169 research outputs found

    Correlational study on cyberbullying and social abilities in intercultural teenagers

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    This article analyzes the relationship between cyberbullying profile by racist reasons and social abilities in a group of intercultural teenagers living in Spain (N = 1478). The study includes participants aged between 12 and 16 years old (M = 13.99; SD = 1.352). Of these, 738 were male (49.9%) and 740 were female (50.1%). A correlational study was carried out using online tools with suitable psychometrics parameters (content-construct validity and reliability). The first one was a scale that measured social abilities, and the second one evaluated racist or xenophobic cyberbullying, differentiating the victim and aggressor profiles. The results indicated five main findings: (1) generally, the participants analyzed present all their social abilities; (2) for the most part, these participants do not normally experience cyberbullying; (3) a positive correlation exists between the majority of social abilities analyzed and the cybervictim profile. It was also observed a negative correlation between the social ability associated with the ability of making requests and this profile; (4) there is a positive correlation among the six social abilities analyzed and the cyberaggressor profile; (5) the racist or xenophobic cyberbullying are driven not only by the absence of social abilities, but in some cases, they are also driven by socio-demographic variables (i.e., age and gender). Likewise, this work shows how the absence of some social abilities in some participants involve racist or xenophobic experiences as victims and as aggressors, which may be of interest for the analysis of teenagers’ behavior in intercultural contexts, as well as according to age and gender. More transcultural research need to be carried out to know the global perspective of the link between social abilities and the different profiles of racist and xenophobic cyberbullying, framed in the context of social psychology and studies of mass communication.Autonomous City of Melill

    Cyberbullying Analysis in Intercultural Educational Environments Using Binary Logistic Regressions

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    The goal of this study is to analyze how religion, ethnic group, and race influence the likelihood of becoming either a cybervictim or cyberbully in intercultural educational environments. In the research, 755 students in secondary education were analyzed in the south of Spain through the Cyberbullying Scale for students with Cultural and Religious Diversity (CSCRD). The analyses were carried out using the Statistical Package SPSS and the STATA software. The results obtained from the Kruskal–Wallis H test showed significant differences according to these aspects, for both the cybervictim and cyberbully parameters. The results stemming from binary logistic regressions confirmed such differences and regarded those students who belong to the Muslim religion, the gypsy ethnic group and the Asian race as being more likely to become cybervictims. Furthermore, these analyses showed that Gypsy and Asian students were also more likely to be cyberbullies than other groups. The main conclusions state that minority groups are more likely to suffer cyberbullying in intercultural educational environments, and that students from these groups are also more likely to become cyberbullies

    Use of Mobile Technologies in Personal Learning Environments of Intercultural Contexts: Individual and Group Tasks

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    This paper presents the results of the analysis of the personal learning environments (PLE) used individually and in groups by fifth grade primary education students. The main objective was to determine if the use of mobile technologies in the students’ PLEs encouraged their school integration and learning in intercultural communities. For this, a content analysis of the students’ responses to an ad hoc interview was carried out, with a content validity index of 0.89. The students represented their answers using 41 concept maps in the individual tasks and 5 in the group tasks, which were analyzed with the Nvivo software in its latest version. The results show the categorization of the students’ responses in three dimensions: read, make/reflection and relationship. Among the main conclusions, it was obtained that, in both types of tasks, the strategies and tools that fostered intercultural relationships, intercultural education and communication between the students, and therefore school integration, are mostly linked to the use of mobile technologies applications, such as Wikipedia, the internet, Word, PowerPoint, social networks and YouTube, although it is essential to develop more studies to have more data to understand the phenomenon in depth.Unidad de Calidad, Innovacion Docente y Prospectiva, Universidad de Granada 19-2

    Personal Learning Environments that Facilitate Socio-Educational Integration of Unaccompanied Foreign Minors

