582 research outputs found

    Scaling approach for the time-dependent Kondo model

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    We present a new nonperturbative method to deal with the time-dependent quantum many-body problem, which is an extension of Wegner's flow equations to time-dependent Hamiltonians. The formalism provides a scaling procedure for the set of time-dependent interaction constants. We apply these ideas to a Kondo model with a ferromagnetic exchange coupling switched on over a time scale Ď„\tau. We show that the asymptotic expectation value of the impurity spin interpolates continuously between its quenched and adiabatic value

    Schwinger's Propagator Is Only A Green's Function

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    Schwinger used an analytic continuation of the effective action to correctly compute the particle production rate per unit volume for QED in a uniform electric field. However, if one simply evaluates the one loop expectation value of the current operator using his propagator, the result is zero! We analyze this curious fact from the context of a canonical formalism of operators and states. The explanation turns out to be that Schwinger's propagator is not actually the expectation value of the time-ordered product of field operators in the presence of a time-independent state, although it is of course a Green's function. We compute the true propagator in the presence of a state which is empty at x+=0x_+ = 0 where x+≡(x0+x3)/2x_+ \equiv (x^0+x^3)/\sqrt{2} is the lightcone evolution parameter. Our result can be generalized to electric fields which depend arbitrarily on x+x_+.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX 2 epsilo

    Large N limit of SO(N) scalar gauge theory

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    In this paper we study the large NcN_c limit of SO(N_c) gauge theory coupled to a real scalar field following ideas of Rajeev. We see that the phase space of this resulting classical theory is Sp_1(H)/U(H_+) which is the analog of the Siegel disc in infinite dimensions. The linearized equations of motion give us a version of the well-known 't Hooft equation of two dimensional QCD.Comment: 16 pages, no figure

    An electron jet pump: The Venturi effect of a Fermi liquid

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    A three-terminal device based on a two-dimensional electron system is investigated in the regime of non-equilibrium transport. Excited electrons scatter with the cold Fermi sea and transfer energy and momentum to other electrons. A geometry analogous to a water jet pump is used to create a jet pump for electrons. Because of its phenomenological similarity we name the observed behavior "electronic Venturi effect".Comment: Journal of Applied Physics Special Topic: Plenary and Invited Papers from the 30th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Seoul, Korea, 2010; http://link.aip.org/link/?JAP/109/10241

    Small x divergences in the Similarity RG approach to LF QCD

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    We study small x divergences in boost invariant similarity renormalization group approach to light-front QCD in a heavy quark-antiquark state. With the boost invariance maintained, the infrared divergences do not cancel out in the physical states, contrary to previous studies where boost invariance was violated by a choice of a renormalization scale. This may be an indication that the zero mode, or nontrivial light-cone vacuum structure, might be important for recovering full Lorentz invariance.Comment: 23 pgs, 1 fig. Revised for publication: typos corrected, improved discussion of regularizatio

    Relaxation of hot electrons in a degenerate two-dimensional electron system: transition to one-dimensional scattering

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    The energy relaxation channels of hot electrons far from thermal equilibrium in a degenerate two-dimensional electron system are investigated in transport experiments in a mesoscopic three-terminal device. We observe a transition from two dimensions at zero magnetic field to quasi--one-dimensional scattering of the hot electrons in a strong magnetic field. In the two-dimensional case electron-electron scattering is the dominant relaxation mechanism, while the emission of optical phonons becomes more and more important as the magnetic field is increased. The observation of up to 11 optical phonons emitted per hot electron allows us to determine the onset energy of LO phonons in GaAs at cryogenic temperatures with a high precision, \eph=36.0\pm0.1\,meV. Numerical calculations of electron-electron scattering and the emission of optical phonons underline our interpretation in terms of a transition to one-dimensional dynamics.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Gravitating defects of codimension-two

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    Thin gravitating defects with conical singularities in higher codimensions and with generalized Israel matching conditions are known to be inconsistent for generic energy-momentum. A way to remove this inconsistency is proposed and is realized for an axially symmetric gravitating codimension-two defect in six dimensional Einstein gravity. By varying with respect to the brane embedding fields, alternative matching conditions are derived, which are generalizations of the Nambu-Goto equations of motion of the defect, consistent with bulk gravity. For a maximally symmetric defect the standard picture is recovered. The four-dimensional perfect fluid cosmology coincides with conventional FRW in the case of radiation, but for dust it has rho^{4/3} instead of rho. A four-dimensional black hole solution is presented having the Schwarzschild form with a short-distance correction r^{-2}.Comment: Minor changes, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Towards a covariant model for cosmic self-acceleration

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    An explicitly covariant formulation is presented of a modified DGP scenario proposed recently [1], to avoid the instability of the self-accelerating branch. It is based on the introduction of a bulk scalar field with appropriate non-minimal coupling to the bulk Einstein-Hilbert term. The method is general and may be applied to other models as well.Comment: 10 pages, no figures; v2: version published in JHE

    On two dimensional coupled bosons and fermions

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    We study complex bosons and fermions coupled through a generalized Yukawa type coupling in the large-N_c limit following ideas of Rajeev [Int. Jour. Mod. Phys. A 9 (1994) 5583]. We study a linear approximation to this model. We show that in this approximation we do not have boson-antiboson and fermion-antifermion bound states occuring together. There is a possibility of having only fermion-antifermion bound states. We support this claim by finding distributional solutions with energies lower than the two mass treshold in the fermion sector. This also has implications from the point of view of scattering theory to this model. We discuss some aspects of the scattering above the two mass treshold of boson pairs and fermion pairs. We also briefly present a gauged version of the same model and write down the linearized equations of motion.Comment: 25 pages, no figure
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