20 research outputs found

    Localization of trefoil factor family peptide 3 (TFF3) in epithelial tissues originating from the three germ layers of developing mouse embryo

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    Trefoil factor family (TFF) peptides are involved in the maintenance of epithelial integrity and epithelial restitution. Mature epithelial tissues originate from different embryonic germ layers. The objective of this research was to explore the presence and localization of TFF3 peptide in mouse embryonic epithelia and to examine if the occurrence of TFF3 peptide is germ layer-dependent. Mouse embryos (14-18 days old) were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and embedded in paraffin. Immunohistochemistry was performed with affinity purified rabbit anti-TFF3 antibody, goat anti-rabbit biotinylated secondary antibody and streptavidin-horseradish peroxidase, followed by 3, 3’-diaminobenzidine. TFF3 peptide was present in the gastric and intestinal mucosa, respiratory mucosa in the upper and lower airways, pancreas, kidney tubules, epidermis, and oral cavity. The presence and localization of TFF3 peptide was associated with the embryonic stage and tissue differentiation. TFF3 peptide distribution specific to the germ layers was not observed. The role of TFF3 peptide in cell migration and differentiation, immune response, and apoptosis might be associated with specific embryonic epithelial cells. TFF3 peptide may also be considered as a marker for mucosal maturation

    Liječenje običnih bradavica u narodnoj medicini

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    Common warts (verrucae vulgares) are the most common complaint in routine dermatological practice. Warts can be painful on pressure and are often an aesthetic problem, but they are not a major threat to the person’s general health. Treatment options are symptomatic and do not eradicate the causative agent. Dermatological surgery procedures such as cryotherapy, electrocauterization and excochleation can be painful, with common recurrences. These are the most important reasons for revival of the treatment procedures and remedies based on traditional medicine. Traditional medicine is still commonly practiced as a form of self-healing. This paper presents the most commonly used wart remedies of plant, animal and mineral origin, along with various magic practices. We emphasize that this paper is written from the viewpoint of physicians, practitioners of dermatology, not as a study in the history or culture. The main objective of the study was to explore various substances and methods people use as home remedies for warts. We performed a case study survey among the general population by interviewing 147 adult participants using a simple preliminary questionnaire inquiring about preferred treatment and knowledge about common warts.Obične bradavice su najčešći problem u rutinskoj dermatološkoj praksi. One nisu značajna zdravstvena poteškoća niti utječu na opće zdravstveno stanje, ali mogu biti bolne, naročito na pritisak i mogu biti estetski problem. Liječenje je simptomatsko i njime se ne utječe na eliminaciju uzročnika. Dermatokirurški postupci kao što su krioterapija, elektrokauterizacija i ekskohleacija su bolni, a recidivi česti. Ovo su najvažniji razlozi zbog kojih se u svrhu samoliječenja oživljavaju prakse iz narodne medicine. Ovaj rad predstavlja najčešće korištene pripravke biljnog, životinjskog i mineralnog podrijetla zajedno s različitim magijskim postupcima. Naglašavamo da je ovaj rad učinjen sa stajališta liječnika, dermatologa praktičara, a ne povjesničara ili etnologa. Glavni cilj studije bio je istražiti tvari i metode koje su ljudi koristili za samoliječenje bradavica. Proveli smo istraživanje anketiranjem 147 odraslih ispitanika iz opće populacije koristeći jednostavan upitnik o osnovnoj informiranosti o bradavicama i izboru liječenja

    Breast Cancer Detection: Role of Family Physicians

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    Croatia started implementing the national programs for early breast cancer detection in 2006, early detection of colon cancer and early detection of cervical cancer. A possible way to improve the adherence of the women to the screening on breast cancer could be by transferring the responsibility for the program implementation from the public health institutes to family physicians. The Project: »Model of early cancer detection integrated in a practice of family physician«, was carried out by the Department of Family Medicine of the Osijek University School of Medicine. The results have shown that responsiveness of women invited to do preventive mammography was significantly higher in the experimental than in the control group. The central role of FM in the implementation of preventive programmes has already been recognized in many countries as an advantage from the organizational aspects and by means of decreased expenditure, compared to the vertical programmes with strict formal control centered to the public institutions

    Razina leptina u serumu kod raka dojke

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    Leptin is a polypeptide which is mostly produced in white fat tissue and is an important proinflammatory, proangiogenic, proinvasive and mitotic factor. There is ever more evidence suggesting the key role of leptin in the occurrence of breast cancer. The aim of the study was to investigate serum leptin levels in patients with benign breast tumors, as well as in various breast cancer phenotypes, taking into account leptin levels connected to menopausal status and body mass index (BMI). The study included 97 patients having their breast tumor surgically removed. Serum leptin level was determined by ELISA method in all study patients. Study results showed that significantly more women, regardless of having malignant or benign tumors, were postmenopausal and had a significantly higher level of leptin compared to the premenopausal group. The highest level of leptin was recorded in the group of postmenopausal obese women compared to other postmenopausal women but also compared to premenopausal women. According to BMI alone, obese women had a significantly higher level of leptin regardless of the type of tumor. The most significant differences in leptin levels observed through BMI were found in the Luminal B1 group. In conclusion, serum leptin level was shown to be a good diagnostic parameter suggesting a higher possibility of breast cancer development.Leptin je polipeptid koji se uglavnom proizvodi u bijelom masnom tkivu te predstavlja važan proupalni, proangiogeni, proinvazivni i mitotički čimbenik. Sve je više dokaza koji ukazuju na ključnu ulogu leptina u nastanku tumora dojke. Istraživali smo serumsku razinu leptina u bolesnica s benignim tumorima dojke, kao i kod različitih fenotipova malignih tumora dojke te ovisnost razine leptina o reproduktivnom statusu i indeksu tjelesne mase (ITM). Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 97 bolesnica kojima je tumor uklonjen kirurškim zahvatom. Serumska koncentracija leptina utvrđena je metodom ELISA u svih bolesnica uključenih u istraživanje. Znatno više žena, bez obzira na to jesu li imale zloćudni ili dobroćudni tumor, bilo je u postmenopauzi te su imale značajno više razine leptina u usporedbi s premenopauzalnim skupinama. Najviša razina leptina utvrđena je kod pretilih žena u postmenopauzi u usporedbi s drugim ženama u postmenopauzi, ali i u usporedbi sa ženama u premenopauzi. Prema ITM, pretile ispitanice su imale značajno više razine leptina bez obzira na vrstu tumora. Najznačajnije razlike u razinama leptina, promatrane kroz ITM, utvrđene se u skupini Luminal B1. Razina leptina u serumu je dobar dijagnostički parametar koji govori u prilog većoj predispoziciji za nastanak karcinoma dojke

    Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Affects TFF3 Peptide Expression in Luminal B Subtype of Breast Cancer – A Pilot Study

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    Aim: Trefoil factor family 3 (TFF3) peptide is normally expressed by epithelial cells in breast ducts, but it is also associated with different pathological conditions, including breast cancer. It is considered a marker of poor prognosis and associated with increased resistance to chemotherapy. Data on the effect of chemotherapy on TFF3 peptide expression are scarce. The aim of this pilot study was to assess suitability of research on this topic for large-scale studies. Methods: Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded samples of core biopsies and of surgically removed tumors from patients with luminal B subtype of breast cancer were used for immunohistochemical analysis. Changes in TFF3 peptide and Ki-67 expression and microvessel density (MVD) values before and after chemotherapy were analyzed, as well as the association between TFF3 peptide expression and Ki-67 expression and MVD values. Results: Significant reduction in TFF3 and Ki 67 expression was observed after chemotherapy, while MVD values did not differ significantly before and after chemotherapy. The association of TFF3 peptide expression and Ki-67 expression and TFF3 peptide expression and MVD values was not significant before or after chemotherapy. Conclusion: The data obtained in this pilot study suggest that a large-scale study is justified, and it other breast cancer subtypes should be included. (Bijelić N, Abramović M, Rajc J, Rođak E, Marušić Z, Tolušić Levak M, Pauzar B, Belovari T. Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Affects TFF3 Peptide Expression in Luminal B Subtype of Breast Cancer – A Pilot Study. SEEMEDJ 2020; 4(2); 20-27

