34 research outputs found

    Effects of Irrigation on Cropping of \u27Elstar\u27, \u27Golden Delicious\u27, \u27Idared\u27 and \u27Jonagold\u27 Apple Trees

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    Four apple cultivars grafted on M9 rootstock were grown at high density (ā€˜Elstarā€™ and ā€˜Jonagoldā€™ 2500 trees/ha, ā€˜Idaredā€™ and ā€˜Golden Deliciousā€™ 3000 trees/ha). The trial was designed as split-block comprising two treatments (irrigation without fertilisers, and control - without irrigation and without fertilisers) and two timing variants of irrigation (from 1 May - 20 June ā€“ variant A, and from 1 May to 1 August ā€“ variant B). The treatments were imposed beginning in the second year after planting and lasted eight years (1992-1999). Cumulative yield of ā€˜Elstarā€™ was increased with irrigation, and index of alternate bearing was decreased. ā€˜Golden Deliciousā€™ achieved the best results when was irrigated from 1 May to 20 June. Cumulative yield and percentage of bienniality of ā€˜Idaredā€™ was not affected by irrigation. Irrigation had no consistent influence on cumulative yield of ā€˜Jonagoldā€™, but increased degree of alternate bearing

    Dynamic of cropping of `Idared` apple related to fertigation with nitrogen

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    Istraživanja su obavljena sa sortom jabuke Idared (Malus x domestica Borkh), koja je cijepljena na slabo bujnu podlogu M 9, i uzgajana u gustom sklopu (3000 stabala/ha). U pokusu je bilo pet tretmana (fertirigacija s 45 kg N/ha, 60 kg N/ha, 120 kg N/ha, natapanje bez gnojidbe i kontrola ā€“ bez natapanja i uporabe gnojiva), u dvije varijante (tretmani za vrijeme vegetacije: od 1. svibnja do 20. lipnja ā€“ varijanta A, i od 1. svibnja do 1. kolovoza ā€“ varijanta B). Pokus je trajao sedam godina počevÅ”i od druge godine poslije sadnje (1992-1998.). Istraživanjima nije utvrđen konzistentan utjecaj primijenjenih tretmana na dinamiku rodnosti, kumulativan prirod i učinkovitost rodnosti. U svim varijantama pokusa dinamika rodnosti slijedila je sličan trend uz slabo izraženu tendenciju alternativnoj rodnosti, a puna rodnost postignuta je u petoj godini nakon sadnje. Dobiveni rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju da je sorta Idared vrlo prikladna za intenzivan uzgoj u sustavu gustog sklopa.The trial was conducted in an ā€˜Idaredā€™/M9 orchard (3000 trees/ha), designed as split-block comprising five treatments (fertigation with 45 kg N/ha, 60 kg N/ha, 120 kg N/ha, irrigation without fertilisers, and control - without irrigation and without fertilisers), and two timing variants (treatments during vegetation period from 1 May to 20 June - variant A, and treatments from 1 May to 1 August ā€“ variant B). The treatments began in the second year after planting and lasted seven years (1992-1998). Fertigation with different amounts of nitrogen had no consistent effect on the dynamic of cropping, cumulative yield and regularity of bearing. Tendency to biennial bearing was low, dynamic of yield increasing followed the same trend in all treatments, and full productivity was achieved in the fifth year after planting. This means that ā€˜Idaredā€™ is a very suitable apple cultivar for growing in the system of high density planting

    Inducement of Sylleptic Shoots in Apple in the Fruit-tree Nursery

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    Istraživana je mogućnost pospjeÅ”ivanja razvoja lateralnih izbojaka u rasadniku na sadnicama jabuke sorti Jonagold i Golden Delicious. U rasadniku su sadnice, kada su postigle visinu oko 75 cm, podvrgnute sljedećim zahvatima: uklanjanje vrÅ”nih nerazvi-jenih listića, uklanjanje vrÅ”nih nerazvijenih listića u kombinaciji s tretiranjem s 0,25% Paturylom 10 WSC, tretiranje s 0,25% Paturylom 10 WSC (2 puta u razmaku od 24 dana), tretiranje s 20% Promalinom (GA4+7) dva puta u razmaku od 9 dana. Uklanjanje nerazvijenih listića povoljno je utjecalo na kut grananja, ali nije stimuliralo razgranjavanje sadnica. Tretiranje Paturylom negativno je utjecalo na visinu sadnica, ali je broj lateralnih izbojaka bio veći uz povoljan kut grananja. Uklanjanje nerazvijenih listića u kombinaciji s tretiranjem s Paturylom najpovoljnije se odrazilo na razgranjavanje sadnica. Promalin je povoljno utjecao na razgranjavanje, ali je kut grananja bio nepovoljniji nego u ostalim tretmanima.The ability of various treatments to induce sylleptic shoot development in nursery trees of the apple ā€˜Jonagoldā€™ and ā€˜Golden Deliciousā€™ on rootstock M.9 was investigated. The leader management techniques were: removal of sub-terminal leaves, removal of sub-terminal leaves with application of 0.25% Paturyl 10 WSC, and treatment with 0.25% Paturyl 10 WSC (two times at 24 days interval); application of 20% Promalin (GA4+7) two times in 9 days interval; and control, starting when scion length was 75 cm. Removal of sub-terminal leaves increased total branch length, but did not stimulate the lateral branching. Treatments with Paturyl resulted in the lower tree height, in the higher number of branches, and in the greater branch length. Removal of sub-terminal leaves in combination with Paturyl increased the lateral shoot number more than the treatment with only Paturyl. Promalin increased branching, but had little influence on the total branch length. In addition, Promalin decreased branch crotch angles

