15 research outputs found

    Ocena koncentracji produkcji żywności regionalnej i tradycyjnej w Polsce i krajach Unii Europejskiej

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    Celem pracy była ocena koncentracji produkcji żywności regionalnej i tradycyjnej w Unii Europejskiej (UE) ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Polski. Analizy dokonano na podstawie danych pochodzących z europejskich baz DOOR, E-BACCHUS, E-SPIRIT DRINKS oraz danych IJHARS. Opisano i przeanalizowano różne kategorie regionalnych i tradycyjnych produktów zarejestrowanych w Polsce jak i innych krajach UE wykorzystując indeks koncentracji Herfindahhl-Hirschman. Otrzymane wyniki dowiodły, że koncentracja produkcji żywności regionalnej i tradycyjnej w UE jest duża, a większość zarejestrowanych oznaczeń geograficznych produktów pochodzi z krajów basenu Morza Śródziemnego, na które przypada niemal trzy czwarte wszystkich unijnych rejestracji. Polska posiada niewielki udział w analizowanym rynku. W ujęciu regionalnym w Polsce odnotowano względnie wysoką koncentrację produkcji. Wyraźnie wyższą wartość wykazano dla koncentracji producentów tych produktów

    Comparative analysis of Generation Z consumer behavior in Poland and Germany : implications for the organic food market

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavior of Generation Z consumers in the context of trends on the organic food market and to describe the prospects for the future development of that market.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The study focused on organic food markets in Germany and Poland which are the leading agricultural producers in Western and Central-Eastern Europe, respectively. The research problems were validated by reviewing the literature, analyzing statistical data on the food and organic food market, and conducting a survey of Gen Z consumers in Germany and Poland.FINDINGS: The study demonstrated that both the global and the European organic food markets have developed rapidly in the last two decades and that the organic food segment plays an important role in agricultural production. The survey revealed that Gen Z consumers are highly eco-conscious in both Poland and Germany, but the organic food market has grown at a much higher rate in Germany. The COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have contributed to social uncertainty and inflation, which decreased consumers' purchasing power. These factors exerted a more negative influence on the organic food market in Poland which is characterized by lower household incomes and higher consumer expenditure on food. However, the implementation of European Green Deal policies and the steady improvement in the economic outlook can be expected to revive the growth of the organic food market in the European Union.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Public institutions and market actors should initiate extensive educational campaigns to minimize differences in consumer behaviors and attitudes towards eco-friendly products, and to raise awareness that purchasing decisions affect the health and quality of life of entire societies. For young consumers belonging to Generation Z, a crucial aspect in their selection of products and services pertains not only to the environmental impact, but also to how these products affect their health and overall well-being. Given Generation Z's inclination towards online shopping and mobile application usage, the integration of modern tools as distribution channels into the operational framework of food producers on a larger scale appears to be a rational move.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The majority of scholarly works addressing these topics typically consist of case studies pertaining to a particular domestic market (especially in relation to Gen Z consumer behavior). As of now, there is a notable absence of research endeavors aimed at understanding the variances in Generation Z's consumption behavior concerning food items at the multinational level and forecasting the trajectory of this market through a crossnational comparative study. The present study addresses this identified research gap.peer-reviewe

    Sources of financing small and medium-sized enterprises : case studies in Poland

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    Purpose: The article presents selected research results concerning the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises in Poland. The research subject was to gain extensive knowledge of selected sources of financing for SMEs operating in Poland. By learning about the methods of using the funds obtained, as well as identifying the most important features that guide the entrepreneur when choosing the financing sources available on the market. Approach / Methodology / Design: The study used PAPI and CAWI techniques. The survey was conducted at the turn of 2018 and 2019. The research sample included 510 entities. Findings: Entrepreneurs from the SME sector in Poland do not fully use the potential of available financing sources. The authors argue that this state of affairs may be affected by insufficient knowledge about available funding sources. Practical implications: The study showed a need to raise awareness among entrepreneurs about the available financing sources by indicating the role that government institutions should play in this process. Originality/Value: Research attempts to fill a gap in the literature on the subject. These studies can help understand the motives behind selecting specific sources of financing by SMEs operating in Central Europe.peer-reviewe

