127 research outputs found
Etiopatogeneza, dijagnoza i terapija steÄenog megakolona pasa
Megacolon refers to an abnormal dilatation of the colon. This condition occurs in both humans and animals. Although it seems to be more common in cats, megacolon may also occur in dogs. However, data regarding the etiopathogenesis, clinical course and outcome of canine megacolon are scarce. The aim of this study is to present the experience of our team in diagnosis and therapy of canine acquired megacolon, with particular reference to etiopathogenetic aspects. The prospective study included 28 dogs affected with megacolon, aged 5-9 years. The 26 animals underwent a surgical procedure (colonotomy followed by manual extraction of faeces), and were followed up for a period of 28 days. On the basis of anamnestic data, clinical and radiographic findings, 7 dogs (25%) were presented with idiophatic acquired megacolon, while 75% of cases had secundary acquired megacolon of different etiology (including pelvic canal stenosis, lumbar and sacral spinal injuries or back leg fractures, in 46% of cases; keeping the animals in the backyard and irresponsibility of their owners, in 11%; non-adequate nutrition, in 11%; and decreased physical activity and keeping animals in small flats, in 7%). During early postoperative period, the medical treatment and dietary regimen enabled defecation in 65% of cases. The remaining 35% of cases were treated with Cisapride in order to establish spontaneous defecation. All dogs recovered completely during the 28- days follow-up period. According to the results of interviews with dog owners, all animals were in good condition six months after the surgical procedure.Megakolon oznaÄava abnormalnu dilataciju kolona. Javlja se i kod ljudi i kod životinja. Iako je oboljenje ÄeÅ”Äe kod maÄaka, javlja se i kod pasa. MeÄutim, podaci o etiopatogenezi, kliniÄkom toku i ishodu bolesti megakolona kod pasa su oskudni. Stoga je cilj ove studije da se iznesu sopstvena iskustva o dijagnostici i terapiji steÄenog megakolona kod pasa, sa posebnim naglaskom na etiopatogenetski aspekt oboljenja. Studija je bila prospektivnog karaktera i obuhvatila je 28 pasa sa megakolonom, starosti 5-9 godina. Dvadeset Å”est životinja podvrgnuto je hirurÅ”koj intervenciji (kolonotomija sa manuelnom ekstrakcijom fecesa) i praÄeno postoperativno u toku 28 dana. Na osnovu anamnestiÄkih podataka dobijenih od vlasnika pasa, kliniÄkog i radiografskog nalaza, 7 pasa (25%) imalo je idiopatski steÄeni megakolon, dok je kod 21 psa (75%) bolest okarakterisana kao sekundarni steÄeni megakolon uzrokovan razliÄitim etioloÅ”kim faktorima (ukljuÄujuÄi stenozu pelviÄnog kanala, oÅ”teÄenje lumbalne i sakralne kiÄme ili frakturu zadnjih ekstremiteta, kod 46% pasa; Äuvanje životinja u dvoriÅ”tu i nedovoljni nadzor od strane vlasnika, kod 11%; neadekvatna ishrana, kod 11%; smanjenja fiziÄke aktivnosti i Äuvanje životinja u skuÄenom prostoru, kod 7%). U ranom postoperativnom periodu, terapija i režim ishrane doveli su do uspostavljanja defekacije kod 65% pasa. Kod preostalih 35% sluÄajeva spontana defekacija je uspostavljena primenom terapije Cisapridom. Sve životinje su se u toku 28-dnevnog nadzora kompletno oporavile, a odliÄno opÅ”te stanje zabeleženo je, na osnovu intervjua sa vlasnicima i 6 meseci nakon hirurÅ”ke intervencije
Immunoreactive neuropeptides in the cells of human thymus
The study was designed to explore the expression of different neuropeptides, viz. vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP), substance P (SP), bombesin and motilin in the cells of fetal and adult human thymus. Immunohistochemical staining revealed that cortical and medullary thymocytes were labeled by all antibodies, except those specific for motilin. Immunoreactive VIP and SP were observed in the solitary epithelial cells located in the subcapsular/subtrabecular cortex, at the corticomedullary junction and in the medulla. The cells within the subcapsular/subtrabecular monolayer, rare solitary cells in the deep cortex and epithelial cell network in the medulla, were labeled with antibodies to CGRP and bombesin. Hassall's corpuscles were labeled with all antibodies except that specific for SP. The obtained data obtained testify to the expression of different neuropeptides in human thymic lymphoid and non-lymphoid cells and suggest a role for neuroendocrine hormone-mediated mechanisms in the regulation of thymic homeostasis in humans
