1 research outputs found

    Argulus japonicus Thiele and A. coregoni Thorell (Crustacea: Branchiura) from western Honshu, Japan

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    本州西部からチョウ属エラオ類の2種,チョウArgulus japonicus Thiele, 1900とチョウモドキA. coregoni Thorell, 1864を採集した。本地域からチョウは初記録,チョウモドキは2度目の記録になる。チョウは兵庫・島根・山口3県のコイCyprinus carpioに加えて,兵庫県の不明宿主から得られた。また兵庫県の一河川では遊泳中の個体が採集された。チョウモドキは兵庫・広島両県のアマゴOncorhynchus masou ishikawaeから得られた。Specimens of Argulus japonicus Thiele, 1900 and A. coregoni Thorell, 1864 were collected in western Honshu, Japan. This is the first documented record of A. japonicus and the second record of A. coregoni from this region. Argulus japonicus was found to be parasitic on common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Hyogo, Shimane and Yamaguchi prefectures and an unknown fish in Hyogo Prefecture. A swimming specimen of A. japonicus was taken in a river in Hyogo Prefecture. Argulus coregoni was sampled from river-resident and reared amago salmon (Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae) in Hiroshima and Hyogo prefectures, respectively