12 research outputs found

    Czasowa i przestrzenna zmienność jakości wody w rzece śródmiejskiej Lublina w aspekcie istniejących warunków naturalnych i użytkowania terenu

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    The paper evaluates the variability of water quality in Lublin’s inner-city river taking into account natural and anthropogenic factors that are likely to determine its pollution level. The study period was 2009-2016. The sampling points (SP) were situated in places with different degrees of investment in and use of adjacent grounds. The physical and chemical properties of waters were analysed on a seasonal basis. The values determined for the samples included temperature, conductivity, pH, suspended solids, O2, BOD5, COD, NH4+, NO3-, NO2-, PO4-, SO4-, Fe+, K+ and Cl-. Chemical composition was determined by means of a photometric method. The statistical Wilcoxon test was used for comparing water quality indicators for both SP s and in the cold and warm season. In 2013-2016 water levels and flow intensity (indirect, sectional method) were also measured at the mouth of the river. Most of the analysed indicators were characterised by the coefficient of variation exceeding 50%. The values were relatively highly differentiated for NH4+, suspended solids, PO4-, BOD5and NO3- (73.8-282.1%). On the other hand, low variability was observed for pH, O2, SO4-and Fe+ (3.2-41.9%). The indicators that considerably deteriorated the quality of water in the river were NO2-, PO4-and Fe+ (risk of eutrophication). Considering the mean concentrations of pollutants and flow intensity (0.34 m3×s-1), the annual discharge of NO2-and PO4-from the catchment could reach 1.39 and 5.15 Mg respectively. Worse water quality was recorded at the mouth of the river where the adjacent grounds were highly urbanised. This phenomenon can testify to a growing number of pollution sources down the river. Detailed observations confirmed that many considerably neglected and polluted areas existed within the examined section of the river valley (old buildings, road network, wasteland, illegal dump sites). Discharging untreated rainwater directly into the river bed is a huge problem (increased values for conductivity, suspended solids, COD and some nutrients). In the cold season 60% of the analysed indicators (mainly temperature, conductivity, NH4+ and Cl-) were more varied than in the warm season. Statistically significant differences were found for temperature, conductivity, O2, PO4-, NO3-and Cl-. In the winter months the values of conductivity and Cl- levels increased, which is connected with an influx of strongly polluted snowmelt into the river. The concentrations of PO4-and NO3-were higher in the warm season. It is likely that the supply of nutrients at that time was higher than required by the autotrophs. Due to a considerable variation of seasonal factors, they must be taken into account in developing the water resources management strategy for a catchment basin. Only a comprehensive approach to the problem of river water quality protection can generate positive effects. The necessary measures include detecting and eliminating all sources of pollution and reducing migration of the existing pollutants.W pracy dokonano oceny zmienności jakości wód śródmiejskiej rzeki Lublina z uwzględnieniem czynników naturalnych i antropogenicznych, mogących decydować o jej zanieczyszczeniu. Badania prowadzono w latach 2009-2016. Punkty kontrolno-pomiarowe usytuowano w miejscach o odmiennym stopniu zainwestowania i użytkowania terenu przyległego. Analizy właściwości fizyczno-chemicznych wód prowadzono sezonowo. W próbkach oznaczano temperaturę, przewodność, pH, zawiesinę, O2, BOD5, ChZT, NH4+, NO3-, NO2-, PO4-, SO4-, Fe+, K+ i Cl-. Składniki chemiczne były określane metodą fotometryczną. Test statystyczny Wilcoxon wykorzystano do porównania wskaźników jakości wody w obydwu punktach pomiarowych oraz w półroczu chłodnym i ciepłym. W latach 2013-2016 w odcinku ujściowym rzeki wykonywano również pomiary stanów wody i natężenia przepływu (metoda pośrednia odcinkowa). Większość analizowanych wskaźników cechował współczynnik zmienności przekraczający 50%. Stosunkowo duże zróżnicowanie wartości dotyczyło NH4+, zawiesiny, PO4-, BOD5i NO3- (73,8-282,1%). Natomiast niską zmienność obserwowano w przypadku pH, O2, SO4- i Fe+ (3,2-41,9%). Wskaźnikami, które w znacznym stopniu obniżały jakość wody rzecznej były NO2-, PO4- i Fe+ (zagrożenie eutrofizacją). Uwzględniając średnie stężenia zanieczyszczeń oraz natężenie przepływu (0.34 m3×s-1), roczne ładunki NO2-i PO4- odprowadzane ze zlewni mogły osiągnąć kolejno 1,39 oraz 5,15 Mg. Gorszą jakość wody odnotowano w ujściowym odcinku rzeki, z silnie zurbanizowanym terenem przyległym. Zjawisko to może świadczyć o rosnącej ilości źródeł zanieczyszczeń wraz z jej biegiem. Szczegółowe obserwacje potwierdziły istnienie wielu obszarów mocno zaniedbanych i zanieczyszczonych w rejonie badanego fragmentu doliny (stara zabudowa, sieć drogowa, nieużytki, nielegalne składowiska odpadów). Duży problem stanowi odprowadzanie nieoczyszczonych wód deszczowych bezpośrednio do koryta rzeki (wzrost wartości przewodności, zawiesiny, ChZT i niektórych biogenów). W półroczu chłodnym 60% analizowanych wskaźników cechowała większa zmienność niż w półroczu ciepłym (głównie temperatura, przewodność, NH4+i Cl-). Ważne statystycznie różnice stwierdzono w przypadku temperatur, przewodności, O2, PO4-, NO3-i Cl-. W miesiącach zimowych rosła wartość przewodności i Cl-, co wiąże się z dopływem silnie zanieczyszczonych wód roztopowych do rzeki. PO4- i NO3- miały wyższe stężenia w półroczu ciepłym. Dostawa składników odżywczych w tym okresie prawdopodobnie przewyższała zapotrzebowanie autotrofów. Znaczna zmienność czynników sezonowych wskazuje na konieczność ich uwzględniania w opracowywaniu strategii zarządzania zasobami wodnymi zlewni. Jedynie kompleksowe podejście do problemu ochrony jakości wód rzecznych może przynieść pozytywne efekty. Wśród niezbędnych działań należy wymienić wykrycie i eliminację wszystkich źródeł zanieczyszczeń oraz ograniczanie migracji zanieczyszczeń już powstałych