Programming and Planning of School Working Plan ā A Process. Workshop scenario
Scenarij radionice realiziran je u okviru seminara za ravnatelje Å”kola Ā»PodrÅ”ka rukovoÄenjuĀ«. Zasnovan je na potrebi da se planiranju rada Å”kole pristupa kao procesu koji je važan element rukovoÄenja i jedna od pretpostavki uspjeÅ”ne Å”kole. Sudionicima se omoguÄuje sagledavanje procesa planiranja i programiranja iz pozicije ravnatelja kao osobe koja je odgovorna za planiranje razvoja (razvojni plan Å”kole) i planiranje godiÅ”njeg rada u najÅ”irem smislu. Posebno je naglaÅ”ena odgovornost i uloga ravnatelja u ostvarivanju povezanosti razvojnog plana i godiÅ”njeg plana rada kroz proces planiranja.This workshop scenario was realized in a framework of āSupport to leadershipā seminar for school principals. It is based on a need for approaching to general school working planning through a notion that this represents a process which is an important part of leadership and one of postulates of successful school. Participants can perceive process of school planning and programming from the position of a school principal as a person who is responsible for development planning and for the general school working plan. Responsibility and a role of principal in realization of interrelations between development plan and general working plan through the process of planning is emphasized
Primena imunohistohemijskih metoda u dijagnostici sarkocistioze goveda
Ispitivanje sarkocistioze goveda obavljeno je na tri starosne kategorije goveda primenom direktnih i imunohistohemijskih metoda. Primenjene su direktne metode kompresije, digestija tripsinom i histoloÅ”ka metoda, a od imunohistohemijskih metoda koriÅ”Äene su peroksidaza anti-peroksidaza (PAP),visoko senzitivna streptavidin biotin imunoperoksidaza kompleksna tehnika (LSAB+) i indirektna imunofluorescencija (IF). Primarni antiserum kuniÄa dobijen na zoite Sarcocystis cruzi syn. S. bovicanis koriÅ”Äen je za sva imunohemijska i imunohistohemijska istraživanja.Za odreÄivanjeunakrsnereaktivnostikoriÅ”Äenje kao primarni antiserum kuniÄa na antigene zoita S. ovifelis. Oba primarna antiseruma proizvedena su u laboratoriji, zbog nedostatka komercijalnih preparata na tržiÅ”tu. Procena osetljivosti, specifiÄnosti i efikasnosti imunohistohemijskih metoda izvedena je na bazi poredenja sa direktnim metodama: kompresije, digestije tripsinom i histoloÅ”kom metodom. Primenjene imunohistohemijskeanalizesu vrlospecifiÄneu dokazivanjusarkocistiozekod goveda, posebno LSAB*tehnika,a po osetljivosti u otkrivanju ove infekcije sliÄne su metodi digestije tripsinom. Dobijeni antiserum kuniÄa na antigenezoita S. bovicanis daoje dobre rezultate u dijagnostikovanju homologne vrste. Dokazana unakrsna reaktivnost homolognih i heterolognih antiseruma i antigena, kao imunohemijska reakcija potpunog identiteta ujednom delu antigene strukture, ustanovljenaje kod primarnog antiserumakuniÄa na zoite S. ovifelis, Å”to ukazujeda se i heterologni antiserumi mogu da koriste u imunohistohemijskim reakcijama dijagnostikovanja sarkocistioze goveda.Bovine sarcocystosis was examined in three age categories of cattle using direct and immunohistochemical methods. The direct methods of compression, trypsin digestion and a histological method were applied, and the applied immunohistochemical methods included peroxidase anti-peroxidase (PAP), the highly sensitive streptavidin biotin immunoperoxidase complex technique (LSAB+) and indirect immunofluorescence (IF). Primary rabbit antiserum obtained for the zoites Sarcocystis cruzi syn. S. bovicanis was used for all immunochemical and immunohistochemical examinations. Cross reactivity was determind using primary rabbit antiserum to antigens of S. ovifelis zoites. Both primary antiserums were produced in the laboratory, as no commercial preparations were available on the market. The evaluation of the sensitivity and efficacy of the immunohistochemical methods was performed on the grounds of comparisons With the direct methods: compression, trypsin digestion and a histological method. The applied immunohistochemical analyses are very specific in proving sarcocystosis in