3,155 research outputs found
Sound clocks and sonic relativity
Sound propagation within certain non-relativistic condensed matter models
obeys a relativistic wave equation despite such systems admitting entirely
non-relativistic descriptions. A natural question that arises upon
consideration of this is, "do devices exist that will experience the relativity
in these systems?" We describe a thought experiment in which 'acoustic
observers' possess devices called sound clocks that can be connected to form
chains. Careful investigation shows that appropriately constructed chains of
stationary and moving sound clocks are perceived by observers on the other
chain as undergoing the relativistic phenomena of length contraction and time
dilation by the Lorentz factor, with c the speed of sound. Sound clocks within
moving chains actually tick less frequently than stationary ones and must be
separated by a shorter distance than when stationary to satisfy simultaneity
conditions. Stationary sound clocks appear to be length contracted and time
dilated to moving observers due to their misunderstanding of their own state of
motion with respect to the laboratory. Observers restricted to using sound
clocks describe a universe kinematically consistent with the theory of special
relativity, despite the preferred frame of their universe in the laboratory.
Such devices show promise in further probing analogue relativity models, for
example in investigating phenomena that require careful consideration of the
proper time elapsed for observers.Comment: (v2) consistent with published version; (v1) 15 pages, 9 figure
Detection of Ne VIII in the Low-Redshift Warm-Hot IGM
High resolution FUSE and STIS observations of the bright QSO HE 0226-4110
(zem = 0.495) reveal the presence of a multi-phase absorption line system at
zabs(O VI) = 0.20701 containing absorption from H I (Ly alpha to Ly theta), C
III, O III, O IV, O VI, N III, Ne VIII, Si III, S VI and possibly S V. Single
component fits to the Ne VIII and O VI absorption doublets yield logN(Ne VIII)
= 13.89+/-0.11 and logN(O VI) = 14.37+/-0.03. The Ne VIII and O VI doublets are
detected at 3.9 sigma and 16 sigma significance levels, respectively. This
represents the first detection of intergalactic Ne VIII, a diagnostic of gas
with temperature in the range from 5x10(5) to 1x10(6) K. The O VI and Ne VIII
are not likely created in a low density medium photoionized solely by the
extragalactic background at z = 0.2 since the required path length of ~11 Mpc
implies the Hubble flow absorption line broadening would be ~10 times greater
than the observed line widths. A collisional ionization origin is therefore
more likely. Assuming [Ne/H] and [O/H] = -0.5, the value N(Ne VIII)/N(O VI) =
0.33+/-0.10 is consistent with gas in collisional ionization equilibrium near
T=5.4x10(5) K with logN(H)= 19.9 and N(H)/N(H I) = 1.7x10(6). The observations
support the basic idea that a substantial fraction of the baryonic matter at
low redshift exists in hot very highly ionized gaseous structures.Comment: 32 pages text and 9 pages of figures. Accepted by the Astrophysical
Quantum State Diffusion and Time Correlation Functions
In computing the spectra of quantum mechanical systems one encounters the
Fourier transforms of time correlation functions, as given by the quantum
regression theorem for systems described by master equations. Quantum state
diffusion (QSD) gives a useful method of solving these problems by unraveling
the master equation into stochastic trajectories; but there is no generally
accepted definition of a time correlation function for a single QSD trajectory.
