9 research outputs found

    Effect of chemical and physical factors on germination capacity of reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) seed depending on storage time

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    This paper presents the research results regarding the effect of temperature (-15oC) and sulfuric and gibberellic acids on germination capacity of 1-, 2- and 4-year-old seed of reed canary grass (P. arundinacea). According to the results obtained, the stimulatory and inhibitory effect of the above mentioned factors depended on seed age and the time of seed exposure. A significant increase in germination capacity under the influence of low temperature (-15oC) was recorded only for 2- and 4-year-old seed after 6-hour exposure. However, one-year-old seed showed a significant decrease in germination capacity after 48 hours of freezing. The application of sulfuric acid significantly increased seed germination capacity only in the case of 4-year-old seed, regardless of the time of exposure, while a decrease in germination capacity, also not related to the time of sulfuric acid application, was observed in 1-year-old seed. A significant increase in germination, resulting from seed treatment with gibberellic acid, was recorded for 4-year-old seed subjected to soaking for 12 h and for 2-year-old seed (soaking time 6 h) as well as for 1-year-old seed exposed to this factor for 1h. The inhibitory effect of gibberellic acid was observed in 1-year-old seed affected by this factor for 6h and 12 h as well as for hormone treatment of 2-year-old seed for 1 h and 12 h

    Effect of chemical and physical factors on germination capacity of reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) seed depending on storage time

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    This paper presents the research results regarding the effect of temperature (-15oC) and sulfuric and gibberellic acids on germination capacity of 1-, 2- and 4-year-old seed of reed canary grass (P. arundinacea). According to the results obtained, the stimulatory and inhibitory effect of the above mentioned factors depended on seed age and the time of seed exposure. A significant increase in germination capacity under the influence of low temperature (-15oC) was recorded only for 2- and 4-year-old seed after 6-hour exposure. However, one-year-old seed showed a significant decrease in germination capacity after 48 hours of freezing. The application of sulfuric acid significantly increased seed germination capacity only in the case of 4-year-old seed, regardless of the time of exposure, while a decrease in germination capacity, also not related to the time of sulfuric acid application, was observed in 1-year-old seed. A significant increase in germination, resulting from seed treatment with gibberellic acid, was recorded for 4-year-old seed subjected to soaking for 12 h and for 2-year-old seed (soaking time 6 h) as well as for 1-year-old seed exposed to this factor for 1h. The inhibitory effect of gibberellic acid was observed in 1-year-old seed affected by this factor for 6h and 12 h as well as for hormone treatment of 2-year-old seed for 1 h and 12 h

    Weed problem on the newly established prairie cordgrass (Spartina pectinata) plantations intended for energetic purposes Kontrola zachwaszczenia w pierwszym roku uprawy spartiny preriowej (Spartina pectinata) przeznaczonej na cele energetyczne