cattle, especially the LSAB+ technique, and, according to their sensitivity in detecting this infection, they are similar to the method of trypsin digestion. The obtained rabbit antiserum against antigens of S. bovicanis zoites yielded good results in the diagnosis of the homologous specie. Proven cross reactivity of the homologous and heterologous antiserums and antigens, as an immunochemical reaction of complete identity in one part to the antigen structure, was established in primary rabbit antiserum to S. ovifelis zoites, which indicates that heterologous antiserums can also be used in immunohistochemical reactions in the diagnostics of bovine sarcocystosi
Microbial diversity in soils suppressive to Fusarium diseases
Fusarium species are cosmopolitan soil phytopathogens from the division Ascomycota, which produce mycotoxins and cause significant economic losses of crop plants. However, soils suppressive to Fusarium diseases are known to occur, and recent knowledge on microbial diversity in these soils has shed new lights on phytoprotection effects. In this review, we synthesize current knowledge on soils suppressive to Fusarium diseases and the role of their rhizosphere microbiota in phytoprotection. This is an important issue, as disease does not develop significantly in suppressive soils even though pathogenic Fusarium and susceptible host plant are present, and weather conditions are suitable for disease. Soils suppressive to Fusarium diseases are documented in different regions of the world. They contain biocontrol microorganisms, which act by inducing plantsā resistance to the pathogen, competing with or inhibiting the pathogen, or parasitizing the pathogen. In particular, some of the Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Paenibacillus and Streptomyces species are involved in plant protection from Fusarium diseases. Besides specific bacterial populations involved in disease suppression, next-generation sequencing and ecological networks have largely contributed to the understanding of microbial communities in soils suppressive or not to Fusarium diseases, revealing different microbial community patterns and differences for a notable number of taxa, according to the Fusarium pathosystem, the host plant and the origin of the soil. Agricultural practices can significantly influence soil suppressiveness to Fusarium diseases by influencing soil microbiota ecology. Research on microbial modes of action and diversity in suppressive soils should help guide the development of effective farming practices for Fusarium disease management in sustainable agriculture
Effects of tannic acid on trypsin and leucine aminopeptidase activities in gypsy moth larval midgut
The effects of allelochemical stress on genetic variations in the specific
activities of gypsy moth digestive enzymes (trypsin and leucine
aminopeptidase) and relative midgut mass (indirect measure of food
consumption), as well as variability in their plasticity, were investigated
in fifth instar gypsy moths originating from two populations with different
trophic adaptations (oak and locust-tree forests). Thirty-two full-sib
families from the Quercus population and twenty-six full-sib families from
the Robinia population were reared on an artificial diet with or without
supplementation with tannic acid. Between population differences were
observed as higher average specific activity of trypsin and relative midgut
mass in larvae from the Robinia population. Significant broad-sense
heritabilities were observed for the specific activity of trypsin in the
control state, and for specific activity of leucine aminopeptidase in a
stressful environment. Significantly lower heritability for relative midgut
mass was recorded in larvae from the Robinia population reared under
stressful conditions. Significant variability of trypsin plasticity in larvae
from both populations and significant variability of leucine aminopeptidase
plasticity in larvae from the Robinia population point to the potential for
the evolution of enzyme adaptive plastic responses to the presence of
stressor. Non-significant across-environment genetic correlations do not
represent a constraint for the evolution of enzyme plasticity. [Projekat
Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173027
