131 research outputs found

    Geografia dos novos espaços de trabalho em Portugal

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    Os novos espaços de trabalho, como os coworking, fablabs, makerspaces, hubs criativos, têm ganho uma interesse crescente nas estratégias locais de desenvolvimento, enquanto espaços de promoção do empreendedorismo e inovação local [1]. Em particular, os espaços de coworking sobressaíram pela expansão exponencial verificada nos últimos anos. Segundo a revista Deskmag [2], dos 600 coworkings identificados em 2010 passou-se para 18 700 em 2018, o que corresponde 1,65 milhões de utilizadores em todo o mundo. Os espaços de coworking floresceram enquanto comunidades de trabalho colaborativo e de partilha, especialmente vocacionados para trabalhadores independentes e nas áreas das indústrias culturais e criativas e tecnologias digitais [3]. No entanto, tem-se assistido a uma diversificação de modelos e utilizadores. Existem cada vez mais corporações mobiliárias que reproduzem este modelo, e estes espaços atraem cada vez mais trabalhadores remotos de empresas, start-ups e outras empresas de várias dimensões. Embora, a grande maioria destes espaços se localizem em áreas centrais de grandes cidades, tem havido também uma propagação gradual para zonas periféricas, cidades e vilas menos densamente povoadas em toda a UE [4]. O mesmo tem vindo a acontecer em Portugal, em grande parte devido ao crescimento do trabalho remoto e a atração de nómadas digitais. Diversas iniciativas e medidas têm sido adotadas pelo governos locais e central nesse sentido. Ademais, a atual pandemia teve profundos efeitos na forma como vivemos e trabalhamos. Além do aumento do trabalho remoto, muitos académicos e decisores políticos têm vindo a repensar o planeamento urbano, defendendo a importância das relações entre tempo e espaço na conceção das cidades. As abordagens baseadas no conceito de crono-urbanismo, como o modelo de cidade dos 15 minutos, proposto por Carlos Moreno para a cidade de Paris [5], procura ter em conta a proximidade e o acesso a uma variedade de serviços e oportunidades de lazer e trabalho, promovendo a qualidade de vida e as relações sociais. Nesse sentido, os coworkings podem ser uma resposta para a diminuição das deslocações diárias e dependência do carro, e melhoria do equilíbrio entre a vida familiar, lazer e trabalho. Este estudo começa por identificar e analisar fatores de localização coworkings em Portugal, para depois se centrar na cidade de Lisboa. Para além de mapear e analisar a localização deste espaços, são investigadas questões relacionadas com a promoção do novo modelo urbano sustentável de uma cidade de 15 minutos, considerando a proximidade (em termos de minutos diários de caminhada e ciclismo) e a acessibilidade a uma variedade de funções urbanas, incluindo locais de trabalho não tradicionais, como os coworkings. Assim, procura-se contribuir para o atual debate sobre os novos espaços de trabalho, e em particular futuras estratégias sustentáveis para o planeamento urbano.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Crescimento de raiz e parte aérea de plantas de cafeeiro enxertadas, cultivadas em vaso.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento de raiz e parte aérea de plantas de cafeeiro enxertadas, cultivadas em vaso. Utilizaram-se como enxertos as variedades Catuaí Vermelho IAC 15 e Oeiras MG 6851 e as progênies ?H41910344? e ?H514553? de C. arabica. Como porta enxerto foram empregadas cinco progênies do clone de Coffea canephora cv. Conilon (meio irmãos), ?ES 21?, ?ES 36?, ?ES 26?, ?ES 23? e ?ES 38?. Não houve efeito significativo da interação copa/porta enxerto para as variáveis altura de planta e número de ramos plagiotrópicos da haste principal. Para o diâmetro de caule, a combinação Oeiras/ES 36 apresentou maior crescimento. Com relação ao comprimento do ramo plagiotrópico mediano, as plantas das combinações Catuaí/ES 26, Catuaí//ES 23 e H419/ES 26 tiveram crescimento superior às plantas controles. Analisando-se a variável número de nós do ramo plagiotrópico mediano, observou-se que esta apresentou aumento significativo para a combinação Catuaí/ES 26. Com relação ao sistema radicular, houve aumento tanto no comprimento quanto na superfície de raiz para a combinação Catuaí/ES 26 e diminuição para as combinações H419/ES 36, H419/ES 23, H419/ES 38, H514/ES 21, H514/ES 26 e H514/ES 38. A melhor combinação de enxertia foi Catuaí/ES 26, que apresentou grande afinidade entre copa/porta enxerto, o que condicionou um maior desenvolvimento da planta

    All electron and pseudopotential study of the spin polarization of the V (001) surface: LDA versus GGA

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    The spin-polarization at the V(001) surface has been studied by using different local (LSDA) and semilocal (GGA) approximations to the exchange-correlation potential of DFT within two ab initio methods: the all-electron TB-LMTO-ASA and the pseudopotential LCAO code SIESTA (Spanish Initiative for Electronic Simulations with Thousands of Atoms). A comparative analysis is performed first for the bulk and then for a N-layer V(001) film (7 < N < 15). The LSDA approximation leads to a non magnetic V(001) surface with both theoretical models in agreement (disagreement) with magneto-optical Kerr (electron-capture spectroscopy) experiments. The GGA within the pseudopotential method needs thicker slabs than the LSDA to yield zero moment at the central layer, giving a high surface magnetization (1.70 Bohr magnetons), in contrast with the non magnetic solution obtained by means of the all-electron code.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure. Latex gzipped tar fil

    Effect of high [CO2] and temperature on the photosynthetic enzymes and electron transport of Coffea Arabica L..

