8 research outputs found

    Koncentracija insulina i IGF-I u krvnom serumu novorođene prasadi tretirane klinoptilolitom

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the natural mineral adsorber clinoptilolite on the serum levels of insulin and insulin-like growth factor-I in newborn piglets in the first 30 hours postnatally. A total number of 40 crossbred Landrace x Duroc newborn piglets from 4 litters was used. Five piglets from each litter were randomly assigned to the treated group and another five piglets to the control group. The treated animals received 10 ml of 15% clinoptilolite suspension three times: immediately after birth and subsequently at 12 and 24 hours after birth. Mean serum insulin level in the treated newborn piglets was almost 20% higher at both time intervals after treatment but the increases were not statistically significant, due to the high individual variation (44.40Ā±6.33:36.40Ā±5.14 and 17.54Ā±2.61:14.02Ā±1.14 mIU/L, treated vs. control at 10 and 30 hours postpartum). Serum levels of IGF-I were also increased in the treated newborn piglets, and the differences between means were statistically significant (18.20Ā±0.63: 13.70Ā±1.02 and 17.61Ā±0.173:12.48Ā±0.64 nmol/L, p lt 0.001, treated vs. control at 10 and 30 hours postpartum). Our results indicate that clinoptilolite treatment could effectively increase serum IGF-I and possibly also insulin levels in newborn piglets.Cilj rada je bio da se ispita uticaj peroralnog davanja praparata Min-a-Zel S, koji sadrži aktivnu komponentu klinoptilolit, na nivo insulina i insulinu-sličnog faktora rasta-I (IGF-I) u krvnom serumu novorođene prasadi u prvih 30. časova postnatalnog života. U ogled je bilo uključeno 40 prasadi koji su poticali iz 4 legla. U svakom leglu polovina prasadi je dobijala po 10 ml 15% suspenzije Min-a-Zela S, i to odmah posle rođenja, 12. i 24. časa po rođenju. Druga polovina prasadi je služila kao kontrolna grupa. Krv za analizu nivoa ovih bioloÅ”ki aktivnih jedinjenja je uzimana 10. i 30. časa neonatalnog perioda. Koncentracija insulina kod ogledne grupe prasadi u ispitivanim vremenskim periodima bila je za 20% veća u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu, ali zbog velikih individualnih varijacija razlika nije bila statistički značajna. Na drugoj strani, koncentracija IGF-I u krvnom serumu ogledne grupe prasadi u oba ispitivana perioda je bila statistički vrlo značajno viÅ”a u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Ovi rezultati ukazuju da peroralno davanje klinoptilolita u vreme napajanja prasadi sa kolostrumom može uticati na značajno poviÅ”enje koncentracije ovih bioloÅ”ki aktivnih jedinjenja u krvnom serumu. U radu su razmatrani i mogući mehanizmi delovanja klinoptilolita na stepen resorpcije i/ili na povećanje endogene sinteze ovih jedinjenja u organizmu novorođene prasadi

    Efikasnost primene preparata na bazi zeolita u obrocima jagnjadi u tovu

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    The paper presents results of investigations of the effect of a preparation based on natural zeolite on production results of fattening lambs. The experiment was performed on two groups of lamps (control ā€“ K and experimental ā€“ O), 15 animals per group, and for a duration of 90 days. The diet ration consisted of sheepsā€™ milk, a compound mix for fattening lambs, and meadow hay. Lambs of the experimental group, contrary to those of the control group were administered preparations based on natural zeolite. The preparation Min-a-ZelĀ® S (in the form of 25% suspension) was administered to lambs from birth until the 14th day of life, directly into the mouth, once daily (before the morning meal), 10 ml each. Min-a-Zel Plus was administered starting from the 15th day by adding it to the fodder mix (0.5%). Feeding was ad libitum. The average body mass of lambs at the end of the experiment, according to the sequence of treatments (K:O), was 24.40:26.94 kg (P<0.01). The daily groth of the lambs, during the course of the experiment, was 229:256 g, and was 27 g or 11.79% higher (P<0.01) in the experimental group. The experimental group had better utilization of dry matter, proteins and energy, which indicates that the use of a preparation based on natural zeolite in the diet of fattening lambs is justified.U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja o uticaju preparata na bazi prirodnog zeolita na proizvodne rezultate jagnjadi u tovu. Ogled je izveden na dve grupe jagnjadi (kontrolna ā€“ K i ogledna ā€“ O), po 15 grla, u trajanju od 90 dana. Obrok se sastojao od ovčijeg mleka, krmne smeÅ”e za tov jagnjadi i livadskog sena. Jagnjad ogledne grupe, za razliku od kontrolne, dobijala su preparate na bazi prirodnog zeolita. Preparat Min-a-ZelĀ®S (u obliku 25% suspenzije) jagnjad je dobijala od rođenja do 14. dana života, direktno u usta, jednom dnevno, (pre jutarnjeg napajanja), po 10 ml. Min-a-ZelĀ® Plus im se davao počev od 15. dana uzrasta na taj način {to je bio je uključen u krmnu smeÅ”u (0,5%). Ishrana je bila po volji. Prosečna telesna masa jagnjadi na kraju ogleda, prema redosledu tretmana (K:O), bila je 24,40:26,94 kg (P<0,01). Dnevni prirast jagnjadi, tokom ogleda, bio je 229:256 g i u oglednoj grupi je bio veći za 27 g ili 11,79 posto (P<0,01). Jagnjad ogledne grupe je imala bolje iskoriŔćavanje suve materije, proteina i energije Å”to ukazuje na opravdanost koriŔćenja preparata na bazi prirodnog zeolita kod jagnjadi u tovu