Temperature and magnetic field effects on the activity of protocerebral neurosecretory neurons and corpora allata in Cerambyx cerdo L. larvae
The effects of constant temperature and an extremely low-frequency magnetic field (ELFMF, 50 Hz and average induction of 20 mT) on the activity of medial protocerebral neurosecretory neurons (A1 and A2) and corpora allata were investigated in Cerambyx cerdo L. larvae after 30 days of exposure. Both constant temperature of 23Ā°C and the ELFMF led to decrease in activity of A1 and A2 neurosecretory neurons and increase in activity of corpora allata compared to the control group (larvae from natural conditions). The changes are more pronounced in A2 than A1 neurons.Ispitivan je uticaj konstantne temperature i ekstremno niskofrekventnog magnetnog polja (ELFMF, 50 Hz i proseÄna indukcija 20mT) na aktivnost medijanih protocerebralnih neurosekretnih neurona (A1 i A2) i corpora allata kod larvi Cerambyx cerdo posle 30 dana izlaganja i konstantna temperatura od 23Ā°C i ELFMF dovode do smanjenja aktivnosti A1 i A2 neurosekretnih neurona i poveÄanja aktivnosti corpora allata u poreÄenju sa kontrolnom grupom (larve iz prirodnih uslova). Promene su viÅ”e izražene kod A2 nego kod A1neurona.nul
Idiopatski i sekundarni steÄeni megakolon kod pasa udruženi su sa smanjenom vip-inervacijom u oÅ”teÄenom kolonu
It is well established that megacolon in carnivores, including both cats and dogs, is a common finding. Megacolon occurs more often in the cat that the dog. Based on current data idiopathic megacolon is a common cause of constipation in cats (62% of constipated cats are affected by diopathic megacolon). There is no evidence of idiopathic megacolon in dogs and publications about this disease in this species is very scarce. We investigated the enteric nervous system in the dilated portion (DP) of the colon in dogs with idiopathic aquired (n=7) or secondary aquired megacolon (n=21) and compared the results with a normal colon in control dogs (n=3). Colonic sections of surgical specimens were investigated by conventional and immunohistochemical methods, including pan-neuronal markers (NSE, synaptophisin, and neurofilament) and VIP, as well as S-100 protein for detection of ganglionic glial cells. Compared to controls, the two megacolon groups showed no changes of density of enteric neurons in both submucosal and myenteric nervous plexuses in DP of the colon and of enteric glial cells. However, compared to controls and dogs with secondary megacolon, there was a significant decrease in the density of NFP-ir nerve fibers in the longitudinal muscle layer in dogs with idiopathic acquired megacolon. In addition, dogs with idiopathic megacolon display decreased VIP-ir in the myenteric plexus and lamina propria mucosae, and absence of VIP-ir neurons in the submucosal plexus of DP of the colon. Similar alterations, although of lesser severity, may be found in dogs with secondary aquired megacolon. We consider that both idiopathic and secondary aquired megacolon might occur on the basis of a dysplastic changes of VIP-ir enteric neurons.Poznato je da se magakolon javlja kod mesojeda, ukljuÄujuÄi maÄke i pse, pri Äemu je ovo oboljenje daleko uÄestalije kod maÄaka. Na osnovu dosadaÅ”njih saznanja, idiopatski megakolon je Äest uzroÄnik konstipacije kod maÄaka i 62% maÄaka sa konstipacijom ima idiopatski megakolon. Istovremeno, podaci o psima sa idiopatskim megakolonom veoma su oskudni. U ovom radu je prouÄavan enteriÄni nervni sistem u dilatiranom delu kolona kod 7 pasa sa idiopatskim megakolonom i 21 psa sa sekundarnim steÄenim megakolonom, a rezultati su uporeÄeni sa normalnim kolonom kod 3 kontrolne zdrave životinje. Tkivni preseci kolona bojeni su klasiÄnim histoloÅ”kim i imunohistohemijskim metodama, pri Äemu su primenjeni pan-neuronski markeri (NSE, sinaptofizin i neurofilament) i VIP, kao i S-100 protein za detekciju glijalnih Äelija u enteriÄnim ganglijama. Nisu otkrivene razlike u gustini enteriÄnih neurona u submukoznom i mijenteriÄnom pleksusu kod životinja sa megakolonom, kao ni razlike u gustini glijalnih Äelija enteriÄnih ganglija, u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu životinja. MeÄutim, u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu, kod životinja sa idiopatskim megakolonom dokazana je smanjena VIP-imunoreaktivnost (ir) u mienteriÄnom pleksusu i krznu mukoze, kao i kompletno odsustvo VIP-ir neurona u submukoznom pleksusu dilatiranog dela kolona. SliÄne promene, ali u manjem stepenu, postojale su kod pasa sa sekundarnim steÄenim megakolonom. Može da se zakljuÄi da u patogenezi idiopatskog i sekundarnog steÄenog megakolona znaÄajnu ulogu imaju displastiÄne promene u VIP-ergiÄkim neuronima enteriÄkog nervnog sistema