    Ocena zmienności jakości wód opadowych i funkcjonowania zbiorników retencyjnych na terenie zurbanizowanym

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    Three-year observations made it possible to assess the degree of pollution and variability in quality of rainwater collected in two reservoirs in the Lublin agglomeration (south-eastern Poland). The studied objects are characterised by different construction, size, hydraulics and type of drained surface. In particular, a large variation in water quality indicators was observed for suspended solids, NH4+, NO3- and K+. Higher conductivity, NH4+, SO4- and Cl- was found in the reservoir receiving rainwater from the national road, compared to the water from the housing estate. In the second reservoir, a higher load of NO2-, PO4-, Fe+ and K+was observed. Among the analysed variables, the most disturbing values were recorded for conductivity, pH, suspended solids, oxygen indicators, NO2-, NH4+and PO4-. The liquid flowing into the reservoirs during snowmelt was characterised by high pollution. In the year with the highest sum of atmospheric precipitation, there was a reduction in medium concentrations of many quality variables (flushing effect, dilution of pollutants). An increase in oxygen demand and oxygen deficits were observed in warm seasons. An emission of inconvenient odors in the vicinity of the reservoir in the housing estate was also observed. These phenomena may be intensified in the case of improper use of the system (e.g. when bottom sediments are not removed) and further increase of air temperatures. Under such conditions, the possibility of using open rainwater reservoirs near human settlements becomes questionable.Na podstawie trzyletnich obserwacji dokonano oceny stopnia zanieczyszczenia oraz zmienności jakości wód deszczowych gromadzonych w dwóch zbiornikach na terenie aglomeracji Lublina (Polska południowo-wschodnia). Badane obiekty charakteryzują się różną budową, wielkością, hydrauliką i rodzajem powierzchni odwadnianej. Szczególnie duże zróżnicowanie wskaźników jakości wody dotyczy zawiesiny, NH4+, NO3- i K+. W zbiorniku na wody deszczowe z drogi krajowej stwierdzano wyższą przewodność, NH4+, SO4- i Cl- niż w wodach z osiedla mieszkaniowego. W drugim zbiorniku obserwowano większe obciążenie NO2-, PO4-, Fe+ i K+. Wśród analizowanych zmiennych najbardziej niepokojące wartości osiągała przewodność, pH, zawiesina, wskaźniki tlenowe, NO2-, NH4+ i PO4-. Wysokim zanieczyszczeniem charakteryzowała się ciecz dopływająca do zbiorników w trakcie roztopów. W roku z najwyższą sumą opadów atmosferycznych nastąpiło zmniejszenie średnich koncentracji wielu zmiennych jakości (przemycie zlewni, rozcieńczenie zanieczyszczeń). W ciepłych porach roku obserwowano wzrost zapotrzebowania na tlen i pojawianie się deficytów tlenowych. Stwierdzono też emisję odorów w sąsiedztwie zbiornika w osiedlu mieszkaniowym. Przy niewłaściwej eksploatacji systemu (m.in. brak usuwania osadów dennych) i dalszym wzroście temperatur powietrza zjawiska te mogą nasilać się. W takich warunkach możliwość stosowania otwartych zbiorników wód deszczowych w pobliżu siedzib ludzkich staje się wątpliwa