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    Abstract In our research conducted in years 2009-2011 three herbicides were examined in the respect of their usefulness at the plantation of prairie cordgrass (Spartina pectinata) intended for energetic purposes. In the light of the conducted observations, it seems that selectivity of particular herbicides for prairie cordgrass plants and their effectiveness on particular weed species depend mainly on the growing phase of the plants as well as on particular weed species. Key words: effectiveness, herbicides, prairie cordgrass (Spartina pectinata), selectivity, weed control Streszczenie W badaniach własnych prowadzonych latach 2009-2011 poddano ocenie trzy herbicydy pod kątem ich przydatności do stosowania na plantacji roślin spartiny preriowej (Spartina pectinata) przeznaczonej na cele energetyczne. Z przeprowadzonych obserwacji wynika, że selektywność poszczególnych herbicydów dla roślin spartiny preriowej oraz skuteczność ich działania na poszczególne gatunki chwastów, zależała głównie od fazy rozwojowej samych roślin jak również poszczególnych gatunków chwastów. . Eksperyment został przeprowadzony pod kątem selektywności lub jej braku w odniesieniu do roślin spartiny preriowe oraz skuteczności działania w stosunku do chwastów występujących na nowo zakładanych plantacjach. Herbicydy aplikowano w fazie 2-3 pędów i 3-5 liści spartiny preriowe. Fitotoksyczność badanych herbicydów oceniano po 7, 14 oraz 28 dni od momentu aplikacji herbicydów, stan i stopień zachwaszczenia plantacji gatunkami dominującymi, szacowano na początku wegetacji podając gatunek i liczbę w szt.*m -2 . Natomiast analizę zniszczenia chwastów wykonywano po 3-4 tygodniach od momentu aplikacji herbicydów a ocenę stopnia zachwaszczenia wtórnego gatunkami dominującymi przeprowadzano na 4 tygodnie przed zbiorem roślin spartiny preriowe. Wszystkie z przebadanych herbicydów, które zastosowano w nasadzeniach spartiny preriowe powodowały w ciągu pierwszych 7 dni od momentu aplikacji widoczne objawy fitotoksycznego działania w postaci chlorozy liści. Po upływie kolejnych 14 dni nie stwierdzono wyraźnych uszkodzeń liści po żadnym z zastosowanych herbicydów. Jedynie mieszanina zbiornikowa herbicydu Maister 310 WG i adiuwanta Actirob 842 EC, spowodowała 25% zahamowanie wzrostu, utrzymujące się do końca wegetacji roślin spartiny preriowe. Najlepsze efekty w regulacji zachwaszczenia na nowo założonej plantacji spartiny preriowej osiągnięto stosując łącznie herbicyd Maister 310 WG i adiuwant Actirob 842 EC. Mieszanina ta skutecznie ograniczała występowanie większości gatunków chwastów jakie pojawiły się na plantacji. Skuteczność działania pozostałych dwóch herbicydów: Zeus 208 WG i Shado 300 SC była istotnie niższa. Stwierdzono również, że jednorazowa aplikacja badanych herbicydów nie zapewniała utrzymania plantacji spartiny preriowe przez cały okres wegetacji w stanie wolnym od chwastów, gdyż po upływie około 16 tygodni od momentu zastosowania herbicydów, zaobserwowano pojawienie się wtórnego zachwaszczenia

    The weed species composition in a reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) plantation for energy purposes depending on its age

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    The present experiment, carried out in nine production fields of reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea) grown for energy purposes, evaluated the effect of plantation age on the occurrence and species composition of weeds. The selected plantations were divided into 3 groups that were conventionally called “young” (1–2 years old), “middle-aged” (3–5 years old), and “older” plantations (6–8 years old). Regardless of plantation age, altogether 43 species were found in the experimental fields. Moreover, 6 species were common for all the plantations and were found in them regardless of plantation age. The least species, only 18, were found on the “young” plantations, almost twice more on the “older” ones (30 species), whereas the largest spectrum of species was found in the “middle-aged” plantations (33 species). In the “young” plantations, annual weeds were the most common, with the highest constancy and coverage index found for Chenopodium album, Matricaria maritima ssp. inodora and Echinochloa crus-galli. The greatest variation in species was found in the “middle-aged” plantations. However, only 4 species achieved the highest constancy and coverage index: Matricaria maritima ssp. inodora, Cirsium arvense, Poa trivialis and Taraxacum officinale. Furthermore, perennial weeds were found to be dominant in the “older” plantations. Within this group, Poa trivialis, Taraxacum officinale, Urtica dioica, Plantago maior, and Cirsium arvense had the highest constancy and coverage index

    The weed species composition in a reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) plantation for energy purposes depending on its age

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    The present experiment, carried out in nine production fields of reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea) grown for energy purposes, evaluated the effect of plantation age on the occurrence and species composition of weeds. The selected plantations were divided into 3 groups that were conventionally called “young” (1–2 years old), “middle-aged” (3–5 years old), and “older” plantations (6–8 years old). Regardless of plantation age, altogether 43 species were found in the experimental fields. Moreover, 6 species were common for all the plantations and were found in them regardless of plantation age. The least species, only 18, were found on the “young” plantations, almost twice more on the “older” ones (30 species), whereas the largest spectrum of species was found in the “middle-aged” plantations (33 species). In the “young” plantations, annual weeds were the most common, with the highest constancy and coverage index found for Chenopodium album, Matricaria maritima ssp. inodora and Echinochloa crus-galli. The greatest variation in species was found in the “middle-aged” plantations. However, only 4 species achieved the highest constancy and coverage index: Matricaria maritima ssp. inodora, Cirsium arvense, Poa trivialis and Taraxacum officinale. Furthermore, perennial weeds were found to be dominant in the “older” plantations. Within this group, Poa trivialis, Taraxacum officinale, Urtica dioica, Plantago maior, and Cirsium arvense had the highest constancy and coverage index


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    The results and analysis of the chosen physico-chemical soil properties of the fallow, which was not cultivated for 7 years and of the arable land, situated close to it, are presented in this work. Soil moisture content was higher and the weed infestation rate was bigger on the arable land in comparison to fallow. Significant increase of C.org. as well as P, K and Mg availability for plant was noticed on the fallow. On the arable land segetal species were common, whereas on the fallow ruderal species occurred as well. In spite of the close neighborhood of fallow with Solidago gigantea and Solidago canadensis species domination, this species was not reported on the arable land

    Aktywność herbicydowa wyciągów wodnych z dwóch gatunków z rodzaju Solidago w stosunku do Thlaspi arvense i Stellaria media

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań doświadczal- nych nad oceną aktywności herbicydowej wyciągów wodnych z dwóch gatunków z rodzaju Solidago w stosunku do Thlaspi arvense i Stellaria media. W warunkach laboratoryjnych przygo- towano wyciągi wodne z części podziemnych oraz nadziemnych Solidago gigantea i Solidago canadensis. Z wyciągów sporzą- dzono roztwory robocze o stężeniu 10%. Jako rozpuszczalnika użyto wody destylowanej. Roztworami opryskano rośliny Thla- spi arvense i Stellaria media, a następnie oceniono ich wpływ na wytwarzanie świeżej masy. Roztwory uzyskane z wyciągów wodnych z Solidago gigantea i Solidago canadensis hamowały wytwarzanie świeżej masy przez Stellaria media i Thlaspi arven- se. Reakcja tych gatunków była zróżnicowana. Większą wrażli- wość na działanie badanych wyciągów wodnych obserwowano w przypadku Thlaspi arvense. Zaobserwowana w doświadcze- niach aktywność herbicydowa badanych roztworów jest zbyt ni- ska do zastosowań praktycznych


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    The research was carried out in the years 2008–2010 in the fields of the Experimental Station IUNG at Jelcz-Laskowice. Two-factorial experiments were laid out on the grey-brown podzolic soil formed out of loamy sand silt by the method of randomized subblocks in four replications. The experimental factors were intercrops (mustard and lupine) and tillage system (traditional, simplified and zero). Winter wheat was the forecrop and maize the sequent plant. Leaf area index (LAI) and mean tip angle (MTA) were determined in the stage of early flowering with use of a LAI-2000 meter (LI-COR, USA) in four replications. The research was carried out to find out which tillage system and intercrop would positively influence the yielding, selected indices of canopy architecture (height of plants, LAI, MTA) and the amount of weeds in maize grown for grain. The yield of maize grain grown in simplified and zero tillage appeared to be lower than that obtained in traditional tillage. The highest LAI index of maize grown after both forecrops was found with traditional tillage, while the lowest with zero one. The highest maize plants were those in conventional tillage. The intercrop which appeared to have the most favourable effect on the height of maize was mustard. Reduced tillage systems increased total weed infestation in comparison to conventional tillage. Compensation of Echinochloa crus-galli, Geranium pusillum and Chenopodium album was noticed. The greatest number of weeds per unit area was found in the experiment after no-tillage system