11 research outputs found

    Complex percutaneous intervention on pulmonary arteries in an adult patient with a corrected Taussig-Bing anomaly

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    W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono przypadek udanej złożonej interwencji przezskórnej na tętnicach płucnych u 23-letniego dorosłego pacjenta ze skorygowaną anomalią Taussiga–Binga. Wada skorygowana była zabiegiem typu arterial switch; ponadto w wywiadzie odnotowano przebytą operację Bentalla i wymianę zastawki mitralnej. Przy przyjęciu pacjent był bezobjawowy, jednak wykryto istotne zwężenie tętnic płucnych. Pacjent został zakwalifikowany do cewnikowania serca. Złożony zabieg wysokiego ryzyka z implantacją trzech stentów poprawił morfologię prawej tętnicy płucnej, a w konsekwencji funkcję prawej komory. Podsumowując, dzięki niezwykłemu rozwojowi technik przezskórnych, coraz więcej pacjentów otrzymuje optymalne, spersonalizowane leczenie.This study reports a case of a successful complex percutaneous intervention on pulmonary arteries in a 23-year-old adult patient with a corrected Taussig-Bing anomaly. The patient had a history of multiple surgeries, including an arterial switch operation, the Bentall procedure, and mitral valve replacement. On admission, the patient was asymptomatic, however significant stenosis of the pulmonary arteries was detected. The patient was qualified for cardiac catheterization. The complex, high-risk procedure with the implantation of three stents improved the morphology of the right pulmonary artery and consequently the function of the right ventricle. It is concluded that with the remarkable development of percutaneous techniques, more and more patients are receiving optimal, personalised treatment

    Wpływ przezcewnikowego zamknięcia przetrwałego otworu owalnego u pacjentów z udarem kryptogennym na zaburzenia rytmu serca- obserwacja 3-miesięczna

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    Background: Patent foramen ovale (PFO) is a common abnormality, occurring in about 25% of the population. Percutaneous PFO closure is recommended for selected patients in the prevention of recurrent thromboembolic events. Although transcatheter closure of PFO is recognized as a safe procedure, potential complications, such as atrial fibrillation, may occur. The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of arrhythmia in patients before and after PFO closure. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 45 patients (median age, 45 [IQR, 35–61] years; 80% female) who underwent percutaneous PFO closure. 24‑hour Holter electrocardiograms were done both before and 3 months after the procedure in 21 patients (median age, 49 [38–65] years; 81% female), however data of predominant underlying rhythm was available for all 45 patients. Results: There were no statistically significant differences in maximal and minimal heart rate, number of supraventricular and ventricular extrasystolic beats, pauses, episodes of supraventricular and ventricular tachycardia in patients before and after the PFO closure procedure. Median average heart rate was significantly higher before the procedure (70 [67–78] bpm vs 69 [62–77] bpm; p = 0,03). Among the 45 patients, one had a history of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) before the procedure. During the follow‑up, no AF was found. Conclusions: 1) Transcatheter closure of PFO did not affect arrhythmias observed in 24‑hour Holter ECG monitoring of our patients. 2) The procedure has a low risk of complications if performed in selected patients by an adequately trained operator in an experienced center.Wstęp: Przetrwały otwór owalny (PFO) to częsta anomalia, występująca u około 25% populacji. Zabieg przezskórnego zamykania PFO jest zalecany u wybranych pacjentów w celu zapobiegania nawrotom incydentów zakrzepowo-zatorowych. Mimo, że przezcewnikowe zamykanie PFO uznawane jest za zabieg bezpieczny, może być przyczyną potencjalnych powikłań, takich jak migotanie przedsionków. Celem pracy była ocena występowania arytmii u pacjentów przed i po zabiegu zamknięcia PFO. Metody: Retrospektywnie przeanalizowaliśmy dokumentację medyczną 45 pacjentów (mediana wieku, 45 [IQR, 35–61] lat; 80% kobiet), którzy przebyli zabieg przezskórnego zamknięcia PFO. 24-godzinne monitorowanie EKG metodą Holtera wykonano przed oraz 3 miesiące po zabiegu u 21 pacjentów (mediana wieku, 49 [38–65] lat; 81% kobiet), jednak dane o rytmie prowadzącym były dostępne dla wszystkich 45 pacjentów. Wyniki: Nie wykazano istotnych statystycznie różnic w zakresie maksymalnej i minimalnej częstości pracy serca, liczby nadkomorowych i komorowych pobudzeń dodatkowych, liczby pauz, liczby epizodów częstoskurczów nadkomorowych lub komorowych u pacjentów przed i po zabiegu zamknięcia PFO. Mediana średnich częstości pracy serca była istotnie wyższa przed zabiegiem (70 [67–78] bpm vs 69 [62–77] bpm; p = 0,03). Wśród 45 pacjentów u jednej osoby stwierdzano napadowe migotanie przedsionków (AF) przed zabiegiem. Podczas 3 miesięcznej obserwacji nie wykryto żadnego epizodu AF. Wnioski: 1) Zabieg przezcewnikowego zamknięcia PFO nie wpłynął na arytmie obserwowane w 24-godzinnym monitorowaniu EKG metodą Holtera w badanej grupie. 2) Zabieg ma niskie ryzyko powikłań, o ile wykonywany jest u właściwie zakwalifikowanych pacjentów, przez odpowiednio wyszkolonego operatora i w doświadczonym ośrodku

