6 research outputs found

    Comparison of textural properties and structure of gels prepared from cooked rice grain under different conditions

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of rice variety, water content, and preparation temperature on the textural properties of gels processed from cooked rice grains via high‐speed shear homogenization. Rice gels were prepared from seven high‐amylose rice varieties. The results demonstrated the significant differences in rice gel hardness and hardening rates during storage based on the rice variety used. The proportion of short chains of amylopectin was negatively correlated with the hardness of the rice gel. The sample temperature before shear treatment also influenced the rice gel hardness. Rice gels prepared from cooked rice maintained at 75°C prior to homogenization showed a higher breaking force than those from cooked rice at 25°C. Observation using scanning electron microscopy demonstrated the tendency of the cooked rice sample maintained at 75°C to form a finer gel network after homogenization than those at 25°C from the same rice variety

    シンガクコウ ニ ザイセキ スル コウコウセイ ノ シンロ センタク ニ オケル ダンジョサ チョウサ ガイヨウ ト メカニズム ノ タンキュウ

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    近年,女子の四年制大学への進学率は5割を超え,教育年数という観点での教育達成の男女差は縮小してきたしかし,難関大学に出願する女子学生はいまだに少なく,大学進学機会のジェンダー格差は水平的階層性として維持されている点が示唆される四大学進学内部の質的な進路選択すなわち,どこの大学に,どのようにいつ進学するのかという大学受験戦略が男女で異なるのはなぜだろうか?この研究課題を解決するために,本研究では, 5都道府県12の高校に通う99名の進学校に在籍する高校生と進路指導担当教員に半構造化インタビュー調査を行った.事前調査の結果,志望校を決定する際に重視した項目に男女で異なる傾向が見られた男子の場合,大学名や都会にあるかどうかを重視する一方で,女子の場合,資格•免許の取得や実家からの近さを重視する人が多く,これらの傾向はインタビュー調査の語りの中でも顕著であった.このような進路希望意識の違いは,男女で異なる進路選択にも繋がると考えられる.In recent years, more than half of female high school graduates have attended four-year universities in Japan, with the gender gap shrinking in terms of vertical levels. Few female students, however, still apply to selective colleges, suggesting that gender inequality in access to higher education has been maintained at a horizontal level. Why are there qualitative gender differences in college choice, including which college they aim for, how, and when? To address these research questions, we conducted semi-structured qualitative interviews with 99 high school seniors who are enrolled in 12 selective high schools, in five prefectures, with supplementary interviews for high school teachers in these schools. Our preliminary results suggests that there are two strategies for college admission. The first is a group of male students aiming for their first choice, even if they may need to spend another year preparing for the nationwide entrance exam. In most cases, they plan to take the entrance exams of the highly selective colleges in the big city. The second is those who put more emphasis on fields of study in college or proximity from home to university. Many female students select this strategy. We found that male students tend to be in the first group, while female students tend to be in the second group. We also discuss potential mechanisms for gender differences