177 research outputs found

    Tumori i pseudotumori orbite

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    Twenty-four orbital tumors and 4 pseudotumors diagnosed in biopsy material among 596 ophthalmic tumors examined during the 1998-2003 period are presented according to patient age and sex, tumor histology and immunohistochemistry. The most common orbital tumors were lipomas, meningiomas and lymphomas, with a peak incidence in the seventh decade of life. Most orbital tumors of childhood are distinguished from those occurring in adults. Most pediatric orbital tumors are benign (developmental cysts, capillary hemangioma, hamartoma), with a peak incidence in the first decade of life. Orbital tumors show a bimodal age distribution. Benign orbital tumors are more common than the malignant ones. Rhabdomyosarcoma (embryonal type) is the most common orbital malignancy in childhood, and lymphoma in adults. Orbital pseudotumors are a term that has been widely accepted to describe inflammatory lesions of the orbital tissue with a mixed inflammatory infiltrate with a varying grade of fibrosis. Histologic classification of orbital pseudotumors is presented. Orbital pseudotumors occur predominantly in older individuals and are infrequent in children and young individuals. These imply a nonspecific inflammatory process of unknown etiology, and have been included as part of the differential diagnosis of orbital tumors.Opisuju se 24 tumora i 4 pseudotumora orbite prema njihovim histoloÅ”kim i imunohistokemijskim obilježjima, dobi i spolu, dijagnosticirani u biopsijskom materijalu među 624 oftalmičnih tumora u razdoblju od 1998. do 2003. godine. NajčeŔći orbitalni tumori bili su lipomi, meningeomi i limfomi s vrÅ”nom učestaloŔću u sedmom desetljeću života. Većina orbitalnih tumora dječje dobi razlikuje se od tumora koji se javljaju u odraslih. Tumori dječje dobi većinom su benigni (ciste, kapilarni hemangiomi i hamartomi) s vrÅ”nom učestaloŔću u prvom desetljeću života. Orbitalni tumori imaju bimodalni oblik rasporeda učestalosti. NajčeŔći zloćudni tumor dječje dobi je rabdomiosarkom (embrionalni tip), a u odraslih limfom. Orbitalni pseudotumori su prihvaćen izraz koji opisuje lezije orbitalnog tkiva s mijeÅ”anim upalnim infiltratom s različitim stupnjem fibroze. Prikazana je histoloÅ”ka klasifikacija orbitalnih pseudotumora. Orbitalni pseudotumori javljaju se pretežito u starijih osoba, a rijetko u djece i mladih. To su nespecifične upale nepoznatog uzroka koje su uključene kao dio diferencijalne dijagnoze orbitalnih tumora

    Prostate cancer stroma: an important factor in cancer growth and progression

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    Reactive stromal changes that occur in different human cancers might play a role in local tumor spreading and progression. Studies done on various human cancers have shown activated stromal cell phenotypes, modified extracellular matrix (ECM) composition, and increased microvessel density. Furthermore, they exhibit biological markers consistent with stroma at the site of wound repair. In prostate cancer, stroma is composed of fibroblasts, myofibroblasts, endothelial cells and immune cells. Predominant cells in the tumorous stroma are, however, fibroblasts/ myofibroblasts. They are responsible for the synthesis, deposition and remodeling of the ECM. Epithelial tumorous cells, in interaction with stromal cells and with the help of various molecules of ECM, create a microenvironment suitable for cancer cell proliferation, movement, and differentiation. In this review, we discussed the role of different stromal components in prostate cancer as well as their potential prognostic and therapeutic significance

    Different types of atrophy in the prostate with and without adenocarcinoma

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    OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to evaluate, according to a classification proposed by a working group, the extent and type of atrophy lesions in radical prostatectomy specimens obtained from patients with prostatic carcinoma and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and to compare the prevalence and types of atrophy between two investigated groups. ----- METHODS: Histologic analysis of 1096 slides from 50 patients with carcinoma and 277 slides from 31 patients with BPH was performed to evaluate, according to the new prostatic atrophy classification, the number of foci and type of atrophic lesions. ----- RESULTS: Age, Gleason grade, and TNM showed no significant correlation with the number of proliferative atrophy (PA) and proliferative inflammatory atrophy (PIA) foci (p>0.05). PIA was significantly more frequent in prostates with carcinoma (1.63 vs 1.27 atrophic lesions per slide) (p<0.001), whereas PA displayed an increased frequency in BPH (2.28 vs 0.76 atrophic lesions per slide) (p<0.001). ----- CONCLUSIONS: We confirmed that PA and PIA are common findings in prostates with and without carcinoma, but the question of whether inflammation produces tissue damage and PA or whether some other insult induces the tissue damage and atrophy directly, with inflammation occurring secondarily, is still unresolved

