136 research outputs found

    Participatie en draagvlak voor hernieuwbare energieprojecten

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    Er is consensus over het belang van proces- en financiële participatie van de omgeving (burgers en bedrijven) bij de besluitvorming over hernieuwbare energieprojecten. In deze bijdrage constateren wij echter dat er sprake lijkt van een mismatch tussen, enerzijds, de wens om (initiatiefnemers voor te schrijven) voldoende participatiemogelijkheden te bieden en draagvlak te realiseren en, anderzijds, de juridische normen die gelden voor rechtmatige besluitvorming. De toekomstige Omgevingswet biedt op dat punt slechts weinig verandering. Is participatie gebaat bij verdere regulering? Of volstaat een goede toepassing in de praktijk op basis van beleid, gedragscodes en richtlijnen

    One- and two-photon ionization cross sections of the laser excited 6s6p^1P_1 state of barium

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    Stimulated by a recent measurement of coherent control in photoionization of atomic barium, we have calculated one- and two-photon ionization cross sections of the aligned 6s6p^1P_1 state of barium in the energy range between the 5d_{3/2} and 5d_{5/2} states of Ba^+. We have also measured these photionization spectra in the same energy region, driving the one- or two-photon processes with the second or first harmonic of a tunable dye laser, respectively. Our calculations employ the eigenchannel R-matrix method and multichannel quantum defect theory to calculate the rich array of autoionizing resonances in this energy range. The non-resonant two-photon process is described using lowest-order perturbation theory for the photon-atom interactions, with a discretized intermediate state one-electron continuum. The calculations provide an absolute normalization for the experiment, and they accurately reproduce the rich resonance structures in both the one and two-photon cross sections, and confirm other aspects of experimental observations. These results demonstrate the ability of these computationally inexpensive methods to reproduce the experimental observables in one- and two-photon ionization of heavy alkaline earths, and they lay the groundwork for future studies of the phase-controlled interference between one-photon and two-photon ionization processes.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.