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    The aim of the present study was to predict the variables that facilitate integration of unaccompanied foreign minors (UFM) and to develop personal learning environment (PLE) questionnaire dimensions with respect to social integration of UFM. Methods: A social study that was descriptive in nature was conducted with a quantitative empirical-analytical focus. Results: Results from discriminant function analysis indicate that 86% of group membership was correctly classified from gender alone, with female learning environments leading to greater future success. Conclusions: It can be concluded that the predictive results possess methodological coherence. Thus, from them we can propose possible development strategies, particularly targeting males, in order to improve learning and promote social integration. According to the results obtained, improvement of learning strategies and strengthening of the very learning environments, demands new policies to be established which promote emotional improvement and better futures for UFM, especially males.Research Project Competitive EDU2017-88641-

    Educational Environments with Cultural and Religious Diversity: Psychometric Analysis of the Cyberbullying Scale

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    The objective of this research is to adapt and validate a useful instrument to diagnose cyberbullying, provoked by intolerance towards cultural and religious diversity, identifying the profile of the aggressor and the victim. The study was carried out using the Delphi technique, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The selected sample was composed of 1478 adolescents, all students from Compulsory Secondary Education of Spain. The instrument items were extracted from relevant scales on the topic. The initial questionnaire was composed of 52 items and three underlying constructs. After validation with EFA (n = 723), the structure was checked, and the model was later corroborated with CFA (n = 755) through structural equations (RMSEA = 0.05, CFI = 0.826, TLI = 0.805). The reliability and internal consistency of the instrument were also tested, with values for all dimensions being higher than 0.8. It is concluded that this new questionnaire has 38 items and three dimensions. It has an acceptable validity and reliability, and can be used to diagnose cyberbullying caused by the non-acceptance of cultural and religious diversity in Compulsory Secondary Education students.Part of this work has been funded by the Research Project Competitive “Values for intercultural coexistence in the students of the Autonomous City of Melilla. An intervention proposal”

    Adaptation and validation of the social skills scale for intercultural primary school pupils

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    In recent decades, large migratory movements have been taking place, which has turned Spain into a culturally diverse country. For this reason, the present research focuses on social skills, which are considered of utmost importance in different educational contexts. To this end, the aim was to adapt and validate a scale to diagnose social skills in young people aged 6 to 12 years (M = 9.65 years; SD = 1.395). Of these, 460 (60.4%) were boys and 301 (39.60%) girls. For this purpose, a methodology is followed that involves the judgement of experts in the field, followed by an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and then a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The sample chosen for the study is made up of 1564 young people, Primary School students from different Andalusian localities that constitute border cities in the south of Spain, and which have a great cultural, ethnic and religious diversity that is reflected in their classrooms. The items of the scale were obtained from relevant questionnaires on the subject under study, initially containing 33 items and 6 underlying constructs. After validation of the AFE (n = 761), the structure is verified and the model is corroborated by CFA (n = 803) with structural equations (RMSEA = 0.04; CFI = 0.77; TLI = 0.73). Finally, the reliability and internal consistency of the instrument is examined, obtaining values above 0.6 for all dimensions. As a result, a new scale composed of 33 items and 5 dimensions is obtained, with psychometric properties that give it validity and reliability. In conclusion, we present a useful resource for teachers that allows them to diagnose the social skills of Primary School students in schools characterised by their great cultural diversity and among the peer group

    An Analysis of Personal Learning Environments and Age-Related Psychosocial Factors of Unaccompanied Foreign Minors

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    This research was carried out within the project: Hybrid Learning Models for Educational Intervention with Unaccompanied Foreign Minors (UFMs). Effective Tools for School and Social Integration were subsidized by the excellence projects and state research agency, Call 2017, the autonomous governments of Melilla City and Ceuta City.Spain is one of the countries with the greatest influx of immigrants and, specifically, of unaccompanied foreign minors (UFMs). The educational and social inclusion of unaccompanied foreign minors poses both a challenge and a threat to current policy. Nonetheless, studies linking educational aspects to the phenomenon of the integration of these children are scarce and do not specify the most influential educational tools and strategies. In this sense, a descriptive, quantitative and cross-sectional research study is presented. The aim of this study is to examine whether variables such as age and the use of applications and social networks determine the personal learning environments (PLE) of unaccompanied foreign minors. The sample of the present study was formed by 624 individuals (♂ = 92.1% (n = 575); ♀ = 7.9% (n = 49)) aged between 8 and 17 years old. The majority came from Morocco and resided in the cities of Ceuta and Melilla. The “PLE and Social Integration of UFMs” questionnaire was used as the study instrument. Amongst the main findings, significant differences are highlighted in the personal learning environments as a function of age-related psychosocial factors as they pertain to unaccompanied foreign minors. Four factors were seen to exist in relation to the personal learning environments of unaccompanied foreign minors: self-concept of the learning process, planning and management of learning, use of resources and tools, and communication and social interaction. The same trend was observed in the four factors, with older age groups reporting better scores. On the other hand, results show that the use of applications and social networks have a significant and favourable impact on personal learning environment construction.R + D + R National Project: Hybrid Learning Models for Educational InterventionUnaccompanied Foreign Minors (UFMs)Effective Tools for School and Social Integration EDU2017 88641-

