6 research outputs found

    Banks-Firms Nexus under the Currency Board: Empirical Evidence from Bulgaria

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    This study analyses bank lending in the larger context of bank-firm relations within the Bulgarian specificity of currency board. It focuses on the ‘intersection’ of credit supply and demand on the side of banks and firms simultaneously. We suggest both traditional and new hypotheses corresponding to the specific conditions of the Bulgarian ownership change, transitional corruption and other institutional and political factors. The model is based on a survey on Bulgarian banks and a unique database on firms. The study found that the dynamics and structure of credit is affected mainly by the features of the institutional environment, whereas the ‘resource’ and traditional factors became secondary. During the period 1998 – 2001, there is separation of the banking sector activity from the activity of the real sector in Bulgaria. In the new conditions of currency board, the dual sector of enterprises and the specific institutional environment continue their existence. Despite its disciplining effect the currency board by itself is not sufficiently effective to overcome the remaining ‘institutional obstacles, associated mainly with the inefficiency of the judicial system, corruption, state capture, uncertain property rights, etc.corporate governance, bank lending, currency board, corruption, transition economy

    La liaison banques-entreprises sous le régime de Currency Board : étude empirique pour la Bulgarie

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    This study of bank loans in the larger context of bank-firm relations under the Bulgarian Currency Board focuses on the 'intersection' between credit supply and demand from the point of view of both banks and firms. Both traditional and new hypotheses are suggested that correspond to specific conditions in Bulgaria: the ownership change, the corruption resulting from the transi- tion and other institutional and political factors. Using a cross-sectional model based on a survey on Bulgarian banks and a database of firms, this study found that the main factor affecting the dynamics and structure of credit was the institutional environment, whereas resources and traditional factors were secondary. During the period 1998-2001, banking activities were separate from those of the real sector. Given the new conditions resulting from setting up the Currency Board, the dual sector of firms and the specific institutional environment persist. Despite the discipline it has imposed, the Currency Board does not suffice by itself to overcome persistent institutional impediments, which are mainly related to the inefficiency of the judicial system, corruption, state capture and insecure property rights.Cette Ă©tude traite du crĂ©dit bancaire dans le contexte Ă©largi des relations banques-entreprises en Bulgarie sous le rĂ©gime de Currency Board. Elle se concentre sur l'"intersection" entre l'offre et la demande de crĂ©dit, respectivement de la part des banques et des entreprises. Nous avançons des hypothĂšses Ă  la fois traditionnelles et inĂ©dites correspondant aux conditions spĂ©cifiques de la redistribution des droits de propriĂ©tĂ© en Bulgarie, de la corruption induite par la transition et d'autres facteurs institutionnels et politiques. Notre modĂšle en coupe instantanĂ©e se fonde sur une enquĂȘte consacrĂ©e aux banques bulgares et sur une base de donnĂ©es au niveau de l'entreprise. L'analyse montre que c'est surtout l'environnement institutionnel qui agit sur la dynamique et la structure du crĂ©dit, tandis que la capacitĂ© de prĂȘt et les facteurs traditionnels s'avĂšrent secondaires. Pendant la pĂ©riode 1998-2001, une sĂ©paration entre les activitĂ©s du secteur bancaire et celles du secteur rĂ©el est observĂ©e en Bulgarie. Dans les nouvelles conditions du Currency Board, la dualitĂ© du secteur des entreprises et les spĂ©cificitĂ©s de l'environnement institutionnel persistent. Bien qu'il ait un effet contraignant, le Currency Board ne peut Ă  lui seul surmonter les obstacles institutionnels qui demeurent, lesquels proviennent essentiellement de l'inefficacitĂ© du systĂšme judiciaire, de la corruption, de la captation de l'État et du caractĂšre alĂ©atoire des droits de propriĂ©tĂ©.Nenovsky Nikolay, Peev Evgeni, Yalamov Todor, Cirac StĂ©phanie, Tchimichkian Madeleine. La liaison banques-entreprises sous le rĂ©gime de Currency Board : Ă©tude empirique pour la Bulgarie. In: Revue d'Ă©tudes comparatives Est-Ouest, vol. 34, 2003, n°2. pp. 53-81