11 research outputs found

    Fizikalna terapija i rehabilitacija pacijenata sa degenerativnim oboljenjima kičmenog stuba (lumbosakralnom stenozom, ankilozirajućim spondilitisom i difuznom idiopatskom hiperostozom)

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    Spondiloartritisi su degenerativna oboljenja kičmenog stuba, gde se promene javljaju na hrskavici, subhondralnoj kosti, sinovijalnoj membrani, kao i na periartikularnim mekim tkivima. Terapija se sastoji u davanju analgetika i nesteroidnih antiinflamatornih lekova. Takođe se savetuje da se uskrate sva velika fizička naprezanja, a preporuču- ju se mirovanje uz blage Å”etnje i primena fizikalne terapije. SuÅ”tina rehabilitacionog programa, kod pacijenata kod kojih je doÅ”lo do funk- cionalne ili strukturne disfunkcije kičmenog stuba, nije u doslovnom uklanjanju anatomskih i fizioloÅ”kih oÅ”tećenja, već u uspostavljanju op- timalnog funkcionalnog stanja organizma prema njegovim preostalim mogućnostima i poboljÅ”anju kvaliteta života. Fizikalna terapija ima zadatke da: ā€¢ uspostavi naruÅ”ene funkcije organizma, odnosno da izvrÅ”i njihovu kompenzaciju, ā€¢ poboljÅ”a naruÅ”enu autoregulaciju i Å”to je moguće viÅ”e, redukuje fi- zičku nesposobnost nakon povrede ili oboljenja. U okviru radionice, biće prikazane procedure koje se koriste za terapiju degenerativnih oboljenja kičmenog stuba: elektroterapija, fo- toterapija, magnetoterapija i kineziterapija, a koje na organizam delu- ju analgetski, simpatikolitično, izazivaju vazodilataciju, omogućavaju povećanje obima pokreta, jačaju grubu motornu snagu i poboljÅ”avaju koordinaciju. Ciljevi lečenja spondiloartropatija su: ā€¢ smanjiti inflamaciju (bol i ukočenost), ā€¢ smanjiti ograničenje pokreta kičmenog stuba i usporiti razvoj anki- loze i ā€¢ sprečiti komplikacije bolesti (kifozu, kifoskoliozu, fleksione kontrak- ture). Potrebno je napomenuti da se Å”ema rehabilitacionog programa prilagođava svakom pacijentu pojedinačno, pa je zato najsigurnije, da bi se izbegle greÅ”ke u lečenju, strogo se pridržavati definisanih prin- cipa terapije

    Radiological Examination of Incisor Teeth in Rabbit (Oryctolagus Cuniculus)

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    Pathological conditions of rabbit teeth are very common in clinical practice and may also lead to deathdue to serious complications. Therefore, special attention should be paid to early diagnosis to allow timelytherapy. Radiographic diagnosis is a simple, quick and inevitable procedure to assess the condition of theteeth. Nevertheless, radiological examination of rabbit teeth has some peculiarities that are reflected inthe imaging procedures and interpretation of radiographs in comparison with other mammalian species

    RadioloÅ”ke tehnike pregleda, interpretacija snimaka i dijagnostika najčeŔćih patoloÅ”kih stanja zuba kunića i glodara

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    Kunići i većina glodara imaju aradikularne hipsodontne zube koji se odlikuju stalnim rastom tokom čitavog života, zbog čega je neop- hodno da se oni neprekidno troÅ”e. Nedovoljno poznavanje osnovnih bioloÅ”kih odlika ovih životinja i njihovih potreba u ishrani, često rezul- tira pojavom različitih patoloÅ”kih promena na zubima od kojih su naj- zastupljenije malokluzija i apikalna elongacija korena zuba (rezervne krunice). Ukoliko se ove promene ne dijagnostikuju blagovremeno i ne preduzme odgovarajuća terapija, često dolazi do komplikacija u vidu pojave apscesa, opstrukcije nazolakrimalnog kanala sa posledičnim egzoftalmusom, kao i poremećaja funkcije organa respiratornog i/ili gastrointestinalnog sistema koji mogu imati letalan ishod. U svakod- nevnoj kliničkoj praksi, doktori veterinarske medicine se sve čeŔće su- sreću sa ovom problematikom, a za postavljanje tačne dijagnoze kao i praćenje efekata terapije, neophodno je primeniti radioloÅ”ke metode pregleda. Samim tim, osnovni cilj ove radionice je da se polaznici upo- znaju sa osobenostima zuba kunića i različitih vrsta glodara, kao i da savladaju tehnike radioloÅ”kog pregleda zuba i pregleda nazolakrimal- nog kanala uz primenu pozitivnog kontrastnog sredstva (dakriocisto- grafija) i da savladaju veÅ”tinu tumačenja dobijenih rendgenskih sni- maka. Tokom ove radionice, biće prikazana najčeŔća patoloÅ”ka stanja zuba kunića i glodara koja će biti detaljno diskutovana

