36 research outputs found

    On the mutual polarization of two He-4 atoms

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    We propose a simple method based on the standard quantum-mechanical perturbation theory to calculate the mutual polarization of two atoms He^4.Comment: 9 pages, 1 table; the article is revised and the calculation is essentially refined; v4: final version, the Introduction is delete

    Theory of a Narrow roton Absorption Line in the Spectrum of a Disk-Shaped SHF Resonator

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    We calculate the probability of the birth of a circular phonon (c-phonon) in He II by a c-photon of the resonator. It is shown that this probability has sharp maxima at frequencies, where the effective group velocity of the c-phonon is equal to zero; the density of states of c-phonons strongly grows at such frequencies. For He II, these frequencies correspond to a roton and a maxon. From the probability of the c-roton birth, we calculate the roto line width which is found to approximately agree with the experimental one. We conclude that the roton line observed in the super-high-frequency (SHF) absorption spectrum of helium is related to the birth of c-rotons. A possible interpretation of the Stark effect observed for the roton line is also proposed.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, v2: journal variant, several minor correction

    Polarization Effects in Superfluid 4^4He

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    A theory of thermoelectric phenomena in superfluid 4He^4He is developed. It is found an estimation of the dipole moment of helium atom arising due to electron shell deformation caused by pushing forces from the side of its surrounding atoms. The corresponding electric signal generated in a liquid consisting of electrically neutral atoms by the ordinary sound waves is found extremely small. The second sound waves in superfluid 4He^4He generate the polarization of liquid induced by the relative accelerated motion of the superfluid and the normal component. The derived ratio of the amplitudes of temperature and electric polarization potential was proved to be practically temperature independent. Its magnitude is in reasonable correspondence with the experimental observations. The polarity of electric signal is determined by the sign of temperature gradient in accordance with the measurements. The problem of the roton excitations dipole moment is also discussed.Comment: 8 pages, no figure

    Some mechanisms of "spontaneous" polarization of superfluid He-4

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    Previously, a quantum "tidal" mechanism of polarization of the atoms of He-II was proposed, according to which, as a result of interatomic interaction, each atom of He-II acquires small fluctuating dipole and multipole moments, oriented chaotically on the average. In this work, we show that, in the presence of a temperature or density gradient in He-II, the originally chaotically oriented tidal dipole moments of the atoms become partially ordered, which results in volume polarization of He-II. It is found that the gravitational field of the Earth induces electric induction U =10(-7)V in He-II (for vessel dimensions of the order of 10 cm). We study also the connection of polarization and acceleration, and discuss a possible nature of the electric signal dU = kdT/2e observed by A.S. Rybalko in experiments with second sound.Comment: 13 pages; the calculation is extended and refined; v4: reconstructio

    Effect of dexamethasone therapy on factors of adhesiveness and coagulation in acute lower limb ischemia

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    Leukocyte-platelet adhesion during hypoxia, tissue damage, activation of inflammation and coagulation is associated with the expression of ICAM-1 membrane molecules and integrins by blood and tissue cells. At the same time, platelet adhesion receptors determine their adhesion to the endothelium and recruited lymphocytes. The role of platelets in the pathogenesis of ischemic cardiovascular diseases also consists in their ability to modulate both hemostasis and inflammatory reactions, which is accompanied by the secretion of inflammatory mediators and factors that promote the recruitment of leukocytes to tissue damage sites. Purpose of the study: to study the effect of the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone on the expression of adhesion receptors CD18+ and CD54+ on leukocytes, the content of platelets and fibrinogen in the blood of patients with ALLI, the relationship of these indicators with the severity and outcome of the disease.To study the effect of anti-inflammatory therapy, a group of 32 patients treated with dexamethasone was formed; the comparison group was represented by 71 patients with basic therapy, the control group consisted of 15 volunteers. After revascularization, all patients received antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy. Dexamethasone infusions were carried out in a course of 4 to 6 days after reconstructive surgery. In all patients, the content of C-reactive protein in the blood, the content of platelets and fibrinogen were determined. The number of lymphocytes expressing adhesion molecules ICAM-1 (CD54+) and integrins (CD18+) was counted using the immunocytochemical method. Studies were performed before surgery and on days 1, 3, 7, and 10 after surgery.With exacerbation of ischemia and damage to the endothelium, the accumulation of cytolysis products, the expression of adhesion molecules increases both on endotheliocytes and on inflammatory effector cells – leukocytes and platelets. Adhesion molecules conduct an activation signal inside the cell, which promotes adhesion of leukocytes and platelets to the endothelium, lymphocytic-platelet adhesion, the formation of a parietal thrombus, and possible occlusion of damaged vessels. Increased expression of adhesion molecules is associated with the activation of metabolism, inflammation, coagulation and oxidative stress, stimulates all hematopoietic lineages, including platelets. The level of involvement of cellular reactions in the pathogenesis of the disease affects the effectiveness and duration of treatment, the risk of recurrent thrombosis and death. Anti-inflammatory therapy with dexamethasone contributed to earlier remission, a decrease in the proportion of infectious complications, such as wound suppuration from 10% to 6%, the number of necessary amputations from 32% to 16%, the frequency of deaths from 31% to 6%, and a reduction in hospital stay from 13 days to 10.Inflammation, adhesiveness of effector cells and thrombosis are important factors in the pathogenesis of acute lower limb ischemia. Therapy with dexamethasone helps to reduce the level of systemic inflammatory response, the number of necessary amputations, the number of complications and adverse outcomes in the treatment of ALLI, and reduce the length of stay in the hospital

    Facile Hydrogen Evolution Reaction on WO3Nanorods

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    Tungsten trioxide nanorods have been generated by the thermal decomposition (450 °C) of tetrabutylammonium decatungstate. The synthesized tungsten trioxide (WO3) nanorods have been characterized by XRD, Raman, SEM, TEM, HRTEM and cyclic voltammetry. High resolution transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the synthesized WO3nanorods are crystalline in nature with monoclinic structure. The electrochemical experiments showed that they constitute a better electrocatalytic system for hydrogen evolution reaction in acid medium compared to their bulk counterpart

    Assessment and monitoring of fires caused by the War in Ukraine on Landscape scale

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    The article assesses the changes in the state of Ukraine’s natural environment, namely due to the fire on its territories as a result of military operations. Remote sensing can be considered as a decision support tool for landscape management, remote sensing plays a vital operational tool in the affected areas to assess the consequences, as well as to make appropriate decisions to protect the environment and support environmental recovery programs in these areas