16 research outputs found

    Analysis of Risk Factors for Development of Cognitive Disorders in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients – Pilot Study

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    Prevalence of cognitive disorders is high in maintenance hemodialysis patients. Montreal cognitive assessment (MoCA) is used for detecting and evaluation of cognitive disorder degree in this patient population. In examined patient population, only 5 (12.5%) of them had normal cognitive function (MoCA ≥26). Mild cognitive impairment (MoCA 18-26) was found in 65.9% (29) patients, while moderate cognitive disorder (MoCA 10-17) was detected in 6 (21.6%) patients. Major cognitive disorder wasn’t detected in examined population. Statistically significant correlation was not established between laboratory parameters and overall MoCA score. Statistically significant correlation, however, was established between MoCA item that evaluates space and time orientation and intermediate secondary hyperparathyroidism and space and time orientation and severe secondary hyperparathyroidism. Hemodynamic instability during hemodialysis and silent ischemia of the brain are increasing risk of appearance of cognitive disorders in maintenance hemodialysis patients

    Updates on the Treatment of Pterygium

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    Pterygium is an ocular disease characterised by the growth of fibrovascular conjunctiva on the cornea. It occurs more often in men, at an older age, and in individuals exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Surgical treatment is the primary treatment for pterygium and there are two common procedures for pterygium excision. In the first method, the head of the pterygium is separated from the corneal surface using a surgical blade. The second method is based on avulsion. Other approaches to excising the pterygium include the use of argon laser and excimer laser. Because of a high recurrence rate, adjuvant therapies, including radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and graft procedures, are used after pterygium excision. These procedures have become the standard long-term treatments for pterygium. Radiotherapy is based on beta irradiation. Chemotherapy includes the use of mitomycin C, 5-fluorouracil, bevacizumab, and loteprednol etabonate. Graft procedures include amniotic membrane grafts and conjunctival autografts. Many surgeons believe that using mitomycin C and conjunctival autografts provides the best outcomes in terms of recurrence, cosmetics and patient satisfaction

    Extramedullary Involvement of Lymph Nodes in Multiple Myeloma

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    Myeloma multiplex is a malignant disease of bone marrow plasma cells. It is usually confined to the bone marrow, but in rare cases, patients can develop extramedullary disease. The involvement of lymph nodes is rare and can be a diagnostic challenge. Here, we describe a 36-year-old male patient who presented with abdominal pain and discomfort initially. An abdominal ultrasound followed by computed tomography (CT) revealed retroperitoneal and mesenteric lymph node enlargement. Biopsies of the abdominal lymph node and infiltrated colon showed a plasma cell infiltrate positive for CD79α, CD38, CD138, kappa light chain and VEGF2. Multiple myeloma with extramedullary localization was diagnosed. After six cycles of chemotherapy consisting of doxorubicin, dexamethasone and thalidomide followed by autologous haematopoietic cell transplantation, the patient achieved complete remission. Specifically, a CT scan after therapy showed enlarged lymph nodes in the abdomen, but PET CT scans did not detect any metabolically active foci. Thee years after the completion of therapy, the patient remains in remission. This case illustrates a rare presentation of extramedullary myeloma involving the abdominal lymph nodes, which could have been potentially mistaken for a lymphoid malignancy

    CAR T Cell Therapy for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Successes and Shortcomings

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    Chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR T) cell therapy achieved remarkable success in B-cell leukemia and lymphoma which led to its incorporation in treatment protocols for these diseases. CAR T cell therapy for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients showed less success compared to other malignant tumors. In this review, we discuss the published results regarding CAR T cell therapy of CLL, possible mechanisms of failures and expected developments

    Encephalopathy During H1N1 Influenza a Virus Infection / Encefalopatija Kod Infekcije Virusom Influence A Podtip H1N1

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    Influenza virus type A is known for its capacity to transform its antigenic structure and create new viral subtypes. The clinical picture varies from non-febrile, mild upper respiratory tract infection to severe or fatal pneumonia. Neurological complications include encephalitis, encephalopathy, Reye’s syndrome and other neurological diseases. Patients with encephalopathy exhibit a disturbed state of consciousness lasting more than 24 hours, and patients with encephalitis exhibit high temperature, focal neurological signs and pathological CSF results in addition to disturbed state of consciousness

    Primary Small Cell Carcinoma Of Lung With Metachronous Breast Metastasis

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    Breast metastases from an extra-mammary malignancy are rare. Among the lung malignancies that metastasise in the breasts, previous literature has described approximately 30 cases of NSCLC and only a few cases of SCLC. Here, we present a 54-year-old woman with metachronous breast metastasis from pulmonary small cell carcinoma. She presented with a soft tissue mass in the right lung hilum. After bronchoscopy with biopsy, SCLC was verified. Th e patient was given 4 cycles of etoposide and cisplatin followed by radiation therapy. Seven months after the diagnosis of primary lung cancer, the patient palpated a mass in her right breast. Clinical examination and further diagnostics revealed the suspected malignancy, and a radical mastectomy was performed. Immunohistochemical findings suggested metastatic SCLC in the breast. Differentiation between primary and metastatic cancer in the breast is very important for therapeutic plannin

    Ascites as First Atypical and Only Clinical Manifestation of De Novo Follicular Lymphoma

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    Follicular lymphoma is the most common indolent non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and is usually initially detected in lymph nodes. Primary extranodal NHL is most commonly primarily localized in the gastrointestinal tract. We present one unusual case of ileum FL with ascites as the first clinical sign. The 73-year-old female patient was presented to the emergency department for evaluation of mild abdominal pain and abdominal swelling that had been going on for three days followed by bloating and occasional pain in the spine. The abdominal contrast-enhanced CT revealed the contrast stagnation in the distal part of the ileum. The ileum wall about 11 cm in length was thickened up to 2.9 cm and the tumor mass infiltrated all layers of ileum mesenteric lymphadenopathy up to 2 cm in diameter and significant ascites. On the upper ileum wall, the vegetative mass was described 3 cm in diameter. The patient had an emergent laparotomy with the ileocolic resection and latero-lateral ileocolic anastomosis. The microscopy finding of terminal ileum and the regional lymph nodes showed domination of cleaved cells with irregular nuclei which correspond to centrocytes. There were 0–15 large non-cleaved cells corresponding to centroblast in the microscopy high-power field. The final diagnosis was follicular lymphoma, the clinical stage 2E and histological grade by Berard and Mann criteria 1–2