1 research outputs found

    Confianza y redes sociales en productores de hortalizas en San Luis Potos铆, M茅xico

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    In this study, there were two objectives: a) analyzing the social networks of vegetable producers in the middle zone of San Luis Potos铆, M茅xico, in order to determine their organization; and b) establishing the importance that trust has for business relations such as loaning money, asking for money or setting up a society. Surveys were applied to 35 producers, who referenced 170 names that were later concentrated into 39 producers. With the field information, symmetrical matrices were built to schematize the network structure, and three logistic regression models were formulated to establish the probability of intention for action based on trust. The results show the importance that proximity between actors has. It is concluded that different levels of trust explain the disposition to lending money, setting up a society and, to a lesser degree, asking for money on loan.En la presente investigaci贸n se tuvieron dos objetivos: a) analizar las redes sociales de los productores de hortalizas de la zona media de San Luis Potos铆, M茅xico, a fin de determinar su organizaci贸n; y b) establecer la importancia que tiene la confianza para las relaciones de negocios como prestar dinero, pedir dinero o hacer una sociedad. Se encuest贸 a 35 productores, que referenciaron 170 nombres que posteriormente se concentraron en 39 productores. Con la informaci贸n de campo se construyeron matrices sim茅tricas para esquematizar la estructura de la red y se formularon tres modelos de regresi贸n log铆stica para establecer la probabilidad de la intenci贸n de acci贸n basada en la confianza. Los resultados muestran la importancia que tiene la proximidad entre actores. Se concluye que diferentes niveles de confianza explican la disposici贸n a prestar dinero, hacer una sociedad y, en menor medida, a pedir dinero prestado