Expression of p53 protein in Barrettās adenocarcinoma and adenocarcinoma of the gastric cardia and antrum
Background/Aim. Most studies of esophageal and gastric adenocarcinomas have shown a very high rate of p53 gene mutation and/or protein overexpression, but the influence of the tumor site upon the frequency of p53 protein expression has not been evaluated (gastroesophageal junction, Barret's esophagus, and antrum). The aim of our study was to analyze the correlation between the selected clinico-pthological parameters, and p53 protein overexpression in regards to the particular tumor location. Methods. The material comprised 66 surgical specimens; 10 were Barrettās carcinomas, 25 adenocarcinomas of the gastric cardia (type II adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction - EGJ), and 31 adenocarcinomas of the antrum. Immunostaining for p53 protein was performed on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections, using the alkaline phosphatase - antialkaline phosphatase (APAAP) method. The cases were considered positive for p53 if at least 5% of the tumor cells expressed this protein by immunostaining. Results. There was no significant difference observed between the studied groups in regards to age, sex, Laurenās classification and tumor differentiation. There was, however, a significant difference observed in the depth of tumor invasion between Barrrettās adenocarcinoma and adenocarcinoma of the cardia compared with the adenocarcinoma of the antrum. Namely, at the time of surgery, both Barrettās adenocarcinomas and adenocarcinomas of the cardia, were significantly more advanced comparing with the adenocarcinomas of the antrum. Overexpression of p53 was found in 40% (4/10) of Barrettās adenocarcinomas, 72% (18/25) of adenocarcinoma of the cardia and 65% (20/31) of adenocarcinoma of the antrum. No significant differences in p53 expression in relation to sex, type (Lauren) of tumor, depth of invasion, lymph node involvement, or tumor differentiation were observed in any of the analyzed groups of tumors. Patients with more advanced Barrettās adenocarcinoma and in the cases of lymph node invasion revealed tendency for the greater p53 positivity compared with the early forms and lymph node-negative cases; however, this difference was not significant according to the statistical analysis. With regard to adenocarcinoma of the cardia, higher rates of p53 positivity were recorded in poorly differentiated, more advanced cases with lymph node invasion. Nevertheless, none of these differences was statistically significant. On the contrary, in the patients with adenocarcinoma of the antrum, greater p53 positivity was revealed in early forms without lymph node involvement, but the observed difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion. No significant differences in p53 protein expression in terms of sex, type (Lauren) of tumor, depth of invasion, lymph node involvement, or tumor differentiation were observed in any of the analyzed groups of tumors (Barrettās adenocarcinoma, adenocarcinoma of the cardia and adenocarcinoma of the antrum)
Ghrelin endocrine cells in the human stomach during prenatal and early postnatal development
The aim of this study was to investigate the appearance, localization and density of ghrelin cells in the human stomach during prenatal development. For this purpose the antrum and corpus of embryos, fetuses and infants are stained immunohistochemically by the streptavidin-biotin technique. The presence of P/D1 cells at 11 weeks of fetal development, their highest density during the first detection and higher density in the corpus than in antrum, and their localization in the glandular base of stomach gland, all suggest that ghrelin plays a major role in the early stages of the developing stomach
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