16 research outputs found

    Effect of Pasteurization on Rheological Properties of White Carrot Juice

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    AbstractThe rheological behaviour of untreated and pasteurized white carrot juice was modelled to investigate the influence of temperature on viscosity and its fluid type. The research was conducted using a rotational viscometer at shear rates ranging from 1 to 100 s-1 and temperatures between 10 and 60°C. The rheological behaviour of untreated white carrot juice was well described by the Newtonian model while the pasteurized juice showed a pseudoplastic behaviour and was satisfactorily fitted to Ostwald-de Waele model. The Arrhenius equation adequately described the effect of temperature on the viscosity. The activation energies were depended on kind of fluid and were 15.41 and 5.90kJ/mol for untreated and pasteurized white carrot juice, respectively

    Evaluation of Reliability of Mobile ICT Services, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2021, nr 1

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    This article discusses common problems with reliability and availability of ICT services, mainly in mobile networks. Internet access-related services have been examined and traditional service quality assessment methods have been compared with the proposed solutions, with the primary focus placed on availability and reliability of mobile services. The required parameter values describing reliability and quality levels have been defined and proposed

    Medycyna regeneracyjna w leczeniu nietrzymania moczu a technika i sposoby podania materiału komórkowego do zwieracza cewki moczowej

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    The aim of the work is to present regenerative medicine achievement as an alternative SUI treatment and the variety of injected cells type as well as injection techniques itself with the analysis of their quality and possible the mechanism in which they reduce urinary incontinence symptoms. For over a decade numerous authors declare use of different type of autologous mesenchymal-derived stem cells (AMDC) in male and female SUI. The leakage improvement reached 80%, despite the number of injected cells as well as the injection technique. Important subject in the AMDC treatment is the precise cell material injection into the selected spot which might be possible with the use of the endoscopic assisting robot. The robotic supported system for cells procedure might bring the missing percentage in reaching the goal in SUI treatment.  Celem pracy jest przedstawienie osiągnięć medycyny regeneracyjnej jako alternatywnej terapii w wysiłkowym nietrzymaniu moczu (WNM). Dokonany przegląd literatury problemu wskazuje na różnorodność podawanych linii komórkowych, ich rodzaju, jak i samej techniki iniekcji z analizą jakości i ewentualnego mechanizmu, w którym zmniejszeniu uległy objawy nietrzymania moczu. Od ponad dziesięciu lat wielu autorów deklaruje korzystanie z różnych rodzajów autologicznych mezenchymalnych komórek macierzystych (AMDC autologoue muscle derived stem cells) w leczeniu mężczyzn i kobiet z WNM. Poprawa utrzymania moczu sięga wg niektórych źródeł 80%, niezależnie od liczby wstrzykniętych komórek, oraz sposobu ich podania. Ważnym zagadnieniem w leczeniu z użyciem AMDC, jest precyzyjne podanie materiału komórkowego do wybranego miejsca (zwieracza cewki moczowej), które można udoskonalić stosując endoskopowo wspomagany system robota. Zastosowanie ww systemu mogłoby poprawić technikę podania materiału komórkowego i zobiektywizować wyniki leczenia.

    Evaluation of Reliability of Mobile ICT Services

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    This article discusses common problems with reliability and availability of ICT services, mainly in mobile networks. Internet access-related services have been examined and traditional service quality assessment methods have been compared with the proposed solutions, with the primary focus placed on availability and reliability of mobile services. The required parameter values describing reliability and quality levels have been defined and proposed

    Shell of table eggs: nutritional value and functional properties

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    Produkcja jaj kurzych na poziomie przemysłowym prowadzi do powstania znacznej ilości pozostałości skorup, które najczęściej stanowią odpady produkcyjne. Skorupy jaj konsumpcyjnych niejednokrotnie uważane są za nieekonomiczny produkt uboczny bądź odpad, pomimo tego że stanowią źródło składników mineralnych, mających znaczenie w żywieniu ludzi, jak i zwierząt. W pracy przedstawiono potencjał i możliwości wykorzystania skorupy jaj jako źródła składników mineralnych. Skorupy charakteryzują się wysoką zawartością wapnia, ale zawierają także bor, chrom, mangan, miedź, jod, żelazo, siarkę, cynk, selen oraz krzem i jednocześnie zawierają niski poziom metali ciężkich. Odpowiednio rozdrobnione skorupy jaj mogą stanowić jedno z najlepszych źródeł wapnia w żywieniu ludzi jak i zwierząt, cechującego się ponad 90% przyswajalnością.The production of chicken eggs at the industrial level leads to a significant amount of shell residue, which most often constitutes production waste. In general, consumer egg shells are considered to have no economic value, despite the fact that they are rich in minerals that could provide an alternative to synthetic dietary supplements. This paper reviews information on the possibilities of egg shells management. A wide range of possibilities for the processing and use of eggshells as a source of minerals and a raw material with functional properties was demonstrated. Shells are characterized by a high content of calcium, but also contain boron, chromium, manganese, copper, iodine, iron, sulfur, zinc, selenium and silicon, while a low content of heavy metals. Properly crushed shells are considered one of the best sources of calcium for humans and animals, with a bioavailability of more than 90%