    Periacinar clefting and p63 immunostaining in prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and prostatic carcinoma

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    The aim of the present study was to correlate the presence and extent of retraction clefting and the expression of p63 in neoplastic glands and glands with prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) in needle core biopsies. We analyzed needle core biopsies from 28 patients with PIN and 41 patients with adenocarcinoma. Neoplastic glands and those with PIN were analyzed on high power field (400x) and classified in three groups according to the extent of clefting. Immunohistochemical staining was performed following Microwave Streptavidin ImmunoPeroxidase (MSIP) protocol on DAKO TechMate Horizon automated immunostainer. Periacinar retraction clefting was significantly more prominent in prostatic carcinoma compared to PIN (p<0.0001) and nonneoplastic glands (p<0.0001). There was no difference between normal glands and PIN regarding clefting (p=0.8064). p63 was positive around the whole circumference in 12 out of 28 cases with PIN, and discontinuously positive in remaining 16 PIN cases suggesting initial disruption of the basal cell layer. p63 immunostaining was also positive in all nonneoplastic glands, and negative in all carcinomas. We conclude that retraction clefting was associated with cancer and lack of basal cells, but not with PIN. The relationship between clefting and p63 immunostaining in prostatic cancer should be further analyzed

    15th Ljudevit Jurak International Symposium on Comparative Pathology

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    Primary osteosarcoma of bladder diverticulum mimicking intradiverticular calculus: a case report

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    There is a well-documented relationship between urinary bladder diverticula and intradiverticular neoplasms. The great majorities of these tumors are urothelial carcinomas, but may also be of glandular or squamous type. Sarcomas occurring within bladder diverticula are exceptionally rare and highly malignant lesions, with only 20 well documented cases published in the literature to date (including carcinosarcomas). We report a case of osteosarcoma of the bladder diverticulum in a 68-year old man, which clinically mimicked intradiverticular calculus. To our knowledge, this is the second case described in the literature to date, and the first in English literature

    (Reactive) Eccrine Syringofibroadenoma with Foci of Squamous Cell Carcinoma in situ: A Case Report

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    We describe a rare case of an eccrine syringofibroadenoma with a foci of squamous cell carcinoma in situ, which has to best of our knowledge been reported only twice in the English literature. An excisional biopsy of an elevated, lobular tumor of the lower leg in an 86-yearold male patient was performed. Histologic examination revealed a tumor consisting of anastomosing strands of epithelial cells originating from the epidermis, occasionally showing ductal eccrine differentiation. Foci of squamous cell carcinoma in situ were observed within the described lesion. The diagnosis of eccrine syringofibroadenoma with squamous cell carcinoma in situ was established. Eccrine syringofibroadenoma is a rare lesion, mostly considered to be a reactive process arising secondarily in association with other cutaneous diseases such as dermatoses or neoplasms, although some researchers do not exclude the possibility that it is a primary neoplasm with a potential for malignant transformation

    Importance of Oral Hygiene and Maintaining Oral Health in Persons With Disabilities

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    This paper aims to approximate and facilitate the routine of daily oral hygiene for persons with disabilities, as well as to emphasize the importance of educating persons with disabilities and their caregivers about oral health as an essential part of overall health. Desk research of electronic databases was conducted with the aim of writing this paper, using the following keywords: ā€˜oral hygieneā€™, ā€˜dental plaqueā€™, ā€˜oral healthā€™ and ā€˜persons with disabilitiesā€™. Literature research has shown that persons with disabilities have poor oral hygiene, as well as that there is a lack of education among them and their caregivers about the importance of oral health and proper oral hygiene. Poor oral hygiene can affect a personā€™s quality of life due to discomfort during eating, bad breath, poor self-esteem, pain, and disturbed sleep, which is a result of caries or other diseases of the oral cavity. Maintaining oral health is an essential part of overall health
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