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    It is expected that future climate changes and global warming conditions will limit the coffee crop yields. However, the real effects of enhanced air [CO2] and temperature on this plant remain completely unknown. Therefore, this work studied the impact of such environmental changes on the photosynthetic machinery of Coffea arabica L. cv. Icatu. Plants were grown for 1 year under controlled conditions (temperature, RH, irradiance, photoperiod), at 380 or 700 ?L CO2 L-1 air, without nutrient, water and root space limitations, and then subjected to temperature increase (0.5ºC/day) to 42/34ºC. Thylakoid electron transport involving PSI and II, and enzyme activities (RuBisCO and RuB5PK) were assessed at 25/20ºC, 31/25ºC, 37/30ºC and 42/34ºC.The results showed a marginal impact until 37 ºC irrespective of [CO2] conditions, configuring a clear tolerance to supra-optimal temperatures. Also, a higher metabolic performance was observed in the plants under high [CO2]. Only at 42 ºC the tolerance limit was exceeded, as shown by significant impacts in all parameters, particularly in enzymes, but under elevated [CO2] a better performance was preserved regarding the photosystems functioning. Our findings showed that the elevated [CO2] allowed maintenance of higher metabolic activity and seemed to some extent mitigate the heat impact at the photosystems level, what is quite relevant in a context of predict global warming scenarios. This work was supported by Portuguese funds from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, through the project PTDC/AGR-PRO/3386/2012

    A glimpse of climate change impact on C. Arabica L. and C. Canephora Pierre ex A. Froehner physiology: the combined effects of enhanced growth CO2 and temperature.

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    Summary: The effective impact of climate changes on the coffee plant physiology, promoted by enhanced air [CO2] and global warming remain to be fully elucidated through biological studies. Therefore, this work aims at linking important coffee physiological responses to environmental changes of enhanced growth [CO2] and temperature on genotypes from the two major producing species. Potted plants from C. arabica cv. IPR 108 and of C. canephora cv. Conilon Clone 153 were grown under environmental controlled conditions, either at 380 or 700 ?L CO2 L-1 air, for 1 year, without water, nutrient or root development restrictions. After that the temperature was gradually increased from 25/20 ºC (day/night) up to 42/34 ºC. The long-term impacts of enhanced growth [CO2] and enhanced temperature on the photosynthetic functioning were assessed at 25/20 ºC, 31/25 ºC, 37/30 ºC and 42/34 ºC, through leaf gas exchanges (rates of net photosynthesis, Pn, stomatal conductance, gs, transpiration, Tr, and photosynthetic capacity, Amax), instantaneous water use efficiency (iWUE), fluorescence parameters (photochemical efficiency of the photosystem II under dark, Fv/Fm, and light, Fv?/Fm?, conditions, as well as the photochemical, qP, and non-photochemical, NPQ, quenchings, and quantum yield of the linear electron transport, ?e), photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll and carotenoids) and some molecules with antioxidant role (ascorbate and ?-tocopherol). The results showed that enhanced [CO2] stimulates photosynthetic functioning, without negative down-regulation. Minor impacts were found in the photochemical performance until 37 ºC, but extensive impacts were shown at 42 ºC, especially in IPR108. Remarkable was the finding that enhanced [CO2] preserved a higher functional status (Pn, Amax, Fo, Fv/Fm) at high temperatures (37 and 42 ºC), what seems quite relevant under the predicted climate changes and global warming scenarios

    Thylakoid lipids changes may account for photosynthetic acclimation ability of two coffea species subjected to heat.

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    Summary: Coffee is one of the world?s most traded agricultural products, and its production could be threatened by global warming. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of heat on photosynthetic activity and thylakoid membrane lipid dynamics, on genotypes of the two major coffee producing species. Potted plants from C. arabica L. cv. IPR108 and C. canephora Pierre Ex A. Froehner cv. Conilon Clone 153 were grown for 1 year under controlled conditions of temperature (25/20ºC, day/night), irradiance (650-800 ?mol m-2 s-1), RH (75%), photoperiod (12 h), and 380 ?L CO2 L-1. Thereafter, temperature was gradually raised to 42/34ºC (0.5ºC/ day), with a 7 days stabilization step at 31, 37 and 42ºC. Studies focused modifications of thylakoid lipid composition and photosynthetic performance. In CL153 photosynthetic capacity (Amax) was not affected until 42ºC (40% reduction). In IPR108 it was reduced 35 and 57% at 37ºC at 42ºC, respectively. Thylakoid electron transport rate for photosystems (PS) I and II increased (ca. 10-25%) up to 37ºC in both genotypes. At 42ºC only IPR108 presented depressed activities on PSII (15%) and PSI (18%). Under 37 and 42ºC, CL153 plants presented digalactosyldiacylglycerol (DGDG) (ca. 42%) and monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG) (28-34%) increases, while IPR108 showed higher MGDG at all temperatures. In CL153 less unsaturated DGDG and phosphatidylglycerol (PG) along with stable or increased DGDG/MGDG ratio, may have contributed to sustain thylakoid electron flow at 37ºC and even 42ºC. IPR108 displayed a strong PG rise at all temperatures, in accordance with enhanced PSs activity

    Superimposed impacts of enhanced [CO2] and high temperature on the photosynthetic metabolism of C. arabica and C. canephora genotypes.

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    Summary: Coffee crop has been predicted to become threatened by future climate changes and global warming conditions. Yet, the long-term effects of elevated [CO2] on this plant remain to be fully elucidated. In this context, this work aims at linking coffee biochemical responses to environmental changes of [CO2] and temperature on genotypes from the two major producing species, using the photosynthetic metabolism as probe to evaluate the plant acclimation ability. Potted plants from C. arabica cv. IPR 108 and of C. canephora cv. Conilon Clone 153 were grown under environmental controlled conditions, either at 380 or 700 ?L CO2 L-1 air, for 1 year, without water, nutrient or root development restrictions. After that the temperature was gradually increased from 25/20 ºC (day/night) up to 42/34 ºC. The effects of elevated [CO2] and enhanced temperature on the photosynthetic structures were assessed through the characterization of the lipid components of chloroplast membranes, whereas the leaf metabolic performance was evaluated through the thylakoid electron transport rates (involving both photosystem (PS) I and II), and the activities of enzymes (ribulose 1,5-biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase and ribulose 5-phosphate kinase), as well as through stable isotopes of C and N. The activities of respiratory enzymes (NADH-dependent malate dehydrogenase and pyruvate kinase) were also analyzed. The results pointed for a higher functional status along the experiment in the plants grown under elevated [CO2], with special relevance at 37 and 42ºC in IPR108. These results could be related to the qualitative changes of the membrane lipid matrix that might have helped to preserve suitable membrane fluidity for the membrane bound events (e.g., thylakoid electron transport). The PSs and enzyme data reflect an enhancement of the energetic metabolism (both photosynthesis and respiration), mostly, until 31 ºC for IPR108 and 37 ºC for CL153 at normal [CO2]. Yet, under enhanced [CO2] it was found an increase in the temperature (to 37 ºC) at which maximal values of some parameters in IPR108 (MDH, PSs activities, RuBisCO) were observed, concomitantly with the maintenance of high performance in other parameters when compared to the 380 plants. Under the highest temperature (42 ºC) the enzymes were the most sensitive point, displaying the strongest reductions, irrespective of genotype and [CO2] treatments. The temperature promoted changes in leaf ?13C, irrespective of genotype and [CO2], reflecting a decrease in WUE with heat. The changes in ?15N values may indicate different limitation steps of N assimilation, requiring further investigation. It was concluded that the coffee plants grown under elevated [CO2] apparently showed a better endurance to high temperatures, what is quite relevant in a context of predicted climate changes and global warming scenarios

    Molecular Profile of Sensitization to Dermatophagoides Pteronyssinus Dust Mite in Portugal

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    Background and objectives: To analyze component-resolved diagnosis of sensitization to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Der p) in patients with respiratory allergy and the association between diagnostic findings and clinical severity in different geographical areas. Methods: The study population comprised 217 patients (mean age, 25.85 [12.7] years; 51.16% female) selected from 13 centers in Portugal (5 from the North, n=65). All had allergic rhinitis with or without asthma and positive skin prick test results to at least 1 dust mite. Specific IgE (sIgE) to Der p, Dermatophagoides farinae, Lepidoglyphus destructor, Der p 1, Der p 2, Der p 10, and Der p 23 was determined using ImmunoCAP. The Mann-Whitney test was applied for the following comparisons: rhinitis vs rhinitis and asthma; mild vs moderate-to-severe rhinitis; North vs South. Results: The prevalence of sensitization was 98.2% for Der p, and 72.4%, 89.4%, 9.7%, and 77% for Der p 1, Der p 2, Der p 10, and Der p 23, respectively. The corresponding median sIgE levels were 8.56, 17.7, 0.01, and 3.95 kUA/L. sIgE to all allergens was higher in patients with moderate-to-severe rhinitis and rhinitis with asthma (nonsignficant). Concentrations of sIgE to Der p 2 were significantly higher in the South than in the North (P=.0496). Conclusion: The most common sensitization in Portugal was to Der p. The highest prevalence and median sIgE level were observed for Der p 2. All sIgE values for molecular components were higher in more symptomatic patients (nonsignificant). Concentrations of sIgE to Der p 2 were higher in the South, probably because of the warmer temperature and/or the larger sample size.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio