89 research outputs found

    Analysis of technologies for rapid prototyping of dental constructions

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    In the following article new technologies for the production of dental implants are presented. Using the best achievements of mechanical engineering, such as CAD/CAM and additive technologies, entirely new opportunities for increasing complexity, geometric accuracy, speed, and production efficiency of dental products are discovered

    The role of percutaneous cholecystostomy of acute cholecystitis

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    Acute cholecystitis is a common condition affecting up to 4% of patients with gallstones and up to 0.4% of patients without gallstones. The gold standard in the treatment of acute cholecystitis is cholecystectomy, but it is often unsafe in high-risk patients and percutaneous cholecystostomy is used as a definitive treatment or temporary measure. Percutaneous cholecystostomy is used to treat various pathological conditions of the gallbladder, including biliary emergencies such as cholecystitis or cholangitis, mechanical obstruction caused by a malignant or benign process, perforation of the gallbladder and others. Although percutaneous cholecystostomy has historically been an alternative to cholecystectomy, it is usually performed as a "bridging" procedure until the gallbladder is removed. Percutaneous cholecystostomy can be used not only in the temporary treatment of calculous cholecystitis, but also in the final treatment in cases of acuculous cholecystitis. Percutaneous cholecystostomy is performed under ultrasound and X-ray control, and in rare cases only under computed tomography or X-ray control. Since its introduction in 1980. percutaneous cholecyststomy has a success rate of over 95%, with a low percentage of complications associated with the procedure - bleeding, vagal reactions, sepsis, biliary peritonitis, pneumothorax, intestinal perforation, secondary infection or repositioning of the gallbladder catheter. Percutaneous cholecystostomy under ultrasound guidance is cheap, easy-to-perform, and reliable method for patients with acute cholecystitis

    Laboratory and imaging methods for tuberculosis diagnostics

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    Туберкулозата е хронично инфекциозно заболяване, най-често засягащо белите дробове и по-рядко други органи и системи. За разлика от миналото, когато заболяването е засягало предимно бедни хора, сега то се среща все по-често и в развитите страни.Причинителят е Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Отличава се с голямата си устойчивост на физични и химични фактори. Източници на инфекцията са болните хора и рядко животните - едър рогат добитък. Не всички хора, които се заразяват с болестта, боледуват от нея. Инфекцията се предава по въздушно-капков път и прониква в организма през горните дихателни пътища. Туберкулозните бактерии остават жизнеспособни дълго време в храчки и прах от улицата или помещения. Възможно е и заразяване по алиментарен път. При някои хора възможността за заразяване е по-голяма. Например при хора с професии, имащи контакти с животни, с болни от туберкулоза, СПИН и други. Немалко са и случаите на безсимптомно протичане на болестта или диференциалната диагноза да бъде друго инфекциозно заболяване. Симптомите основно са грипоподобни - кашлица, задух, безапетитие, повишена температура, отпадналост. При извънбелодробните форми на туберкулоза се засягат други органи и системи: органи в коремната кухина, лимфните възли, централната нервна система, сърдечно-съдовата система и други.Най-важно значение за диагностика на туберкулозата са рентгеновото изследване, кръвната картина и микробиологичната диагностика. Също за поставяне на точна диагноза се изследват промивни води от белите дробове или стомаха.Заболяването рядко протича с усложнения и в повечето случаи завършва с оздравяване. За предпазване от туберкулоза се прилага ваксина, която е задължителна в България и се поставя на 48-ия час от раждането с последващи реимунизации. Добрата лична хигиена също е от съществено значение за превенция от туберкулозата.Tuberculosis is chronic infectious disease which often affects the lungs and rarely other organs and systems. In the past, the disease usually affected poor people but now it can be found in well-developed countries.The agent is Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is very resistant to physical and chemical factors. The source are sick people and rarely - animals. Not all people who are infected get sick.The infection can be transmitted by air and penetrates the body through the upper respiratory tract.Mycobacterium tuberculosis can live long in sputum and dust from streets and rooms. People can also be infected by consuming infected food like milk and etc. For some people the possibility of becoming infected is higher - people who are often in contact with animals, other infected people, or are HIV positive.Sometimes the disease can be asymptomatic and confused with another infection. The symptoms are flu-like - cough, suffocation, fever, and weakness. The extrapulmonary forms of tuberculosis can affect other organs and systems - abdominal cavity, lymph nodes, central nervous system, and cardiovascular system. Radiology and microbiology methods were used for establishing a diagnosis.The disease is often cured without complications. The prevention consists of vaccination which is obligatory in Bulgaria and is done on the 48th hour from the birth of the baby and repeated in a few years. High personal hygiene is an important method of prevention of disease