    Kemijsko prorjeđivanje cvjetova jabuke u ekoloÅ”koj proizvodnji

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    An experiment on chemical blossom thinning on apple variety \u27Summerred\u27/ M9 was performed in an experimental plantation in Brdo pri Lukovici. Different chemical thinners were applied on appleā€™s fruitlets in organic production. The experiment was designed in 7 randomized block with 13 treatments: 1. unthinned trees (as a control), 2. hand thinning in June, 3. 1% NaCl, 4. 1,5% NaCl, 5. 1% CH3COOH, 6. 3% CH3COOH, 7. 3% CaSx, 8. 1% rape oil, 9. 3% rape oil, 10. 3% of sunflower oil, 11. 3% soybean oil, 12. 5% dextrin, 13. emulsifier 100 + OCA 30. Chemical thinners were applied in a phenological stage at peak blooming with a manual knapsack sprayer. The best thinning of fruitlets (similar to hand thinned trees) was observed with 3% rape oil, however, relatively strong russeting of fruit skin was detected in this treatment. Statistically significant reduction of final fruit set also occurred when 1,5% NaCl and 3% soybean oil were applied, but with less fruit russeting.Na eksperimentalnoj plantaži (Brdo pri Lukovici) proveden je pokus kemijskog prorjeđivanja cvjetova jabuke sorte ā€˜Summerredā€™ cijepljene na podlozi M9. Cilj eksperimenta bio je ispitati učinke različitih sredstava koji se koriste u jabukama u ekoloÅ”koj proizvodnji. U pokusu sa 7 randomiziranih blokova i 13 tretmana proučavan je utjecaj: 1. neprorijeđeno, 2. ručno rijeđeno u lipnju, 3. 1% NaCl, 4. 1,5% NaCl, 5. 1% CH3COOH, 6. 3% CH3COOH, 7. 3% vapneni sumpor CaSx, 8. 1% ulje uljane repice, 9. 3% ulje uljane repice, 10. 3% suncokretovo ulje, 11. 3% sojino ulje, 12. 5% dekstrin, 13. emulgator 100 + OCA 30. Kemijski prorjeđivači primijenjeni su u fenoloÅ”kom stadiju u vrhuncu cvjetanja. Najbolje prorjeđivanje plodova, slično onima s rukom, zabilježeno je pri nanoÅ”enju 3% ulja uljane repice. Prilikom ovog tretmana uočena je razmjerno jaka rđavost kože ploda. Statistički značajna manji broj plodova također se pojavilo kada je rasprÅ”eno 1,5% NaCl i 3% sojinog ulja, ali s manje izraženom rđavoŔću jabuka

    Growth and cropping of ā€˜Golden Deliciousā€™ apple related to fertigation with nitrogen

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    Istraživanja su obavljena sa sortom jabuke Golden Delicious (Malus x domestica Borkh), koja je cijepljena na slabo bujnu podlogu M 9, i uzgajana u gustom sklopu (3000 stabala/ha). U pokusu je istraživan utjecaj fertirigacije duÅ”ikom u dozama od 45, 60 i 120 kg/ha, natapanja bez gnojidbe, te kontrole (bez natapanja i uporabe gnojiva) na rast i rodnost jabuke Golden Delicious. Tretmani su primjenjivani u dva vremenska intervala tijekom vegetacije: od 1. svibnja do 20. lipnja, te od 1. svibnja do 1. kolovoza. Pokus je trajao osam godina počevÅ”i od druge godine poslije sadnje (1992-1999.). Istraživanjima nije utvrđen konzistentan utjecaj primijenjenih tretmana na dinamiku rodnosti, kumulativni prirod i učinkovitost rodnosti. Najveći kumulativni prirod, uz relativno nizak indeks alternativne rodnosti, postignut je uz fertirigaciju sa 60 kg N/ha, kada je ona primjenjivana u razdoblju od 1. svibnja do 20. lipnja. U svim varijantama pokusa dinamika rodnosti slijedila je sličan trend uz jače izraženu tendenciju alternativne rodnosti u varijantama bez fertirigacije s duÅ”ikom, a puna rodnost postignuta je u petoj godini nakon sadnje.The study was conducted in a ā€˜Golden Deliciousā€™/M9 orchard (3000 trees/ha) to investigate the effects of fertigation with N at 45, 60 and 120 kg/ha, and irrigation without fertilizers on the growth and productivity of the crop. Treatment durations were from 1 May to 20 June, and from 1 May to 1 August. Treatments began during the 2nd year after planting, and lasted eight years (1992-1999). Fertigation with N at different rates showed no consistent effect on the dynamic of cropping, cumulative yield and yield efficiency. The tendency to biennial bearing in the treatment with N-fertigation was generally low and markedly higher in the treatment without fertigation. The highest cumulative yield, with low index of alternate bearing was obtained in the treatment receiving 60 kg N/ha from 1 May to 20 June. The yield was obtained increasing dynamic followed the similar trend in all treatments, and full productivity was achieved in the fifth year after planting

    Effect of fertigation with nitrogen and foliar application of some nutrients on growth, yield and apple fruit mineral composition

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    Utjecaj folijarne aplikacije nekih hraniva, sa ili bez fertirigacije s duÅ”ikom, u uspredbi s klasičnom gnojidbom s duÅ”ikom, na vegetativni rast, rodnost, te sadržaj mineralnih elemenata u plodovima, istraživan je sa sortom Golden Delicious, cijepljenom na podlozi M9, tijekom 2000-2002. Istraživanja su obavljena u dva subpokusa: u prvom počevÅ”i s dvogodiÅ”njim, a u drugom s trogodiÅ”njim voćkama. U obadva pokusa voćke su uzgajane kao super vreteno (razmak sadnje 3.2 x 0.7m). Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na veće značenje opterećenja rodom, a relativno mali učinak folijarne gnojidbe na rast, rodnost i sadržaj mineralnih elemenata u plodovima u godinama ulaska u produktivnu dob. Kada su stabla bila prikladno opterećena rodom, sadržaj i odnosi N/Ca, K/Ca i (Mg + K)/Ca bili su u granicama koje omogućuju uspjeÅ”no čuvanje u hladnjači. Nasuprot tomu, u stabala s niskim opterećenjem, niti primjena folijarne gnojidbe nije pridonijela poboljÅ”anju sadržaja mineralnih elmenata i plodovi su bili neprikladni za duže čuvanje u hladnjači.The effect of foliar application of some nutrients and fertigation in comparison with broadcast nitrogen fertilization on growth, yield and mineral fruit composition of young apple ā€˜Golden Deliciousā€™, grafted on M9 rootstock was investigated in years 2000-2002. Two orchard experiments were established, one with 2-year and the other with 3-year old trees, grown at a spacing of 3.2 x 0.7 m and trained to super spindle. The results showed low beneficial effect of applied treatments, and relatively high effect of crop load on growth, yield and fruit mineral content. Ratios of N/Ca, K/Ca and (Mg + K)/Ca in fruits indicated good storage quality as related to normal crop load. Contrary to that, when treatments were applied on trees with inadequate crop load, no beneficial effect occurred and fruits showed low storage life. This result illustrates the important balance between vegetative growth and fruit load that occurs during tree establishment