    University Social Responsibility Strategies

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    As the social responsibility notion developed, it caught the interest of not only businesses but also other organizations, including universities. The project described in the article aimed at researching how higher education institutions develop their social responsibility strategies. The desk research carried out covered the analysis of GRI database entries where the universities’ social responsibility and sustainable development reports are stored as well as the analysis of selected reports and universities’ websites. The two main findings of that research are: the growing social responsibility of the universities has been proved, and a vast diversity of the strategies applied was observed. As a result, seven models of creating the university strategy have been identified and described in the paper. In conclusion, we must stress that there are no universal standards regarding the placement of the strategy in the university general development plans, neither its scope, the process of creation nor the way it is communicated

    Effect of the black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliott) juice acquisition method on the content of polyphenols and antioxidant activity.

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    The primary objective of the study was to determine the effect of process conditions on extraction efficiency and the total amount of released polyphenols and antioxidant activity (AA) in black chokeberry juice. The study samples were fruits of black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliott) cv. Galicjanka. In the study, two kinds of presses-piston press and twin gear juice extractor-were used, and two raw material pretreatment methods-freezing and thawing and enzymatic liquefaction-were applied. The study showed that pressing efficiency depends on the design of press and the nature of pretreatment. The highest pressing efficiency was obtained using the twin gear juice extractor. Enzymatic liquefaction of shredded fruits significantly increased the efficiency of pressing by the piston press. The type of press and the pretreatment method used had an effect on the quality traits of the extracted juices. The highest content of soluble solids was obtained for fruits not subjected to any pretreatment and pressed using the twin gear press. The highest total phenolic content was obtained in juice extracted using the piston press from shredded fruits subjected to enzymatic treatment at 45°C. A higher total phenolic content was also a characteristic of juice obtained from fruits not subjected to any pretreatment and extracted using the twin gear press. The capacity of the black chokeberry juices for free radical quenching oscillated around the level of approximately 90%. The study showed that the application of suitable processing methods is necessary for the acquisition of products with desirable quality traits

    Farmers’ Attitudes towards Risk—An Empirical Study from Poland

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    Risk aversion is an important research area in the field of agricultural economics in the last years. Creating effective and efficient risk management tools in an increasingly volatile economic and natural environment requires proper recognition of farmers’ behavior and attitudes towards risk. In this context, the main aim of the paper was to estimate farmers’ attitudes towards risk and identification of farm’s and farmer’s characteristics in dependency on risk aversion level. The assessment of farmers’ preferences towards risk was based on hypothetical games in a representative sample of 600 Polish farms—participants of Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN). Based on the interviews with farmers, a relative risk aversion coefficient has been estimated. Results revealed that on average Polish farmers have quite a strong risk aversion. Their attitudes towards risk are strongly linked with their self-assessment regarding their way of making decisions under risk. Some relations between farmers’ risk aversion and perception of selected risk factors could also be observed. The results revealed that the application of specified risk management tools by farmers and their potential reaction to a significant income drop are related to risk aversion level

    Relationship between lower-extremity defects and body mass among polish children: a cross-sectional study

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    Abstract Background Lower extremity defects in healthy children raises interest of researchers as confirmed by numerous published original and review articles. The relationship between lower extremity postural defects and body mass are unclear as published data are inconclusive. The aim of the present cross-sectional study was to analyse the prevalence of lower extremity defects in a large group of 8- to 12-year-old children; and further to assess the probability of defects associated with values of body mass variables. Methods The study included prospective anthropometric measurements data of 6992 children (3476 boys and 3516 girls) from Gdansk (Northern Poland). Standard screening test used in Poland for assessment of lower limb defects were used (intermalleolar or intercondylar distance for knee alignment, linear vertical compass for valgus heel, computer podoscope or classical footprint and measuring the Sztriter-Godunow index for flatfeet). Body mass was assessed with local centile charts and IOTF cutoffs. Prevalence of postural defects was compared with an aid of Pearson’s chi-squared test and Fisher’s exact test. Probability of lower extremities postural defect was estimated on the basis of logistic regression analysis, and expressed as an odds ratio (OR) and its 95.0% CI. Results The study demonstrated that cumulative prevalence of lower extremity defects (31.5%) was lower than reported in most published studies, most common defects were valgus heel (21.8%) and valgus knee (14.5%). Boys were significantly more frequently diagnosed with lower limb defects overall (p < 0.001), as well as with varus knee, valgus heel, flatfoot of any degree. Limb defects were found in 90,2% of obese children, 25,7% of normal weight and 15,1% of underweight children. Conclusions Prevalence of some lower extremities defects seems to be sex specific. Prevalence varied across body weight categories and was rising with the increase of BMI. Increased body mass is correlated with a higher risk of developing lower extremity postural defects in children