17 research outputs found

    Enraizamento de corticeira-da-serra em função do tipo de estaca e variações sazonais

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    Erythrina falcata Benth. may be used as an ornamental plant, in rehabilitation of degraded land and as a component in agroforestry systems. However seedling production from seeds is difficult. The aim of this work was to evaluate vegetative propagation of E. falcata by using stem cuttings obtained from adult trees (softwood cuttings, hardwood cuttings and regrowth cuttings) and cuttings from seedlings collected in the four seasons of the year as well as the effect of indolebutyric acid on rooting of stem cuttings. After cutting preparation, the material was treated with an indolebutyric acid solution (IBA, 0, 1.5 and 3 g L-1). Cuttings were grown in 55-mL tapered plastic containers in a greenhouse at 25 to 30°C and relative humidity above 80%. The substrate for growing of cuttings was middle texture vermiculite. The highest percentage of rooted cuttings (73%) and root length of four longest roots (46 mm) and root number (6.2) were obtained in seedling cuttings collected in the summer. No rooting was observed in cuttings collected from softwood cuttings raised from adult trees. Cutting immersion in IBA solutions had no effect on rooting. Cuttings from seedlings collected in the summer are recommended because of their high percentage of rooting and survival

    Enraizamento de estacas semilenhosas de pessegueiro "Okinawa" sob efeito de lesão e ácido indolbutírico Semi-hardwood cuttings rooting of peach tree 'Okinawa' under effect of lesion and indolebutyric acid

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    Buscando técnicas mais eficientes na propagação de mudas de pessegueiro, desenvolveu-se este trabalho com o objetivo de verificar o efeito da lesão e de diferentes concentrações de ácido indolbutírico (AIB) no enraizamento de estacas semilenhosas do pessegueiro "Okinawa". Foram utilizados dois tipos de estacas (com e sem lesão na base), tratadas por imersão da base por cinco segundos em cinco concentrações de AIB (0, 500, 1.000, 1.500 e 2.000mg L-1). Após o tratamento, as estacas foram colocadas para enraizamento em caixas plásticas, contendo casca de arroz carbonizada, em câmara de nebulização. Após 60 dias do início do experimento, verificou-se que a lesão na base proporcionou aumento da porcentagem de estacas enraizadas e do número de raízes por estaca. Na propagação por estaquia semilenhosa de pessegueiro "Okinawa", os melhores resultados foram observados para estacas que sofreram lesão e que foram tratadas com AIB em concentrações de 1.500 e 2.000mg L-1.<br>In search of more efficacious techniques in peach plant propagation, this research was aimed at verifing the effect of the lesion and different concentrations of indolbutiric acid (IBA) on rooting of semi-hardwood cuttings rooting of the 'Okinawa' peach. A randomized design was used arranged on a 2 x 5 factor with 4 repetitions and 8 cuttings for plot. Two types of cuttings were used (with and without lesion in the base) and five concentrations of IBA (0; 500; 1000; 1500 and 2000mg L-1). After 60 days from the beginning of the experiment, it was verified that the base injury leads to an increase in the percentage of root cuttings and in the number of roots per cuttings. In the semi-hardwood propagation of 'Okinawa' peach, the best results were observed for cuttings with lesion that were treated with IBA in concentrations ranging from 1500 to 2000mg L-1

    2,6-di-hidroxiacetofenona no enraizamento de estacas semilenhosas de pessegueiro 2,6 di-hydroxyacetophenone on rooting of peach semi-herbaceous cuttings

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    A propagação do pessegueiro no Brasil baseia-se na enxertia de cultivares-copa em porta-enxertos propagados por sementes, e uma alternativa de propagação para esta frutífera poderia ser a estaquia. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de enraizamento de estacas semilenhosas de cultivares de pessegueiro através da aplicação de 2,6-di-hidroxiacetofonona (2,6-DHAP) antes do tratamento com AIB (ácido indolbutírico). As estacas foram preparadas a partir de ramos coletados das cultivares Delicioso Precoce, Jóia 1 e Okinawa, em dezembro de 2001, para serem tratadas na base com 2,6-DHAP (0 e 300mg L-1), por 4h, em aeração e depois com AIB (200mg L-1 e 2500mg L-1). As estacas foram plantadas em bandejas de poliestireno expandido com vermiculita fina e colocadas em casa de nebulização, por 45 dias. A aplicação de 300mg L-1 de 2,6-DHAP antes da aplicação de 200mg L-1 de AIB em estacas de 'Okinawa' proporcionou aumentos nos resultados das características de maior relevância para a propagação por estacas e pode ser uma técnica interessante para a estaquia em pessegueiro.<br>The peach propagation in Brazil is basically by grafting of cultivar on peach rootstocks propagated by seeds. An alternative for peach propagation could be by cutting. The objective of this work was to evaluate the peach rooting potential by semi-hardwood cutting throughout 2,6-di-hydroxyacetophenone (2,6-DHAP). Semi-hardwood steams of peach Delicioso Precoce, Jóia 1 and Okinawa cultivars were taken in December, 2001. The cuttings were prepared and treated with 0 and 300mg L-1 2,6-DHAP for four hours in aeration and after they were treated with indol-butyric acid (IBA) (200mg L-1 and 2500mg L-1). The cuttings were planted in polystyrene trays with vermiculite as substrate, and put into the greenhouse for 45 days. The application of 300mg L-1 2,6-DHAP applied before the application of 200mg L-1 IBA in peach semi-hardwood cuttings showed significantly increasing on the characteristics for cutting propagation studied in the present work and this technique can be interesting for peach propagation by cutting

    Enraizamento de estacas lenhosas de pessegueiro cv. Okinawa em diferentes diâmetros de ramos, substratos e recipientes Rooting of peach cv. Okinawa hardwood cuttings at different stem diameters, substrates, and pots

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    O trabalho foi desenvolvido no Departamento de Produção Vegetal - Setor Horticultura da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas (FCA) da Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (UNESP), Campus de Botucatu (SP) com o objetivo de avaliar a influência de diferentes substratos e tipos de recipientes no potencial de enraizamento de estacas lenhosas de pessegueiro cultivar Okinawa com diferentes diâmetros. As estacas foram tratadas com 2,5g L-1 de ácido indol-butírico. O período de permanência das estacas na casa de vegetação foi de 50 dias. Os tratamentos consistiram de seis substratos: areia, casca de arroz carbonizada, vermiculita, areia + casca de arroz carbonizada, areia + vermiculita e casca de arroz carbonizada + vermiculita, com as misturas na proporção 1:1v/v, três tipos de recipientes: sacos plásticos, bandejas de poliestireno expandido e bandejas plásticas e dois grupos de estacas com diâmetros diferentes: 2 a 6mm e 6 a 10mm. O melhor resultado de enraizamento foi obtido em sacos plásticos com vermiculita independente do diâmetro das estacas.<br>This work was carried out at the Department of Plant Production/Horticulture of the Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas (FCA) of the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) located in Botucatu (SP, Brazil). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of substrate and pot type on rooting of stem hardwood cuttings of peach cultivar Okinawa with different diameters. The cuttings were treated with 2.5g L-1 of IBA. The cuttings were maintained in greenhouse for 50 days. The treatments consisted of the combination of six substrate compositions: sand, carbonized rice husk, vermiculite, sand + carbonized rice husk, sand + vermiculite, and carbonized rice husk + vermiculite, mixture at proportion 1:1v/v and three types of pots: plastic bags, polystyrene trays, plastic trays and two groups of cutting diameter: 2 to 6mm and 6 to 10mm. The highest rooting frequency was obtained with plastic bag, and vermiculite independent of cutting diameter