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    Nowadays, noise is considered as one of the most significant factors polluting the environment. It is classified in the first place among the indicators of the comfort of home, leisure and work. Therefore, more and more attention is paid to the need to study the sources and effects of noise on the environment and to develop effective methods of protection against nuisance and harmful sounds. Analysis of environmental factors is an especially important part of the process of spatial planning. The article covers characteristics of spatial and temporal differentiation of acoustic phenomena occurring within selected district of Lublin – the largest Polish city east of the Vistula River. Field measurements and analytical operations, which enable mapping noise, and consequently measuring the exposure of residents to the impact of abnormal sound levels, were made. There was also an attempt to evaluate the spatial development and its relationship with prevailing acoustic conditions. The collected results allowed developing recommendations for planning the city centre area acting as a standard. The need to design buffer zones to reduce the sound level near roads or locating residential areas away from sources of noise was underlined. The study should prove helpful in forecasting changes in the acoustic conditions and spatial planning and deciding on protection measures in urban areas

    Use of different forms of retention as the condition of sustainable management of water resources in rural environment

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    The paper presents the problem of the growing water deficit and the possibility of sustainable development of water resources in rural areas of Central and Eastern Europe (using the example of Poland). It is estimated that the amount of resources in this region is reduced by about 70% compared to the average for Europe. In drought periods it comes to limitation of economic activity, including agriculture. Particular attention was paid to the necessity to extend landscape, underground, and snow retention, as an alternative to dams, which are currently the most popular in lower-order catchments. It has been shown that the construction of small agricultural reservoirs is not always preceded by adequate consultations and pre-design studies, which may result in financial losses and legal problems. Simultaneous use of many alternative forms of retention should be more effective than the implementation of reservoirs. In addition, increasing the hydraulic roughness of the catchments slows down the outflow of products of erosion and contributes to the protection of surface retention structures (maintaining natural and economic usefulness of reservoirs)


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    Anthropopressure is considered as the one of the most important causes of disorder of natural water relations in the environment and impoverishment of the landscape. This is particularly evident in urban areas, where the degree of built-up areas and participation of impervious surfaces are still increasing. The result of such processes are extreme phenomena – more frequent droughts and floods. One way to keep a good state of water resources in urban catchments is creating retention and infiltration of rainwater. The paper presents examples of sustainable rainwater management that determine change of the face of the city and increase its friendliness towards the environment


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    Nowadays, noise is considered as one of the most significant factors polluting the environment. It is classified in the first place among the indicators of the comfort of home, leisure and work. Therefore, more and more attention is paid to the need to study the sources and effects of noise on the environment and to develop effective methods of protection against nuisance and harmful sounds. Analysis of environmental factors is an especially important part of the process of spatial planning. The article covers characteristics of spatial and temporal differentiation of acoustic phenomena occurring within selected district of Lublin – the largest Polish city east of the Vistula River. Field measurements and analytical operations, which enable mapping noise, and consequently measuring the exposure of residents to the impact of abnormal sound levels, were made. There was also an attempt to evaluate the spatial development and its relationship with prevailing acoustic conditions. The collected results allowed developing recommendations for planning the city centre area acting as a standard. The need to design buffer zones to reduce the sound level near roads or locating residential areas away from sources of noise was underlined. The study should prove helpful in forecasting changes in the acoustic conditions and spatial planning and deciding on protection measures in urban areas

    Potential possibilities of water retention in agricultural loess catchments

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    The growing water deficit and the increased demand for water, as well as economic problems and inadequate spatial planning in many regions indicate a necessity of developing more effective rules of programming and realisation of works concerning the water management in small catchments. The paper presents a sample analysis of the possibilities of increasing water retention in the agricultural loess catchments with periodic streams. The scope of the study included the determination of physical parameters of selected sub-catchments (geometry, soil cover, land use, etc.) and of the sources of threat to water resources, resulting from construction and geomorphological conditions. Pre-design assumptions of dammings were developed, taking into account anti-erosion protective measures, and treatments increasing the landscape retention of water were proposed. Creating surface retention objects should be an important source of water in simplified agroecosystems, especially in regions, where productivity to a great extent depends on natural weather conditions. Proper management of the fourth-order loess basin of the Ciemięga River (area of about 150 km2, the presence of 50 lateral valleys) could give a temporary reservoir retention reaching 500 thousand m3. Farmers should be encouraged to seek “own water sources” (including the accumulation of water within wasteland), using appropriate economic instruments (tax reliefs for the documented volume of retained water, e.g. in small retention reservoirs)