    The effect of a clinoptiolite based mineral adsorbent on colostral immunoglobulin G absorption in newborn piglets

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    The aim of this study was to estimate the influence of the presence of added natural zeolites on the degree of absorption of colostral IgG in newborn piglets. The experimental groups were fed colostrum and a mineral adsorbent preparation was given per os at a total concentration of about 5 g/l colostral intake per day divided into two of four doses. In blood sera of the animals of experimental group I (two doses), concentrations of IgG were 39.00Ā±8.22 g/l and 42.10 Ā± 9.34 g/l respectively 24 and 48 hours after birth. In blood sera of the animals of experimental group II four doses, concentrations of IgG were 49.40 Ā± 7.20 g/l and 54.40Ā±7.80 g/l respectively 24 and 48 hours afterbirth. In blood sera of the control group, concentrations of IgG were 30.50Ā±7.90 g/l and 40.50Ā±9.10 g/l respectively 24 and 48 hours after birth.Piiglets in experimental group I had a 30% higher concentration of IgG than the respective control group 24 hours after birth, and the difference was statistically significant. Piglets of experimental group I also had a higher concentration of IgG than the respective control group 48 hours after birth, but the difference was not statistically significant. Piglets of experimental group II had 60% and 35% higher contrentrations of IgG than the respective control group 24 and 48 hours after birth and the differences were statistically significant. Mean values for body weight of piglets after birth were almost equal in all groups. The data from this investigation show that oral intake of a preparation of mineral adsorbent in concentration of about 5 g/l colostral intake per day leads to a significantly higher degree of absorption of colostral IgG in newborn piglets

    Primena bentonita kao adsorbenta tokom oksidativnog stresa indukovanog parahvatom

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    The protective effect of bentonite (natural and synthetic) in oxidative stress induced by paraquat was studied on 32 adult male Wistar rats. The animals were divided into four groups (n=8). The first group received only paraquat p.o. (via a gastric tube). An hour after administration of paraquat, the second and the third group were treated with natural and synthetic bentonite, respectively, while the fourth group was untreated (control). All three experimental groups were treated once a day, throughout 8 consecutive days. Blood samples were taken 0, 1, 4, 6 and 8 days after the beginning of the treatment. Oxidative stress induced by paraquat was estimated by means of catalase activity (CAT - mmol/H2O2/min/g Hb) and malondialdehyde quantity (MDA - nmol/g Hb). Oxidative stress proved to be significant an hour and 192 hours after the beginning of chronic intoxication by paraquat. Both natural and synthetic bentonite expressed a protective action from oxidative stress in the period from 24 h to 144 h post application, acting through the external capacity of cationic exchange, which is known to be approximately 10%. The absorption of paraquat depends on the size of the molecule and its polarisation and is performed by the mechanisms of ion exchange (ionic and electrostatic interaction). Nevertheless, both absorbents developed a significant protective effect (approximately 50 %) 1 h and 192 h after the first application of paraquat, indicating that these protectors act as molecular sieves and thus suppress the process of lipid peroxidation and the development of even more intensive oxidative stress.U ovom radu su izneti rezultati proučavanja protektivnog efekta prirodnog i sintetskog bentonita tokom oksidativnog stresa indukovanog aplikacijom parahvata pacovima soja Wistar. Ogledne životinje su bile podeljene u četiri jednake grupe. Prva grupa pacova tretirana je samo parahvatom pomoću želudačne sonde. Jedan sat nakon aplikacije parahvata, pacovi druge i treće grupe su bili tretirani prirodnim ili sintetskim bentonitom, aplikovanim per os. Četvrta grupa pacova nije tretirana i služila je kao negativna kontrola. Eksperimentalne grupe životinja su bile tretirane jednom dnevno tokom osam uzastopnih dana. Uzorci krvi su uzimani 0, 1, 4, 6 i 8 dana nakon prvog tretmana. Stepen oksidativnog stresa je procenjivan na osnovu aktivnosti enzima katalaze i na osnovu količine malondialdehida. Prirodni i sintetski bentonit ispoljili su protektivnu aktivnost smanjivanjem parametara oksidativnog stresa u periodu od 24 do 144 sata nakon aplikacije. Autori predpostavljaju da bentonit deluje kao molekularno sito suprimirajući proces lipidne peroksidacije

    Influence of the type of exchangeable cation on the electrolytic conductivity of bentonite suspensions

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    The electrolytic conductivity of bentonite aqueous suspensions was investigated. The starting material (Ca-Mont) was exchanged with sodium ions, using an ion exchange column. The sodium form of bentonite (Na-Mont) was used to obtain organobentonites. The electrolytic conductivity of the starting material, Na-Mont and organobentonites was studied for different suspension concentration. The highest value of the electrolytic conductivity was obtained for Na-Mont, while the organic cation in the bentonite structure decreased the electrolytic conductivity