    Occupational allergy to Limonium sinuatum — a case report

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    Decorative flowers are known to be a cause of occupational allergy in the floral industry. The allergic manifestations induced by flowers include asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis and urticaria. We present a case of a 55-year-old woman, who has been working for the last 30 years as a gardener with various kinds of flowers, e.g., Limonium sinuatum (LS), chrysanthemum, sweet William (Dianthus barbatus) and Lilium. During the last 10 years she has developed nasal and eyes symptoms, dry cough, dyspnoea, chest tightness and wheezing. Clinical examination, routine laboratory testing, chest radiography, skin prick tests (SPT) involving common allergens, native plants pollens and leaves by the prick-prick technique, rest spirometry, methacholine challenge test and specific inhalation challenge test (SICT) were conducted. SPT results to common allergens were positive for grass pollens. SPT with native plants pollens and leaves showed a positive reaction only for LS. SICT induced an isolated early asthmatic reaction and significant increase in the number of eosinophils in the nasal lavage fluid. Additionally, significant increase in non-specific bronchial hyperreactivity was observed after SICT. To our knowledge, the presently described report is the first one of Limonium sinuatum induced occupational asthma and rhinitis in a Polish gardener

    Metal-induced asthma and chest X-ray changes in welders

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the coexisting factors and usefulness of diagnostic methods in metal-induced asthma in Polish welders. Materials and Methods: Examination of 50 welders occupationally exposed to metals and with suspicion of metal-induced asthma (group A), 100 welders occupationally exposed to metals but without suspicion of metal-induced asthma (group B), and two control groups (10 patients with atopic asthma and 10 healthy subjects) was carried out. Questionnaire survey, clinical examination, skin prick tests to common aeroallergens and metal salts, rest spirometry tests, X-ray, metacholine challenge and a single-blind, placebo controlled specific inhalation challenge tests with metals (or work-like conditions challenge tests) were performed. Results: In group A – in 9 cases we obtained positive results of specific inhalation challenge tests with metals (in 3 cases with nickel, in 4 cases with chromium, in 1 case with cobalt and in 1 case with manganese). Nine cases of metal-induced occupational asthma were recognized. In group B – only in one case we obtained positive results of work-like conditions challenge test (clinical and spirometry changes, eosinophil influx in induced sputum), which confirmed the diagnosis of occupational asthma. In most of examined welders (62%), pulmonary changes in chest X-ray images were noted. The statistical analysis revealed that working as a welder for more than 10 years is the coexisting factor of presence of chest X-ray changes (p- or q-type nodular changes or interstitial changes). Positive results of skin prick tests with metal salts were the coexisting factors of occupational asthma due to metals among examined group of welders. Conclusions: Specific inhalation challenge plays the key role in diagnostics of metal-induced asthma in welders. Pulmonary changes in chest X-ray were found in a significant percentage of examined welders

    Successful complex percutaneous intervention in patient with Fontan circulation and severe heart failure: A case report

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    Abstract We report the case of a successful complex percutaneous intervention in a patient with Fontan circulation and severe heart failure. The patient presented with cyanosis; Fontan conduit stenosis was detected, and the fenestration was patent. The complex interventional procedure allowed for a long‐term stabilization of the patient's condition

    The prevalence of asthma work relatedness: Preliminary data

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    Objectives: About 5–10% of asthmatics do not respond well to standard treatment plan. Occupational exposure may be one of the factors that can be linked with treatment failure. The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of work-related asthma (WRA) among adult asthmatics under follow up in an outpatient allergy clinic and to create a useful tool for detecting individuals with possible WRA. Material and Methods: Preliminary 5-question questionnaire designed to recognize WRA was presented to 300 asthmatics. All patients with positive preliminary verification along with 50 subjects from control group were asked to fill up a detailed questionnaire. The WRA was diagnosed by positive match for asthma symptoms in combination with workplace exposure indicated in the detailed WRA questionnaire followed by confirmation of each WRA case by detailed exposure analysis. Results: Work-related asthma was recognized in 63 subjects (21% of study group). The preliminary questionnaire has 76.9% sensitivity and 94% specificity in recognition of WRA. Occupational exposure to irritants is a risk factor of WRA recognition (relative risk (RR) = 2.09 (1.44:3.03)). Working in exposure-free environment is a factor against WRA recognition (RR = 0.38 (0.24:0.61)). Among subjects with work-related asthma, the uncontrolled course of the disease is significantly more frequent (p = 0.012). Subjects with WRA more often report sickness absenteeism due to asthma than those without WRA (9.6% vs. 3.2%, respectively), but the observed differences did not reach the statistical significance. Conclusions: Short 5-question questionnaire seems to be a promising tool to detect individuals with possible work-related asthma in the outpatient setting for further evaluation and additional attention