    Evaluación de los valores democráticos en los docentes de Educación Infantil de Nicaragua

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    En el marco teórico de mi trabajo, se exponen varios conceptos de lo que son los valores y seguidamente, los valores democráticos. En este punto también nos podemos encontrar clasificaciones de los valores según varios autores. A continuación, se presenta la legislación de Nicaragua relacionada con los valores democráticos en la educación, seguido de algunas competencias que debería poseer un docente para poder transmitir los valores y cómo es la formación de estos. El resto de puntos están destinados a investigaciones acerca de los valores, programas que se han implantado en Nicaragua para la mejora del aprendizaje de los valores y cómo se pueden evaluar los valores que posee cada persona. Por otra parte, en el marco empírico está el diseño de una investigación (que no se ha llevado a la práctica) en la que se quiere evaluar los valores democráticos en los docentes de Nicaragua, para ello se han realizado unos cuestionarios para recoger la información necesaria. La investigación gira en torno a la hipótesis de si existen los valores democráticos en los docentes de Educación Infantil de Nicaragua, por está razón el objetivo de esta será evaluar los valores democráticos del profesorado de Nicaragua de Educación Infantil

    La evaluación de los valores democráticos en Educación Infantil

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    Hoy en día la población está inmersa en una sociedad democrática, cambiante y en ocasiones, carente de valores. Por esta razón, con este trabajo de investigación se pretende manifestar la posibilidad y la importancia de tratar los valores democráticos desde las edades más tempranas, como es en educación infantil. El desarrollo del trabajo está formado por dos partes. La primera el marco teórico en el cual se puede encontrar definiciones de valor, su axiología, características, tipos de valores. Seguidamente se centra en los valores democráticos, haciendo hincapié en la necesidad e importancia de estos en la educación, con su marco legal correspondiente. Finalmente se expone la compleja labor de la evaluación de los valores en educación infantil. La segunda parte es el marco empírico, el cual consiste en un estudio de investigación para conocer el grado de influencia de la escuela, que transmite valores democráticos, en el comportamiento cívico de los niños. Para ello se utiliza una técnica de recogida de información como es un cuestionario adaptado con imágenes para alumnos de 5 años de educación de infantil de la ciudad de Teruel

    Evaluación de los valores democráticos en el segundo ciclo de Educación Infantil en Nicaragua

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    El trabajo trata de un diseño de investigación, no llevado a cabo, sobre los valores democráticos en el segundo ciclo de Educación Infantil del alumnado nicaragüense. El trabajo se desarrolla en dos partes, la primera es un marco teórico en el que se muestran varias definiciones sobre los valores democráticos, investigaciones llevadas a cabo sobre ellos en el ámbito escolar, instrumentos de evaluación de dichos valores, etc. Debido a que el trabajo está centrado en el alumnado de Nicaragua, los apartados se sumergen en la observación de la legislación nicaragüense y la situación de los valores democráticos en ella, transmisión de los valores, etc. Se han tenido en cuenta, esta primera parte teórica, no solo documentos nicaragüenses, sino también documentos internacionales relacionados con el tema de los valores democráticos. La segunda parte del trabajo muestra el diseño de la investigación. Se muestra cuáles han sido el objetivo y la hipótesis de la investigación que se han planteado después de examinar la variedad de documentos para la realización de la primera parte teórica, y que ha facilitado la realización del cuestionario pertinente que se hubiera utilizado para obtener los resultados en caso de haberse llevado a cabo la investigación completa