    Izražaj TFF gena i proteina u tumorima dojke

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    The objective of this study was to determine diff erential expression of TFF1, TFF2 and TFF3 genes and proteins in breast tumor subtypes. In addition, we investigated the correlation between TFF genes within tumor subgroups, and TFF genes with clinical and pathologic characteristics of the tumor. Study group included 122 patients with surgically removed breast tumors. Samples were investigated using qRT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. TFF1 and TFF3 genes and proteins were expressed in breast tumors, while the levels of TFF2 gene and protein expression were very low or undetectable. TFF1 was signifi cantly more expressed in benign tumors, while TFF3 was more expressed in malignant tumors. Gene and protein expression of both TFF1 and TFF3 was greater in lymph node-negative tumors, hormone positive tumors, tumors with moderate levels of Ki67 expression, and in grade II tumors. A strong positive correlation was found between TFF1 and TFF3 genes, and the expression of both negatively correlated with Ki67 and the level of tumor histologic diff erentiation. Our results suggest that TFF1 and TFF3, but not TFF2, may have a role in breast tumor pathogenesis and could be used in the assessment of tumor diff erentiation and malignancy.Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike u izražaju gena i proteina TFF1, TFF2 i TFF3 u različitim vrstama tumora dojke te ispitati korelacije između gena TFF i vrsta tumora te gena TFF i kliničko-patoloških karakteristika tumora. U studiju su bile uključene 122 ispitanice kojima je kirurški odstranjen tumor dojke. Uzorci su obrađeni metodom qRT-PCR i metodom imunohistokemije. Geni i proteini TFF1 i TFF3 bili su izraženi u tumorima dojke, dok izražaj gena i proteina TFF2 nije otkriven u tumorskom tkivu. TFF1 je bio izraženiji kod dobroćudnih tumora, dok je TFF3 bio izraženiji kod zloćudnih tumora. TFF1 i TFF3 su bili izraženiji u hormonski ovisnim tumorima, tumorima bez metastaza u limfnim čvorovima, tumorima s umjereno visokim izražajem Ki67 i umjereno diferenciranim tumorima. Jaka pozitivna korelacija uočena je između gena TFF1 i TFF3, a oba su negativno korelirala s faktorom Ki67 i stupnjem diferenciranosti tumora. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju kako bi TFF1 i TFF3 mogli imati ulogu u patogenezi tumora dojke te bi se potencijalno mogli rabiti za određivanje tumorskog statusa i procjenu malignosti tumora

    Serumska vrijednost homocisteina u mladih bolesnika koji nisu primali sustavnu i biološku terapiju