    Work-related respiratory symptoms among health centres cleaners: A cross-sectional study

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    Objectives: Several studies, mostly based on questionnaire-derived data, have shown an increased risk of allergic diseases, especially asthma, among cleaners. The risk factors and etiological mechanisms are still being investigated. Occupational exposure to various chemical and biological agents may induce specific sensitization and/or irritant effects. The aim of our study was to estimate the prevalence of work-related symptoms suggesting the presence of allergic disease reported by cleaners, and to relate them to the results of commercially available and standardized objective tests used for screening detection of occupational sensitization and chronic respiratory disorders. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed among 142 Polish workers of cleaning service in their workplaces. A detailed questionnaire, skin prick tests to common allergens and chemicals used by these workers for cleaning purposes (chloramine T, chlorhexidine, formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, benzalconium chloride), total and specific serum IgE antibodies to disinfectants and rest spirometry were performed in all the subjects. Results: Fifty nine percent of all the subjects declared occurrence of at least 1 symptom suggesting allergic ailment during cleaning activities at work. Skin prick tests and specific serum IgE antibodies to disinfectants were negative in all the subjects. In 8 cases wheezing was detected during auscultation, but only in 5 of them obstructive pattern in rest spirometry was found. Conclusions: Occupational allergic causation of symptoms among cleaners could be less likely than work-related symptoms associated with exacerbations of new-onset or pre-existing respiratory diseases. Therefore, in this group of workers, mainly the non-specific irritant impact of chemicals on airways should be taken into consideration

    The prevalence of asthma work relatedness: Preliminary data

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    Objectives: About 5–10% of asthmatics do not respond well to standard treatment plan. Occupational exposure may be one of the factors that can be linked with treatment failure. The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of work-related asthma (WRA) among adult asthmatics under follow up in an outpatient allergy clinic and to create a useful tool for detecting individuals with possible WRA. Material and Methods: Preliminary 5-question questionnaire designed to recognize WRA was presented to 300 asthmatics. All patients with positive preliminary verification along with 50 subjects from control group were asked to fill up a detailed questionnaire. The WRA was diagnosed by positive match for asthma symptoms in combination with workplace exposure indicated in the detailed WRA questionnaire followed by confirmation of each WRA case by detailed exposure analysis. Results: Work-related asthma was recognized in 63 subjects (21% of study group). The preliminary questionnaire has 76.9% sensitivity and 94% specificity in recognition of WRA. Occupational exposure to irritants is a risk factor of WRA recognition (relative risk (RR) = 2.09 (1.44:3.03)). Working in exposure-free environment is a factor against WRA recognition (RR = 0.38 (0.24:0.61)). Among subjects with work-related asthma, the uncontrolled course of the disease is significantly more frequent (p = 0.012). Subjects with WRA more often report sickness absenteeism due to asthma than those without WRA (9.6% vs. 3.2%, respectively), but the observed differences did not reach the statistical significance. Conclusions: Short 5-question questionnaire seems to be a promising tool to detect individuals with possible work-related asthma in the outpatient setting for further evaluation and additional attention

    Occupational exposure to diisocyanates in polyurethane foam factory workers

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate health effects of occupational exposure to diisocyanates (DIC) among polyurethane foam products factory workers. Material and Methods: Thirty workers had a physical examination, skin prick tests with common allergens, allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies to diisocyanates and pulmonary function tests. Concentrations of selected isocyanates in the workplace air samples as well as concentration of their metabolites in the urine samples collected from the workers of the plant were determined. Results: The most frequent work-related symptoms reported by the examined subjects were rhinitis and skin symptoms. Sensitization to at least 1 common allergen was noted in 26.7% of the subjects. Spirometry changes of bronchial obstruction of a mild degree was observed in 5 workers. The specific IgE antibodies to toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and 4,4’-methylenebis(phenyl isocyanate) (MDI) were not detected in any of the patients’ serum. Cellular profiles of the collected induced sputum (ISP) did not reveal any abnormalities. Air concentrations of TDI isomers ranged 0.2–58.9 μg/m3 and in 7 cases they exceeded the Combined Exposure Index (CEI) value for those compounds. Concentrations of TDI metabolites in post-shift urine samples were significantly higher than in the case of pre-shift urine samples and in 6 cases they exceeded the British Biological Monitoring Guidance Value (BMGV – 1 μmol amine/mol creatinine). We didn’t find a correlation between urinary concentrations of TDI, concentrations in the air and concentrations of toluenediamine (TDA) in the post shift urine samples. Lack of such a correlation may be an effect of the respiratory protective equipment use. Conclusions: Determination of specific IgE in serum is not sensitive enough to serve as a biomarker. Estimation of concentrations of diisocyanate metabolites in urine samples and the presence of work-related allergic symptoms seem to be an adequate method for occupational exposure monitoring of DIC, which may help to determine workers at risk as well as to recognize hazardous workplaces