4 research outputs found

    Automatized Editing of Vectorized Cadastrial Map

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    Članak opisuje prototip programskog paketa namijenjenog automatskom uređivanju vektorskih slika katastarskih planova. Bavi se nekim teoretskim rješenjima i strukturom podataka, što je presudno za efikasnost programa, i objektno orijentiranim pristupom, koji se pokazao u fazi razvoja programa kao veoma pogodan za ovaj problem.Paper describes prototype of software package for automatized editing vectorized pictures of cadastrial maps, with special view on theoretical solutions and data structure which are the key for program effectiveness, and object-oriented approach which showed all its benefits during program development

    Sistem za izdelavo digitalnega ortofota na PC

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    Digitalni ortofoto postaja v svetu osnovni sloj GIS-ov. Izdelava digitalnega ortofota temelji na razpačevanju digitalnih slik aeroposnetkov, ki predstavljajo ogromne količine podatkov. Trenutno poznane operacionalne rešitve temeljijo na delovnih postajah in specialni strojni opremi. V referatu je predstavljen sistem, ki je plod domačega znanja, in je operacionalen na močnejših PC računalnikih. Poudarek je na reševanju problemov v zvezi s hranjenjem, prenosi in obdelavo digitalnih slik. Sistem je namenjen predvsem izdelavi digitalnega ortofota, ki glede natančnosti ustreza TTN5 oziroma TTN10 in je kot tak interesanten za najširši krog uporabnikov

    Complete Automation of the relative Orientation of a Stereopair : Avtomatizacija celotnega postopka relativne orientacije stereopara

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    In the paper the results of the research on the complete automation of the relative orientation of a stereo pair is presented. The theoretical background needed for understanding this topic is described and the results of testing the algorithms with real data are presented. In general, the relative orientation procedure consists of three phases: input data acquisition, computation ofrelative orientation parameters and estimation of observation errors. In the process of the complete relative orientation automation, the key step is the automation of homologous points acquisition in the stereo area. In the tests presented, the homologous points were acquired with different methods: manually, semiautomatically and fully automatically. The results ofthe computed relative orientation parameters have been compared. It has been concluded that the automation of the relative orientation procedure is successful and reliable if the control of the observation errors estimation is built into the procedure, and,especially, we get the results faster than with the manual or semi-automated method