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    Introduction: Psoriasis is an immune-mediated chronic inflammatory disease, affecting approximately 1-3% of the population worldwide. Psoriasis patients are more likely to be diagnosed with cardiovascu- lar diseases and hyperhomocysteinemia; however, it remains elusive weather serum homocysteine levels correlate to disease activity and duration of disease. The aim of this study was to investigate serum levels of homocysteine in young patients with plaque psoriasis naïve for conventional systemic and biologic therapy. An additional aim was to determine correlation of homocysteine levels with disease severity, inflammation, folic acid and vitamin B12 supplies. Materials and methods: 26 subjects were enrolled to participate in this case-control study, including 13 adult psoriatic patients naïve for systemic therapy, without comorbidities, malignancies and infectious diseases, and 13 healthy unrelated, age and sex-matched volunteers. The disease severity and life quality were assessed using standardized tools – Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) and Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI), respectively. Venous blood was collected and processed for analysis of differential blood count (DBC), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C reactive protein (hsCRP), serum levels of homocysteine, vitamin B12 and folic acid in the routine clinical laboratory. Results Studied cohort consisted of young participants with average age around 35 years. According to the PASI index, disease severity ranged from mild (2.10) to moderate (15.2). There was no significant difference in hsCRP and DBC levels between the groups. Psoriasis patients had significantly higher levels of homocysteine compared to healthy subjects, but there was no evidence of hyperhomocystein- emia related to psoriasis. All subjects had normal serum levels of vitamin B12 and folic acid. A moderate negative correlation was found between plasma homocysteine level and vitamin B12 and folic acid. Furthermore, homocysteine levels did not correlate to hsCRP, total leukocytes, and thrombocytes count, but did significantly positively correlate to ESR. Conclusions: The risk of cardiovascular diseases should be considered among all psoriasis patients, regardless of age and disease severity, but larger prospective controlled studies are needed to estimate the role of homocysteine in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in psoriatic patients.Uvod: Psorijaza je imunološki posredovana kronična upalna bolest, koja pogađa otprilike 1-3% populacije u svijetu. Pacijenti oboljeli od psorijaze imaju veću vjerojatnost razvoja kardiovaskularnih bolesti i hiperho- mocisteinemije, međutim, ostaje nejasna povezanost serumske razine homocisteina s aktivnošću i trajanjem bolesti. Cilj ove studije bio je ispitati serumske vrijednosti homocisteina u mladih bolesnika s plak psorijazom, koji nisu do sada primali sustavnu, ili biološku terapiju. Dodatni cilj bio je utvrditi povezanost serumske razine homocisteina s težinom bolesti, razinom upale te razinom folne kiseline i vitamina B12. Materijali i metode U ovo istraživanje bilo je uključeno 26 ispitanika, uključujući 13 odraslih bolesnika s psorijazom naivnih za sustanu terapiju, bez komorbiditeta, malignih oboljenja i zaraznih bolesti te 13 zdravih, nepovezanih, dobno i spolno usklađenih dobrovoljaca. Težina bolesti i kvaliteta života procijenjena je korištenjem standardiziranih testova - Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) i Dermatološkog indeksa kvalitete života (DLQI). Iz venske krvi ispitanika, u rutinskom kliničkom laboratoriju, određena je diferenci- jalna krvna slika (DKS), brzina sedimentacije eritrocita (SE), C reaktivni protein (hsCRP) te serumske razine homocisteina, vitamina B12 i folne kiseline. Rezultati Istraživana skupina sastojala se od mladih sudionika, prosječne dobi oko 35 godina. Prema PASI indeksu, težina bolesti bila je u rasponu od blage (2,10) do umjerene (15,2) psorijaze. Nije bilo značajne raz- like u vrijednostima hsCRP-a i DKS-a između ispitivanih skupina. Ispitanici s psorijazom imali su statistički značajno više vrijednosti homocisteina u usporedbi sa zdravim ispitanicima, ali nije bilo dokaza hiperhomo- cisteinemije povezane s psorijazom. Svi ispitanici imali su normalne vrijednosti vitamina B12 i folne kiseline u serumu. Utvrđena je umjerena negativna povezanost između razine homocisteina u serumu i vitamina B12 te razine homocisteina i folne kiseline. Nadalje, serumska razina homocisteina nije bila povezana s hsCRP-om, ukupnim brojem leukocita i trombocita, ali je uočena značajna pozitivna povezanost serumske razine homocisteina i sedimentacije. Zaključak: Rizik od kardiovaskularnih bolesti treba razmotriti među svim pacijentima oboljelima od psori- jaze, bez obzira na njihovu dob i težinu bolesti. Potrebna su veća prospektivna, kontrolirana ispitivanja kao bi se procijenila uloga homocisteina u razvoju kardiovaskularnih bolesti kod psorijatičnih bolesnika