23 research outputs found

    Mesoscopic, Non-equilibrium Fluctuations of Inhomogeneous Electronic States in Manganites

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    By using the dark-field real-space imaging technique of transmission electron microscopy (TEM), we have observed slow 200 A-scale fluctuations of charge-ordered (CO) phase in mixed-valent manganites under a strong electron beam irradiation. In addition to these unusual fluctuations of the CO phase, we observed the switching-type fluctuations of electrical resistivity in the same sample, which were found to be as large as several percents. Systematic analysis indicates that these two different types of fluctuations with a similar time scale of the order of seconds are interconnected through a meta-stable insulating charge-disordered state. Current dependence of the fluctuations suggests a non-equilibrium nature of this slow dynamics.Comment: To appear in Europhysics Letter

    Giant lasing effect in magnetic nanoconductors

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    We propose a new principle for a compact solid-state laser in the 1-100 THz regime. This is a frequency range where attempts to fabricate small size lasers up till now have met severe technical problems. The proposed laser is based on a new mechanism for creating spin-flip processes in ferromagnetic conductors. The mechanism is due to the interaction of light with conduction electrons; the interaction strength, being proportional to the large exchange energy, exceeds the Zeeman interaction by orders of magnitude. On the basis of this interaction, a giant lasing effect is predicted in a system where a population inversion has been created by tunneling injection of spin-polarized electrons from one ferromagnetic conductor to another -- the magnetization of the two ferromagnets having different orientations. Using experimental data for ferromagnetic manganese perovskites with nearly 100% spin polarization we show the laser frequency to be in the range 1-100 THz. The optical gain is estimated to be of order 10^7 cm^{-1}, which exceeds the gain of conventional semiconductor lasers by 3 or 4 orders of magnitude. A relevant experimental study is proposed and discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The Many Electron Ground State of the Adiabatic Holstein Model in Two and Three Dimensions

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    We present the complete ground state phase diagram of the Holstein model in two and three dimension considering the phonon variables to be classical. We first establish the overall structure of the phase diagram by using exact diagonalisation based Monte Carlo (ED-MC) on small lattices and then use a new ``travelling cluster'' approximation (TCA) for annealing the phonon degrees of freedom on large lattices. The phases that emerge include a Fermi liquid (FL), with no lattice distortions, an insulating polaron liquid (PL) at strong coupling, and a charge ordered insulating (COI) phase around half- filling. The COI phase is separated from the Fermi liquid by a regime of phase coexistence whose width grows with increasing electron-phonon coupling. We provide results on the electronic density of states, the COI order parameter, and the spatial organisation of polaronic states, for arbitrary density and electron-phonon coupling. The results highlight the crucial role of spatial correlations in this strong coupling problem.Comment: Final versio

    Zero Temperature Insulator-Metal Transition in Doped Manganites

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    We study the transition at T=0 from a ferromagnetic insulating to a ferromagnetic metallic phase in manganites as a function of hole doping using an effective low-energy model Hamiltonian proposed by us recently. The model incorporates the quantum nature of the dynamic Jahn-Teller(JT) phonons strongly coupled to orbitally degenerate electrons as well as strong Coulomb correlation effects and leads naturally to the coexistence of localized (JT polaronic) and band-like electronic states. We study the insulator-metal transition as a function of doping as well as of the correlation strength U and JT gain in energy E_{JT}, and find, for realistic values of parameters, a ground state phase diagram in agreement with experiments. We also discuss how several other features of manganites as well as differences in behaviour among manganites can be understood in terms of our model.Comment: To be published in Europhysics Letter

    Electronic phase separation in the rare earth manganates, (La1-xLnx)0.7Ca0.3MnO3 (Ln = Nd, Gd and Y)

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    All the three series of manganates showsaturation magnetization characteristic of ferromagnetism, with the ferromagnetic Tc decreasing with increasing in x up to a critical value of x, xc (xc = 0.6, 0.3, 0.2 respectively for Nd, Gd, Y). For x > xc, the magnetic moments are considerably smaller showing a small increase around TM, the value of TM decreasing slightly with increase in x or decrease in . The ferromagnetic compositions (x xc) show insulator-metal (IM) transitions, while the compositions with x > xc are insulating. The magnetic and electrical resistivity behavior of these manganates is consistent with the occurrence of phase separation in the compositions around xc, corresponding to a critical average radius of the A-site cation, , of 1.18 A. Both Tc and TIM increase linearly when < rA > > or x xc as expected of a homogenous ferromagnetic phase. Both Tc and TM decrease linearly with the A-site cation size disorder at the A-site as measured by the variance s2. Thus, an increase in s2 favors the insulating AFM state. Percolative conduction is observed in the compositions with > < rAc >. Electron transport properties in the insulating regime for x > xc conforms to the variable range hopping mechanism. More interestingly, when x > xc, the real part of dielectric constant (e') reaches a high value (104-106) at ordinary temperatures dropping to a very small (~500) value below a certain temperature, the value of which decreases with decreasing frequency.Comment: 27 pages; 11 figures, Submitted to J.Phys:Condens Matte

    A brief discussion of the magnetocaloric effect in thin films of manganite doped with chromium

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    In this work we report on the magnetocaloric effect of La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 (LCMO) and La2/3Ca1/3Mn0.94Cr0.06O3 (LCMCrO) manganite thin films grown by DC magnetron sputtering on LaAlO3 (100) substrates. X-ray diffraction shows that both doped and undoped films crystallize in the orthorhombic structure. Magnetic measurements show a decrease in both the Curie temperature, TC , and the saturation magnetization, MS , for the LCMCrO sample. The change in the magnetic entropy (?Sm ) was extracted from hysteresis loops at different temperatures around the ferromagnetic to paramagnetic transition, displaying a maximum of entropy change (?Sm ) max near TC in both films. Moreover, a shift in (?Sm ) max toward temperatures above TC with increasing magnetic field and a broadening of the entropy change curve were observed. Results of refrigeration cooling power show a lower efficiency for LCMCrO. In order to obtain a local insight into the magnetic interactions of these films, measurements of X-ray absorption spectroscopy and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) were performed. XMCD suggests that an antiferromagnetic coupling between Mn4+ - Mn3+ is favored with Cr3+ incorporation, which reduces the Mn L 2,3 XMCD signal and results in a decrease of MS and (?Sm ) max in LCMCrO films. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd