21 research outputs found

    DEMO: Attaching InternalBlue to the Proprietary macOS IOBluetooth Framework

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    In this demo, we provide an overview of the macOS Bluetooth stack internals and gain access to undocumented low-level interfaces. We leverage this knowledge to add macOS support to the InternalBlue firmware modification and wireless experimentation framework.Comment: 13th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Network

    I contratti di fiume e di lago in Piemonte. Politiche per la tutela e il mantenimento della risorsa acqua

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    Analisi delle politiche- Introduzione. Il contesto e gli obiettivi della ricerca #17- Parte Prima. Il Contratto di Fiume e di Lago #21- Parte Seconda. I Contratti di Fiume e di Lago in Piemonte #29- Parte Terza. L'approfondimento empirico #39- Parte Quarta. Conclusioni: apprendere dall'esperienza #79- Riferimenti bibliografici #8

    A Simulation Model for Building Occupancy Prediction

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    At present, few computational methods exist that support architect in predicting how their design will be used and experience after its construction. The research described here aims at establishing a new approach for the computational simulation of building occupancy, focused on a clear definition of use scenarios as specific structures of active entities called Events. They allow the formalization of parts of building use process in terms of Actors involved, Activities performed and Space where these events takes place. This modeling framework is functional to simulation environment, where scripted building use process is effectively computed and simulated

    Un modello simulativo per la predizione dell’uso di un edificio

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    Poche tecniche informatiche sono oggi in grado di supportare il difficile compito di prevedere come il risultato del progetto – l’edificio- sarà utilizzato dopo la sua costruzione. La presente ricerca ha lo scopo di definire un nuovo approccio per la simulazione informatica dell’uso di un edificio, basato su una formalizzazione di scenari d’uso attraverso entità computazionali attive definite Eventi. Esse permettono la “discretizzazione” del processo d’uso di un edificio in termini di Attori, Attività e Spazi. Tale modellazione è funzionale all’ambiente di simulazione, dove i processi d’uso dell’edificio così costruiti sono computati e simulati

    Un modello ontologico per la rappresentazione del patrimonio edilizio

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    L’accurata rappresentazione della conoscenza di un manufatto architettonico storico è un elemento chiave per il suo processo di restauro. In questo ambito ogni scelta effettuata dagli specialisti è basata su “ciò che si conosce” dell’oggetto ed ogni incoerenza può portare all’errore ed essere causa di danni anche gravi. Su queste basi la presente ricerca si propone di estendere gli approcci legati al web semantico alla modellazione della conoscenza relativa al patrimonio architettonico al fine di fornire una rappresentazione integrata e multidisciplinare del manufatto e della conoscenza necessaria per supportare qualsiasi attività di indagine e di intervento

    Operational Scenarios Simulation to Support Building Design: A Hospital Design Case Study

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    In hospitals the configuration of the environment deeply affects the efficiency of the host organization, supporting or preventing the activities of intended users and operators. Although some simulation models have recently been introduced in architectural design, their actual application is limited to simulate people’s movement in case of specific events (i.e. fire egress or crow dynamics in public stations). More effective models, able to simulate more complete building use scenarios are still missing. To overcome this lack, the research described in this paper aims at developing a model to virtually simulate use scenarios in hospital buildings, in order to provide use-related feedback to architects during the design process. The proposed model integrates two main components: 1) a formalization level, where the use scenario is represented through Business Process Modeling approach in terms of activities performed, actors involved and hosting spaces; 2) a simulation environment where the determined scenario is actually computed and executed. The resulting phenomena is visualized in a 3D virtual environment, allowing architects to observe how the building will respond to the scripted scenario in order to detect critical points and solve design errors and inconsistencies

    An ontological model for built heritage representation

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    An accurate representation of the knowledge related to an historical architectural artefact is a key element of its conservation process. Interventions and decisions taken by the different specialists involved are based on the knowledge acquired of the object, and any error or inconsistence in this representation can lead to mistakes. On this basis, this research aims at extending semantic web approaches and technologies to architectural heritage knowledge modeling in order to provide an integrated and multidisciplinary representation of the artifact and of the knowledge necessary to support any decision or any intervention and management activity


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    Knowledge representation and management play a key role in built heritage field, deeply influencing decisions and actions of the different specialists involved in investigation, intervention, conservation and fruition processes. An accurate and complete representation and comprehension of architectural heritage artefact require a large amount of semantics related to its intangible aspects such as social and historical context. On these bases, the research presented in this paper investigates the potential impact of Building Information Modelling introduction in built heritage field in order to enhance knowledge management and, as a consequence, collaboration among specialists. To include in the artefact representation both tangible and intangible knowledge, the model has been conceived as the integration of a BIM environment with a knowledge base developed by means of ontologies. To test its features and capabilities, the model has been applied to the archaeological investigation of the Castor and Pollux temple at Cori, Italy

    B(H)IM - Built Heritage Information Modelling - Extending BIM approach to historical and archaeological heritage representation

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    This paper describes the context and the proposal for the extension of Building Information Modelling to built heritage in order to enhance information management during the investigation and restoration activities. The core of the presented model is the integration of a BIM-based modelling environment and a knowledge base developed by means of ontologies, in order to represent all the semantics needed for a comprehensive representation of the historical artefact.To test its features, the model has been applied to the real archaeological investigation process of the Castor and Pollux temple at Cori, Italy

    “ BIM e gestione della conoscenza per la rappresentazione del patrimonio archeologico ” - “ BIM and knowledge management for archaeological heritage representation ”

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    The presented research aims at extending current Building Information Modelling (BIM) approach to built cultural and historical heritage in order to provide a modelling environment where all the knowledge related to the artefact can be integrated, formalized, managed and made available to the different professionals involved in the investigation and restoration processes. The representation of the knowledge related to the artifact deeply influences all the activities concerning restoring, conservation and maintenance. While in this area digital approaches have focused more on the development of virtual reconstructions of built heritage objects, few research explored the value of BIM in the management of heritage buildings. Similarly to its impact on the AEC sector, the introduction of BIM in the built heritage field can lead to interesting benefits related to the object representation by integrating in a single modelling environment its three-dimensional representation with non-geometric knowledge provided and used by the various actors involved in the process. The proposed system aims at improving the availability and accessibility of any information related to the archaeological artefact, making easier to interpret its nature, monitor its changes and document any investigation and intervention activity. To represent all the knowledge related to the object we chose to integrate BIM environment with a knowledge management system based on ontologies to reach a higher level of semantic representation. In order to test its effectiveness, the proposed model has been applied to the process of investigation and documentation of the roman temple of Castor and Pollux in Cori (Italy)