    Utjecaj opterećenja rodom i gnojidbe duÅ”ikom na osobine jabuke sorte Gala

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    The trial was conducted in ā€˜Galaā€™/M9 orchard with 5100 trees/ha. The experimental design was as split-block comprising three rates of nitrogen (N) as broadcast fertilization with 60 kg N/ha, 90 kg N/ha and 120 kg N/ha, and three crop load [(9, 6 and 3 fruits/cm2 trunk cross sectional area (TCSA)]. The treatments with different rates of applied N lasted two years beginning in the 6th year after planting. In the 6th growing season crop load was adjusted by hand thinning whereas in the next year fruits were not thinned (control year). The major effect of excessive crop load of ā€˜Galaā€™ apple was reduced flowering in the following year. A positive relationship was found between the rates of N in year of applied treatments and return blooming in control year. The results showed no significant effect of N treatment on the TCSA and fruit size.Pokus je izveden sa sortom Gala, cijepljenom na podlozi M9, u gustoći sklopa od 5100 stabala po hektaru. Pokus je postavljen po metodi split-blok, a obuhvaćao je 3 razine gnojidbe sduÅ”ikom (60 kg N/ha, 90 kg N/ha i 120 kg N/ha) i 3 razine opterećenja rodom (3, 6 i 9 plodova na cm2 povrÅ”ine porečnog presjeka debla na visini od 20 cm iznad cijepljenog mjesta. Pokus je proveden u dvije uzastopne godine počevÅ”i u u Å”estoj godini nakon sadnje. U Å”estoj vegetaciji opterećenje rodom određeno je ručnim prorjeđivanjem plodova, dok u sljedećoj godini nije obavljeno prorjeđivanje plodova (kontrolna godina). Glavni utjecaj većeg opterećenja rodom očitovao se kao smanjenje cvatnje u kontrolnoj godini. Pri tom su povećane doze duÅ”ićnih gnojiva imale pozitivan utjecaj na obilnost cvatnje u kontrolnoj godini. Rezultati istraživanja nisu pokazali značajni utjecaj doza duÅ”ika na prirast debla I krupnoću plodova

    Physiological Balance Between Growth and Cropping of Apple Trees in the Ecological Conditions of Maribor - Yields

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    Istraživanja su obavljena u pokusnom voćnjaku Sadjarskog centra Maribor - Gačnik sa sortama Elstar i Jonagold (2500 stabala/ha), te Idared i Golden Delicious (3000 stabala/ha), cijepljenim na podlozi M9, uzgajanim u obliku vitkog vretena. Pokus je trajao tri godine (3-5. godina poslije sadnje). Pokus je za svaku sortu postavljen u pet tretmana (fertirigacija s 45 kg N/ha, 120 kg N/ha, 60 kg N/ha, natapanje bez gnojiva i kontrola - bez gnojiva i vode), u dvije varijante (tretmani tijekom vegetacije od 1. svibnja do 20. lipnja . varijanta A i tretmani od 1. svibnja do 1. kolovoza . varijanta B). Istraživanja su pokazala da fertirigacija jabuke pojedinih sorti odražava učinke različitog intenziteta na vegetativni rast i generativnu aktivnost. Na primijenjene tretmane donekle slično reagirale su sorte Elstar i Jonagold kod kojih su pozitivni učinci fertirigacije tijekom vegetacije utvrđeni pri dozi od 45 i 60 kg N/ha, te tretman do početka diferencijacije cvatnih pupova uz dozu 120 kg N/ha. Sorta Idared nije reagirala na fertirigaciju i natapanje do 20. lipnja, a najbolji učinci fertirigacije tijekom vegetacije ostvareni su uz dozu od 45 kg N/ha. Sorta Golden Delicious se ponaÅ”ala slično sorti Idared pri fertirigaciji tijekom vegetacije, dok su bolji učinci fertirigacije do 20. lipnja postignuti uz dozu od 120 kg N/ha, slično kao kod sorte Elstar i Jonagold. Najveća učinkovitost rodnosti i najveći prirod po hektaru postigla je sorta Idared, a sorta Elstar je dala najslabije rezultate.Four apple (Malus domestica Borkh) cultivars grafted on M.9 rootstock were grown at high density (Ā“ElstarĀ“ and Ā“JonagoldĀ“ 2500 trees/ha, Ā“IdaredĀ“ and Ā“Golden DeliciousĀ“ 3000 trees/ha). There were five treatments for each cultivar (fertigation with 45 kg N/ha, 60 kg N/ha, 120 kg N/ha, irrigation without fertilisers, and control - without irrigation and without fertilisers), and two timing variants (treatments during vegetation period from 1 May - 20 June - variant A, and treatments from 1 May to 1 August - variant B). The treatments were imposed beginning in the third year after planting and lasted three years (1993-1995). It was found that the intensity of effects of fertigation upon vegetative growth and cropping of individual cultivars varied. To a certain extent Ā“ElstarĀ“ and Ā“JonagoldĀ“responded similarly to treatments. It was proved that most positive effects of fertigation were achieved at the dosage of 45 and 60 N/ha during vegetation period, and at 120 kg/ha in treatments up to the start of flower buds differentiation. Cultivar Idared was not responded to fertigation and irrigation up to June 20, but during the vegetation period the best results were obtained at 45 kg N/ha. The response of Ā“Golden DeliciousĀ“ to fertigation during vegetation was similar as Ā“IdaredĀ“, but most positive effects of fertigation for this cultivar were, similarly as for Ā“ElstarĀ“ and Ā“JonagoldĀ“, achieved at 120 kg N/ha when fertigation was applied to June 20. Cultivar Idared showed the best yield performance and the highest yield/ha, whereas Ā“ ElstarĀ“ gave the most unfavourable results