46 research outputs found

    "Australia's Decision": Uranium Mining and Aboriginal Communities Then and Now

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    International audienceSince the 1970s, a progressive acknowledgement of Indigenous peoples' rights has developed in Australia, focusing on land rights as a key to empowerment. This has come to redefine the uneasy relations between Indigenous communities, governments and energy resource developers, the latter having more often than not encroached on Aboriginal land and ignored Aboriginal concerns for the sake of direct economic rewards. A case in point is that of uranium mining which, well after the Second World War, was still used for military purposes within Australia, leaving many Aboriginal communities to struggle with devastating environmental and health consequences. Looking at Australia's 1977 decision to proceed with uranium mining for peaceful purposes at Ranger (Northern Territory), and comparing it with the more recent government approval of the Olympic Dam (South Australia) expansion project, this article will attempt to assess how Indigenous issues have been taken into account in uranium mining development projects then and now. It will focus more particularly on the agreements arrived at between the governments, the mining companies and the Aboriginal communities themselves, the outcomes of these agreements, as well as the different factors that may have had an impact on how Indigenous issues have been taken into account within uranium mining development projects throughout the years

    "Australia's Decision": Uranium Mining and Aboriginal Communities Then and Now

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    International audienceSince the 1970s, a progressive acknowledgement of Indigenous peoples' rights has developed in Australia, focusing on land rights as a key to empowerment. This has come to redefine the uneasy relations between Indigenous communities, governments and energy resource developers, the latter having more often than not encroached on Aboriginal land and ignored Aboriginal concerns for the sake of direct economic rewards. A case in point is that of uranium mining which, well after the Second World War, was still used for military purposes within Australia, leaving many Aboriginal communities to struggle with devastating environmental and health consequences. Looking at Australia's 1977 decision to proceed with uranium mining for peaceful purposes at Ranger (Northern Territory), and comparing it with the more recent government approval of the Olympic Dam (South Australia) expansion project, this article will attempt to assess how Indigenous issues have been taken into account in uranium mining development projects then and now. It will focus more particularly on the agreements arrived at between the governments, the mining companies and the Aboriginal communities themselves, the outcomes of these agreements, as well as the different factors that may have had an impact on how Indigenous issues have been taken into account within uranium mining development projects throughout the years

    Cathal Doyle et Jill Cariño, Les Peuples autochtones et les industries extractives. Mettre en œuvre le Consentement, libre, préalable et informé

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    Sous l’action conjuguée d’une forte demande en matières premières et de l’augmentation du prix de l’énergie et des produits de base de l’industrie, le secteur extractif connaît une croissance exponentielle depuis une dizaine d’années environ, et ce sur tous les continents. Les nouvelles technologies d’extraction rendent possible l’exploitation de gisements à très faible rendement, et conduisent à une multiplication du nombre de mines à ciel ouvert sur des surfaces de plus en plus importantes...

    Cathal Doyle et Jill Cariño, Les Peuples autochtones et les industries extractives. Mettre en œuvre le Consentement, libre, préalable et informé

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    Sous l’action conjuguée d’une forte demande en matières premières et de l’augmentation du prix de l’énergie et des produits de base de l’industrie, le secteur extractif connaît une croissance exponentielle depuis une dizaine d’années environ, et ce sur tous les continents. Les nouvelles technologies d’extraction rendent possible l’exploitation de gisements à très faible rendement, et conduisent à une multiplication du nombre de mines à ciel ouvert sur des surfaces de plus en plus importantes...

    Recursos mineros en las Américas : mutaciones de un continente

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    En un contexto en el que la emergencia del cambio climático como amenaza mundial difícilmente puede frenar el desproporcionado consumo energético y la carrera por la energía que en gran medida constituyen la causa de dicho cambio, la cuestión del desarrollo de los recursos mineros y energéticos se perfila como un problema aún más acuciante si se tiene en cuenta que su producción ha aumentado significativamente tanto en el continente americano como en el resto del mundo. En los últimos años, e..

    Mineral resources in the Americas — a continent under mutation

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    At a time when climate change as a global threat is not sufficient incentive to slow either the overconsumption or the rush for energy that are mainly responsible for it, the problem of the development of mineral and energy resources is aggravated by the fact that this development is on the increase not only on the American continent but throughout the world. The extractivist boom of recent years, representing as it does, human activity capable of significantly modifying both the environment ..

    Recursos minerais nas Américas. Mutações de um continente

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    Num contexto em que o aquecimento climático, mesmo que represente uma séria ameaça global, não consegue realmente reduzir o consumismo e a luta acirrada para a energia, que são em grande parte o nó górdio desses problemas climáticos, a questão do desenvolvimento de recursos minerais e da energia surge com muita acuidade, tanto mais que sua produção tem aumentado significativamente nas Américas, como no resto do mundo. Nos últimos anos, o “boom” do extrativismo, uma atividade humana que pode a..

    Ressources minières dans les Amériques: Mutations d’un continent

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    Dans un contexte où l’émergence du réchauffement climatique comme menace globale peine à freiner la surconsommation et la course à l’énergie qui en sont largement la cause, la question du développement des ressources minières et énergétiques se pose avec d’autant plus d’acuité que leur production a fortement augmenté sur le continent américain, comme partout ailleurs dans le monde. Ces dernières années, le « boom » de l’extractivisme, en tant qu’activité humaine capable de modifier de manière..

    " Le multiculturalisme instrument de cohésion sociale ? "

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    International audienceno abstrac