5 research outputs found

    Unusual middle power activism and regime survival: : Turkey’s drone warfare and its regime boosting effects

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    Acknowledgements An earlier version of this paper was presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions Workshop on Authoritarian Regimes in Regional and Global Governance Institutions, on 19–22 April 2022 at the University of Edinburgh. We are grateful to workshop organisers Maria Debre and Daniëlle Flonk and the participants of the workshop as well as the two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and feedback.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The Eastern Partnership and the EU-Turkey Energy Relations

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    This article discusses the prospects and challenges of energy cooperation between the European Union (EU) and Turkey within the context of the Eastern Partnership (EaP). Part of the EaP agenda is to advance energy cooperation between the EU and the partner states, particularly regarding the diversification of import routes. As an energy corridor between the EU and the hydrocarbon-rich Caspian states, Turkey is a strategic asset for European energy security. Turkey also has economic ties and political capital in the Caspian region that can help the EU reach out to its eastern partners. Despite robust incentives for cooperation, however, the EU-Turkey energy partnership has so far failed to meet mutual expectations. This article argues that this is primarily due to the inability of the two actors to credibly commit to regional energy cooperation. Commitment problem stems from two factors. First, the predominance of national energy interests over communal ones undermines credible commitment. The variation in energy needs of Member States prevents the EU from acting in unison in external energy policy. Similarly, Turkey also prioritizes its own energy security, particularly in its relations with suppliers, which undermines cooperation with the EU. Second, the EU and Turkey hold divergent perspectives on the potential political payoffs of energy cooperation. Turkish decision makers are convinced that energy cooperation warrants palpable progress in Turkey’s accession while most EU actors appear hesitant to establish a direct connection between energy and accession

    Enerji ve Güvenlik Ekseninde Türkiye-Irak İlişkileri (1990-2018)

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    Bu çalışmada Türkiye-Irak ilişkilerinde enerji ve güvenlik unsurlarının rolü tarihsel ve karşılaştırmalı olarak ele alınmıştır. İki ülke arasında son dönemde güçlenen enerji merkezli karşılıklı bağımlılık olgusundan hareketle enerjide ortaklaşan çıkarların siyasi ilişkiler üzerindeki etkisi sorgulanmıştır. Bu bağlamda, enerjinin siyasal etkisinin çözümlenmesinde aktörlerin iç politika dinamiklerinin, karşılıklı tehdit algılarının ve bölgesel jeopolitik değişkenlerin rolü incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın temel savı, Türkiye-Irak ilişkilerinde enerji unsurunun artan görünürlüğüne rağmen, enerji işbirliğinin ve projelerinin esasen siyasal ve jeopolitik gerekliliklerce şekillenen güvenlik politikalarının yürütülmesinde bir araç ve kolaylaştırıcı rolü gördüğüdür