    Perception of food quality labels : an empirical analysis among traditional food producers in Poland

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    PURPOSE: This paper examines traditional food producers' perceptions of food quality labels, indicating the incentives and challenges that food producers may face implementing such schemes. The aim is to identify the main factors affecting traditional food producers' adoption of food quality labels.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The sample was composed of 101 traditional food producers in Poland that had completed the quality certification process. The survey was based on computer-assisted telephone interviews with closed questions (5-point Likert scale, ranging from 1-totally disagree to 5-totally agree). The interviewees were asked to express a judgment by declaring their level of agreement with the 19 statements. Descriptive statistics and factor analysis were used for data analysis.FINDINGS: Results show that enterprises adopt quality signs to improve product image, reputation, and consumer confidence. The protection granted to food labels by the law may also exert effects on firms' profitability. Producers take advantage of food quality labels in different ways, according to their size and own business strategies. However, the emphasis often put on the positive effects of the food quality labels is far from its potentiality in many cases.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The study results will be beneficial to both food producers and public authorities seeking to encourage the application of quality labels in the traditional food sector. The identified benefits and barriers will help producers to adopt successful business models. The public authorities should make the certification process more effective and transparent, and promotion should explain to consumers what the food label guarantees.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This paper proposes several managerial and policy implications related to improving the business environment for the adoption of food quality schemes in the traditional food sector.This research article was supported by the Scientific Research Project Fund of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.peer-reviewe

    Internationalization of the Dairy Sector in Poland During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The aim of the study has been to evaluate the active internationalization of the dairy sector in Poland during the Covid-19 pandemic. The restrictions that were system-wise imposed globally since early 2020 created new conditions for the functioning of markets, also in the international dimension. As a result, production, logistic and consumption processes were considerably altered. The research subject was the dairy sector, which is an important link in the Polish food economy. The study covered years 2020-2021, showing the changes relative to the previous time periods. The literature perusal and analysis of the statistical data concerning the Polish foreign trade enabled us to confirm the hypothesis that food markets, including the dairy sector, are an important anchor of the Polish economy in times of crisis. The strong position of the Polish dairy products on international markets was maintained and even strengthened at the end of the researched period. A relatively high degree of the geographical diversification of the internationalization of the dairy sector compared to the whole agricultural and food sector was observed. It can be expected that the business solutions developed during the pandemic will additionally reinforce enterprises from the dairy sector in the future

    Polski eksport żywności do Rosji w warunkach globalnego kryzysu gospodarczego

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    Polish agri-food exports to Russia during the global economic crisis are analysed. The recession in Europe in 2009 and the debt crisis in the Eurozone were the key factors that had a negative influence on the international trade. The GDP decline in the European Union amounted to 4.2% and in Russia it was even stronger (7.8%). In spite of these disadvantages, Polish agri-food exports to Russia increased between 2007 and 2011 by 77% and the share of Russia in the Polish agri-food exports grew significantly, from 4.3% in 2008 to 5.3% in 2011. As a result, the internationalization of Polish agri-food sector sales is more diversified, at the cost of share of the EU-market. In the current complicated economic situation in the Eurozone, Russia with its population of 140 million can be a prospective, alternative exports market for Polish enterprises. / Synopsis. W artykule zaprezentowano analizę polskiego eksportu rolno-spożywczego do Rosji w czasie globalnego kryzysu gospodarczego. Recesja w Europie w 2009 r. oraz kryzys zadłużeniowy w strefie euro wyraźnie pogorszyły uwarunkowania handlu międzynarodowego. Spadek PKB w Unii Europejskiej wyniósł 4,2%, a w Rosji był jeszcze większy (7,8%). Pomimo tych niekorzystnych okoliczności polski eksport żywności do Rosji w latach 2007-2011 wzrósł o 77%, a udział Rosji w polskim eksporcie w tej grupie produktowej znaczą co zwiększył się, z 4,3% w 2008 r. do 5,3% w 2011 r. W efekcie internacjonalizacja sprzedaży z polskiego sektora rolno-spożywczego uległa dywersyfikacji, kosztem zmniejszenia udziału rynku unijnego. W obecnej, złożonej sytuacji ekonomicznej w strefie euro Rosja z około 140 milionową ludnością może okazać się perspektywicznym, alternatywnym rynkiem eksportowym dla polskich przedsiębiorstw