    Design of Wireless Sensor Network for Monitoring of Soil Quality Parameters

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    AbstractDesignof wireless sensor network for monitoring of soil quality parameters (temperature, humidity, conductivity and acidity) is proposed in the study. The structure, panels and block - diagrams of graphical user interface in the software LabView are developed. Web-based mobile system for wireless measurement of temperature, humidity, conductivity and acidity based on Arduino modules is proposed. The devices are configured and appropriate software for the operation of wireless sensor modules is written

    Cortical laminar necrosis after subarachnoid hemorrhage

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    Кортикалната ламинарна некроза е рядко наблюдавана при пациент след емболизиране на мозъчна аневризма. Съобщаваме случай на 51-годишна пациентка, която след емболизация на мозъчната аневризма на дясната средна мозъчна артерия остава в коматозно състояние.От извършения ядрено-магнитен резонанс имаше висок интензитет на сигнала в темпоралния лоб на мозъка на T2- изображенията, и линеарен хиперинтензитет по протежение на мозъчните кората на T1-изображенията с дифузно усилване на мозъчната кора.Cortical laminar necrosis has rarely been observed in a patient after coil embolization. We report a 51-year-old female patient who became comatose after the embolization of an aneurysm in the right middle cerebral artery. There were high signal intensities in the temporal brain on T2-weighted MRI images and linear hyperintensities along the cerebral cortices on T1-weighted images with a diffuse gyriform enhancement

    Implantation of a hemodialysis catheter directly in the right atrium due to exhaustion of vascular access

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    Introduction: Patients on permanent hemodialysis need constant and secure vascular access with optimal flow to perform the procedure. Failure to provide such access can lead to life-threatening deterioration of the patient's condition.Case Presentation: We report a case of implantation of a hemodialysis catheter directly in the right atrium (RA) in an emergency in a 46 year-old woman, placed on permanent hemodialysis (HD) for nine years due to end-stage renal disease with exhausted opportunities for vascular access over the years and unsuitable for peritoneal dialysis.After a consultation between a cardiac surgeon, a vascular surgeon and an interventional radiologist, a decision was made to directly implant a permanent catheter for HD in the superior vena cava (SVC).The operation was performed as a matter of urgency, operative access was through ministerotomy and the catheter was implanted directly in the right atrium (RA) due to thrombosis and fibrosis of the SVC. No cardiac complications associated with the procedure were observed in the postoperative period. On the first postoperative day, HD was performed, followed by others according to the therapeutic plan. The patient was discharged from the Cardiac Surgery Department on the 7th postoperative day.Conclusion: The use of open surgical access and the implantation of a permanent HD catheter directly into the RA can be considered a life-saving procedure in HD patients with acute uremic syndrome and exhausted vascular access

    Hydatid liver disease - a review of the literature

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    Hydatid cyst disease of the liver is a worldwide parasitosis with significant debilitating effect on the patients. In Bulgaria, the most important biological reservoir and the final host is the dog. The distribution of the disease in the territory of the country is variable. Advances of laboratory and imaging diagnostic methods provide new options for multimodal approach. Surgery has been mainstay of treatment, however, new minimally invasive methods such as laparoscopic surgery and PAIR present with advantages in selected patients. Perioperative therapy diminishes postoperative relapses. In the present review, new data about the epidemiology and recent achievements in diagnosis and management of hydatid liver disease are presented.Scripta Scientifica Medica 2013; 45(2): 17-22

    Embolization of bronchial arteries in cases of life-threatening bleeding

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    Massive hemoptysis is a frightening and potentially life-threatening clinical event. Hemoptysis represents a sig­nificant clinical entity with high morbidity and potential mortality. Bronchial artery angiography with embolization has become a mainstay in the treatment of hemoptysis. Bronchial artery embolization offers a minimally invasive procedure for even the most compromised patient serving as first-line treatment for hemorrhage as well as providing a bridge to more definitive medical or surgical intervention focused upon the etiology of the hemorrhage