In this paper we show how QSD can be used to calculate these spectra directly;
by formally solving the equations which arise, we arrive at a natural
definition for a two-time correlation function in QSD, which depends explicitly
on both the stochastic noise of the particular trajectory and the time of
measurement, and which agrees in the mean with the ensemble average definition
of correlation functions.Comment: 16 pages standard LaTeX + 1 figure (uuencoded postscript) Numerous
minor revisions and clarifications. To appear in J. Mod. Optic
Tensor hypercontraction: A universal technique for the resolution of matrix elements of local, finite-range -body potentials in many-body quantum problems
Configuration-space matrix elements of N-body potentials arise naturally and
ubiquitously in the Ritz-Galerkin solution of many-body quantum problems. For
the common specialization of local, finite-range potentials, we develop the
eXact Tensor HyperContraction (X-THC) method, which provides a quantized
renormalization of the coordinate-space form of the N-body potential, allowing
for a highly separable tensor factorization of the configuration-space matrix
elements. This representation allows for substantial computational savings in
chemical, atomic, and nuclear physics simulations, particularly with respect to
difficult "exchange-like" contractions.Comment: Third version of the manuscript after referee's comments. In press in
PRL. Main text: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 table; Supplemental material (also
included): 14 pages, 2 figures, 2 table
Repeat-Associated Non-AUG (RAN) Translation and Other Molecular Mechanisms in Fragile X Tremor Ataxia Syndrome
Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) is a late-onset inherited neurodegenerative disorder characterized by progressive intention tremor, gait ataxia and dementia associated with mild brain atrophy. The cause of FXTAS is a premutation expansion, of 55 to 200 CGG repeats localized within the 5′UTR of FMR1. These repeats are transcribed in the sense and antisense directions into mutants RNAs, which have increased expression in FXTAS. Furthermore, CGG sense and CCG antisense expanded repeats are translated into novel proteins despite their localization in putatively non-coding regions of the transcript. Here we focus on two proposed disease mechanisms for FXTAS: 1) RNA gain-of-function, whereby the mutant RNAs bind specific proteins and preclude their normal functions, and 2) repeat-associated non-AUG (RAN) translation, whereby translation through the CGG or CCG repeats leads to the production of toxic homopolypeptides, which in turn interfere with a variety of cellular functions. Here, we analyze the data generated to date on both of these potential molecular mechanisms and lay out a path forward for determining which factors drive FXTAS pathogenicity
The COS-Halos Survey: Physical Conditions and Baryonic Mass in the Low-Redshift Circumgalactic Medium
We analyze the physical conditions of the cool, photoionized (T
K) circumgalactic medium (CGM) using the COS-Halos suite of gas column density
measurements for 44 gaseous halos within 160 kpc of galaxies at . These data are well described by simple photoionization models, with
the gas highly ionized (n/n) by the
extragalactic ultraviolet background (EUVB). Scaling by estimates for the
virial radius, R, we show that the ionization state (tracked by the
dimensionless ionization parameter, U) increases with distance from the host
galaxy. The ionization parameters imply a decreasing volume density profile
n = (10)(R/R. Our derived
gas volume densities are several orders of magnitude lower than predictions
from standard two-phase models with a cool medium in pressure equilibrium with
a hot, coronal medium expected in virialized halos at this mass scale. Applying
the ionization corrections to the HI column densities, we estimate a lower
limit to the cool gas mass M
M for the volume within R R. Allowing for an
additional warm-hot, OVI-traced phase, the CGM accounts for at least half of
the baryons purported to be missing from dark matter halos at the 10
M scale.Comment: 19 pages, 12 Figures, and a 37-page Appendix with 36 additional
figures. Accepted to ApJ June 21 201
Glioblastoma Tumor Segmentation using an Ensemble of Vision Transformers
Glioblastoma is one of the most aggressive and deadliest types of brain
cancer, with low survival rates compared to other types of cancer. Analysis of
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans is one of the most effective methods for
the diagnosis and treatment of brain cancers such as glioblastoma. Accurate
tumor segmentation in MRI images is often required for treatment planning and
risk assessment of treatment methods. Here, we propose a novel pipeline, Brain
Radiology Aided by Intelligent Neural NETworks (BRAINNET), which leverages
MaskFormer, a vision transformer model, and generates robust tumor segmentation
maks. We use an ensemble of nine predictions from three models separately
trained on each of the three orthogonal 2D slice directions (axial, sagittal,
and coronal) of a 3D brain MRI volume. We train and test our models on the
publicly available UPenn-GBM dataset, consisting of 3D multi-parametric MRI
(mpMRI) scans from 611 subjects. Using Dice coefficient (DC) and 95% Hausdorff
distance (HD) for evaluation, our models achieved state-of-the-art results in
segmenting all three different tumor regions -- tumor core (DC = 0.894, HD =
2.308), whole tumor (DC = 0.891, HD = 3.552), and enhancing tumor (DC = 0.812,
HD = 1.608)
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