, posebice biomedicinsku i zdravstvenu, promatramo kao isključivo međunarodnu, ova pandemija je pokazala kako pojedine zemlje daju različit doprinos u zaštiti svojih građana. Pojedine države su se posebno istakle kada je u pitanju povjerenje u znanstvenike sa svojih sveučilišta poput Švedske, Njemačke, ali i manjih država poput Hrvatske i Slovenije. Možemo utvrditi kako su u ovakvim krizama, većim dijelom, država i lokalne zajednice bile prepuštene sveučilištima sa svoga područja, odnosno znanju njihovih znanstvenika i time još jednom ističemo značaj sveučilišta za lokalnu zajednicu u kojoj djeluju

    Cerebral Palsy: Early Diagnosis, Intervention and Risk Factors

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    Early diagnosis and intervention intensity were suggested to be crucial factor in cerebral palsy (CP) treatment. Herein we observed 347 children diagnosed for CP in Clinical Hospital Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and studied the relationship between (a) intervention start point and the final motor outcome, (b) intensity of treatment and final outcome, and (c) relationship between documented risk factors and early diagnosis of the CP. Our study suggests that it is possible to relatively accurately diagnose the CP in the first trimester. Previous miscarriages, sepsis and intracerebral haemorrhage were significantly related to early diagnosis, while delivery outcome, RDS, premature birth, intracerebral haemorrhage, sepsis, meningitis, hydrocephalus and convulsions were found as significantly related to final motor CP outcome. We have found no significant influence of the intervention intensity and final diagnosis. Our results support the idea that the intervention start point has to be considered as one of the most important factors for the effective intervention program. In future studies dealing with the CP interventions and risk factors, special attention should be paid to homogeneity and size of the sample, as well as necessity of including the non-treated controls in the investigation

    Pathological pregnancy and psychological symptoms in women [Patološka trudnoća i psihički simptomi u žena]

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    Pregnancy is followed by many physiologic, organic and psychological changes and disorders, which can become more serious in pregnancy followed by complications, especially in women with pathological conditions during pregnancy. The purpose of this study was to find out and analyze the prevalence and intensity of psychological disorders in women with pathological conditions during pregnancy and compare it with conditions in pregnant women who had normal development of pregnancy. The research is approved by the Ethical committee of the Mostar University Hospital Center, and it was made in accordance with Helsinki declaration and good clinical practices. The research conducted section for pathology of pregnancy of Department for gynecology and obstetrics of the Mostar University Hospital Center. It included 82 pregnant women with disorders in pregnancy developement and control group consisted of pregnant women who had normal development of pregnancy. The research work was conducted from September 2007 to August 2008 in Mostar University Hospital Center. Pregnant women had Standard and laboratory tests, Ultrasound. CTG examinations were done for all pregnant women and additional tests for those women with complications during pregnancy. Pregnant women completed sociobiographical, obstetrical-clinical and psychological SCL 90-R questionnaire. Pregnant women with pathological pregnancy exibited significantly more psychological symptoms in comparison to pregnant women with normal pregnancy (p < 0.001 to p = 0.004). Frequency and intensity of psychical symptoms and disorders statisticly are more characteristic in pathological pregnancy (61%/40.6%). The statistical data indicate a significantly higher score of psychological disorders in those pregnant women with primary school education (p = 0.050), those who take more than 60% carbohydrates (p = 0.001), those with pathological CTG records (p < 0.001), those with pathological ultrasound results (p < 0.001 to 0.216) and those pregnant women with medium obesity and obesity (p = 0.046). Body mass index (BMI) during normal pregnancy development is lower (p = 0.002) but the levels of glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, HDL and LDL in blood are higher Blood pressure in pregnant women with pathological pregnancy was statistically significantly higher (p < 0.001). Diagnostic criteria for the metabolic syndrome were found in 19 pregnant women with the pathological pregnancy. Statistically, in those women, a significantly higher appearance of psychological symptoms and disorders was observed in comparison to the pregnant women without metabolic syndrome (p < 0.001). The research has shown that 87.8% from all pregnant women included in this study have been hospitalized due to premature birth, hypertensive disorders, and diabetes in pregnancy, and also due to bleeding in the second and third trimester of pregnancy


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    Base: There are numerous studies that indicate the co-morbidity of a metabolic syndrome and mental disorders. Metabolic syndrome and mental disorders in pregnant women are rarely investigated, especially in pathological pregnancy. Goal: To determine a relationship between predisposed factors in pregnancy and the occurrence of metabolic syndrome as well as to determine the occurrence of psychological symptoms and disorders in pregnant women. Subjects and methods: The tested sample consisted of 162 pregnant women (80 with normal and 82 with pathological pregnancy). For the examination, 3 questionnaires were used: clinical, laboratory, ultrasound and radiological scanning. Metabolic syndrome was diagnosed according to WHO criteria, and psychological symptoms by using the SCL 90-R questionnaire. Results: Metabolic syndrome was confirmed in 19 (23.2%) women with pathological pregnancy. These women had a greater prevalence of psychological symptoms (p<0.001). Conclusion: Women with pathological pregnancy who are diagnosed with metabolic syndrome showed significantly more psychological symptoms