8 research outputs found

    Restriction on Stating Preferences in CollegeAdmissions in Turkey

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    A central authority designs and implements the college admissions process in Turkey. All applicants are required to take an SATlike test and submit their preferences over the departments. Then, the central authority places the applicants in departments by considering the test scores and stated preferences of the applicants and the capacities of the departments. This procedure generates a fair placement if there are no restrictions on stating preferences. How-ever, the applicants are restricted to state preferences over at most 24 departments out of 4022 available departments. In this paper, by using the college admissions data set of the year 2005, we estimate that the number of applicants who had an unfair placement due to this restriction is equivalent to 2.4 percent of the number of applicants who placed in a department.college admissions, placement algoritms, fairness

    Color-Blind Affirmative Action

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    This paper presents a conceptual framework for understanding the consequences of the widespread adoption of race-neutral alternatives' to conventional racial affirmative action policies in college admissions. A simple model of applicant competition with endogenous effort is utilized to show that, in comparison to color-conscious affirmative action, these color-blind alternatives can significantly lower the efficiency of the student selection process in equilibrium. We examine data on matriculates at several selective colleges and universities to estimate the magnitudes involved. It is shown that the short-run efficiency losses of implementing color-blind affirmative action (in our sample) are four to five times as high as color-conscious affirmative action.

    A Service of zbw Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft Leibniz Information Centre for Economics Restriction on stating preferences in college admissions in Turkey WORKING PAPER SERIES RESTRICTION ON STATING PREFERENCES IN COLLEGE ADMISSIONS IN TURKEY Res

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    Birthday effect

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