    Internationalization of the Dairy Sector in Poland During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The aim of the study has been to evaluate the active internationalization of the dairy sector in Poland during the Covid-19 pandemic. The restrictions that were system-wise imposed globally since early 2020 created new conditions for the functioning of markets, also in the international dimension. As a result, production, logistic and consumption processes were considerably altered. The research subject was the dairy sector, which is an important link in the Polish food economy. The study covered years 2020-2021, showing the changes relative to the previous time periods. The literature perusal and analysis of the statistical data concerning the Polish foreign trade enabled us to confirm the hypothesis that food markets, including the dairy sector, are an important anchor of the Polish economy in times of crisis. The strong position of the Polish dairy products on international markets was maintained and even strengthened at the end of the researched period. A relatively high degree of the geographical diversification of the internationalization of the dairy sector compared to the whole agricultural and food sector was observed. It can be expected that the business solutions developed during the pandemic will additionally reinforce enterprises from the dairy sector in the future

    Crisis in trade with Russia vs. diversification of Polish food exports

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    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie oraz ocena dywersyfikacji polskiego eksportu żywności w warunkach utrudnionego dostępu do rynku rosyjskiego. Embargo wprowadzone przez Federację Rosyjską na import żywności z państw Unii Europejskiej oraz kryzys gospodarczy na tym rynku spowodowały silny spadek sprzedaży żywności z Polski w tym kraju. Wskutek przeprowadzonych studiów literatury oraz dokonania analizy danych statystycznych dotyczących polskiego handlu zagranicznego w latach 2012-2015 stwierdzono, że wobec utraty rynku rosyjskiego zwiększył się eksport żywności z Polski zarówno w UE, jak i na dalszych rynkach – USA, Arabii Saudyjskiej czy Wietnamu. Postępująca dywersyfikacja sprzedaży zagranicznej artykułów rolno-spożywczych z Polski wzmacnia potencjał przedsiębiorstw z sektora oraz sprzyja dalszemu procesowi jego internacjonalizacji. Oczekuje się, że podjęte działania dostosowawcze do nowej sytuacji w otoczeniu zwiększą elastyczność polskich producentów żywności na rynku międzynarodowy

    Graduates of colleges on the labour market —the example of selected graduates of the University of Warmia and Mazury

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    W artykule przedstawiono rezultaty badań dotyczących losów zawodowych absolwentów szkół wyższych na rynku pracy na przykładzie Wydziału Nauk Ekonomicznych (WNE) Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego (UWM). Analizy prowadzono między innymi pod kątem: czasu po jakim podjęli pracę, zgodności zatrudnienia z kierunkiem i specjalnościąstudiów, branży i wielkości podmiotów, w których znaleźli zatrudnienie, oraz zajmowanych stanowisk. Podstawą wnioskowania były studia literaturowe oraz dane zawarte wraportach instytucji centralnych i wojewódzkich. Na podstawie zgromadzonego materiału empirycz-nego, kierując się subiektywnym osądem jakości kształcenia przejawiającym się w radzeniu sobie absolwentów WNE UWM na rynku pracy, można wystawić im ogólną ocenę dobrą: 40% byłych studentów „znalazło” bowiem pracę w okresie do sześciu miesięcy, 80% wyko-nuje pracę zgodną z kierunkiem studiów, dla 90% jest to praca w formie stałej umowy oraz blisko co piąty po trzech latach pracy zajmuje stanowisko kierownicze.This article presents the results of the research on the professional fate of selected gra-duates on the labour market on an example of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Warmia and Mazury. Analyzes were conducted, among others in terms of time the graduates took a job, the compatibility of employment with the field and specialty of the study, the trade and the size of the business entity in which they found the job and the occupied position. The basis of the conclusions were literature studies and data included in the reports of central and provincial institutions. On the basis of the gathered empirical evidence, in the subjective judgment of the quality of education manifested in managing graduates on the labor market, it is possible to give a good mark in general, because 40% of graduates found a job in six months after studying, 80% of them work according to the field of study, 90% of them have a permanent contract of employment and close to every fifth graduate has a managerial position after three years working