    Dacryocystography in rabbits

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    Dacryocystography is a specific method of radiological examination of the nasolacrimal apparatus based on the use of a positive contrast agent, which allows the assessment of its morphology and patency. Pathological conditions of the nasolacrimal apparatus in rabbits are very common in clinical practice, and the disturbance of its patency is usually a consequence of dental diseases or respiratory infections. The aim of this article is to present the most common pathological conditions that can affect the patency of the nasolacrimal apparatus in rabbits, a detailed anatomical description of the nasolacrimal apparatus in these animals, and the technique for performing dacriyocystography

    Radiological Investigation of Guinea Pig (Cavia porcellus) Lumbar Vertebral Morphology - A Biomechanical Aspect

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    Numerous studies are based on the use of animal models; however, in bipedal andtetrapedal organisms there are significant differences in the biomechanics of the spinalcolumn, which can significantly impair the quality and applicability of the resultsobtained. The aim of this study is to obtain basic data on the morphometric parametersof guinea pig lumbar vertebrae, the analysis of which will indicate the location of thebiggest mechanical load. The lumbar vertebra morphometry test was performed bymeans of X-ray imageing obtained from 12 guinea pigs, with equal numbers of malesand females. The results of investigations show that guinea pig lumbar vertebrae havean irregular trapezoid geometry and that the measured body lengths of L4 and L5 arethe largest. The height parameters determined in the medial level showed that L4 hadthe most concave body. Moreover, L4 had the greatest depth of the spinal canal at thesame measurement level. Consequently, in guinea pigs, the greatest load is in the L4region, unlike in humans, where, due to the axial load of the spinal column, the highestpressure is exerted on the last lumbar vertebrae

    Tibial plateau angle measuremet in dogs ā€“ comparison of three different methods

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    The aim of this study was to establish two new methods for measuring the tibial plateau angle (TPA): proximal tibial circle (PTC) as well as full tibial circle (FTC) method, and to test their reliability in comparison to the classical method (CM). Three radiologists implemented each method, and measurements were repeated three times. The results of consecutive measurements obtained by two observers had excellent reliability with an interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) greater than 0.9 for all methods, while measurements obtained by the third observer had good reliability for the CM (ICC=0.885) and PTC method (ICC=0.851). The results obtained by the three observers for all methods indicate good reliability for the PTC and FTC methods (ICC=0.848 and 0.880, respectively) and excellent reliability for CM (ICC = 0.909); the results of the different observers for each method were not significantly different. The significant difference resulting from the applied measurement method (ICC = 0.447 and P<0.01) was confirmed. Statistically significant differences were not found between the CM and PTC method (P>0.05), while differences between the PTC and FTC, as well as CM and FTC methods, were statistically significant (P<0.01). New methods for TPA measurements based on shorter tibial axes may be an alternative to a method based on the full-length axis. A high correlation between the methods indicates the precision of each of them. Newly established methods can be used when the tarsal joint is not included in radiographs or is affected by degenerative changes, making use of the classical method not possible

    Alport's syndrome and benign familial haematuria: light and electron microscopic studies of the kidney

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    INTRODUCTION Hereditary nephropathy is clinically characterized by the familial occurrence in successive generations of progressive haematuric nephritis and neural hearing loss. Hereditary nephropathy of Alport's syndrome (AS) and benign familial (recurrent) haematuria (BFH) are morphologically characterized by specific and diagnostically important thickening and splitting of lamina densa of the glomerular basement membranes. Those lesions can be recognized only by electron microscopy. Hereditary nephritis is usually present clinically with haematuria, and new mutations without a family history of haematuria. It is therefore important to differentiate hereditary nephritis from BFH and no familial haematuria. Thus, electron microscopy is essential in diagnosis of haematuria. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to describe, by light microscopy, constellation of renal alterations by which hereditary nephropathy can be recognized with high probability as well as to compare the diagnostic validity of the findings observed by light and electron microscopy in AS and BFH. METHOD We examined 48 renal biopsies of the patients with hereditary nephoropathies by light and electron microscopy. Tissue samples were fixed in buffered paraformaldehyde and embedded in paraffin for long-term preservation. For the electron microscopy analysis, the following fixation in 4% glutaraldehyde tissue was postfixed in 1% osmium tetroxide.Thereafter, the following dehydration procedure tissue slices were embedded in epon. RESULTS Our results demonstrated that the interstitial foam cells, foetal-like glomeruli, minimal glomerular abnormalities with stain less intense in basement membranes, mild irregular mesangial widening, focal thickening of Bowman's capsule, foci of dilatation tubules, tubular ectasia and atrophy, erythrocyte tubules casts were present in hereditary nephritis. Additionally, light microscopic biopsy findings in patients with BFH were either normal or revealed minor changes (e.g. increased mesangial matrix). All biopsies were reevaluated by electron microscopy and ultrastructural findings confirmed the diagnosis of hereditary nephropathies. CONCLUSION The findings observed by light microscopy represent an important step that leads to a definitive diagnosis of AS and BFH. The definitive diagnosis, however, depends on electron microscopy

    Rendgenska dijagnostika najčeŔćih patoloÅ”kih stanja abdominalnih organa kod kunića

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    Cilj ove radionice je da se polaznici upoznaju sa tehnikama radioloÅ”kog pregleda abdominalnih organa kunića, pravilnom analizom rendgenskih snimaka, kao i sa rendgenskom anatomijom organa gastrointestinalnog i urogenitalnog sistema ovih životinja. U drugom delu radionice biće detaljno analizirana patoloÅ”ka stanja koja se najčeŔće javljaju u svakodnevnoj kliničkoj praksi

    RadioloÅ”ki pregled zuba kunića ā€“ tehnike pregleda i interpretacija snimki

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    PatoloÅ”ka su stanja zuba kunića u svakodnevnoj kliničkoj praksi vrlo česta i često rezultiraju poremećajem u funkciji organa probavnog i respiratornog sustava, a mogu imati i letalan ishod. Da bi se omogućila pravovremena primjena terapije i spriječila pojava komplikacija, posebnu pažnju treba usmjeriti na ranu dijagnostiku. RadioloÅ”ka dijagnostika predstavlja jednostavan, brz i nezaobilazan postupak u procjeni stanja zubi. Za razliku od drugih vrsta sisavaca, radioloÅ”ki pregled zuba kunića se odlikuje određenim osobitostima koje se, prije svega, očituju u tehnikama snimanja i interpretaciji rendgenskih snimaka koji su detaljno prikazani u ovom radu

    Density and strength distribution of the subchondral bone plate of the canine talus

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    Introduction / Purpose: The subchondral bone plate plays an important role in the load transfer across joints. The subchondral bone density distribution is a reflection of the loading history of the joint, and the heterogeneous density distribution expected to be reflected in the subchondral bone material properties. The goal of this study was to evaluate the strength of the subchondral bone plate of the canine talus and to correlate it to the subchondral bone density. Methods: On twenty, paired, cadaver tali of different large breed dogs, test points were defined on the subchondral bone plate. At these points the mechanical strength was determined by indentation testing, registering the maximum penetration force, and the density was measured by means of computer tomographic osteoabsorptiometry (CTOAM). Results: Neither the density nor the strength were distributed homogeneously over the surface of the subchondral bone plate. In all specimens, a high correlation was found between the subchondral bone density and the mechanical strength. The coefficient of determination (r 2 ) ranged from 0.78 to 0.96 with a mean of 0.89 and was statistically significant (p < 0.01). The location of the density maxima matched the location of maximal mechanical strength. There was no significant difference in the location of the density maxima and the strength maxima (p-value = 0.512). Discussion / Conclusion: CTOAM provides a non-invasive opportunity to not only assess and visualize the density of the subchondral bone plate on densitograms but also the mechanical strength, and to perform longitudinal studies on subchondral bone density and strength in dogs