171 research outputs found

    Embedding based on function approximation for large scale image search

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    The objective of this paper is to design an embedding method that maps local features describing an image (e.g. SIFT) to a higher dimensional representation useful for the image retrieval problem. First, motivated by the relationship between the linear approximation of a nonlinear function in high dimensional space and the stateof-the-art feature representation used in image retrieval, i.e., VLAD, we propose a new approach for the approximation. The embedded vectors resulted by the function approximation process are then aggregated to form a single representation for image retrieval. Second, in order to make the proposed embedding method applicable to large scale problem, we further derive its fast version in which the embedded vectors can be efficiently computed, i.e., in the closed-form. We compare the proposed embedding methods with the state of the art in the context of image search under various settings: when the images are represented by medium length vectors, short vectors, or binary vectors. The experimental results show that the proposed embedding methods outperform existing the state of the art on the standard public image retrieval benchmarks.Comment: Accepted to TPAMI 2017. The implementation and precomputed features of the proposed F-FAemb are released at the following link: http://tinyurl.com/F-FAem

    Supervised Hashing with End-to-End Binary Deep Neural Network

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    Image hashing is a popular technique applied to large scale content-based visual retrieval due to its compact and efficient binary codes. Our work proposes a new end-to-end deep network architecture for supervised hashing which directly learns binary codes from input images and maintains good properties over binary codes such as similarity preservation, independence, and balancing. Furthermore, we also propose a new learning scheme that can cope with the binary constrained loss function. The proposed algorithm not only is scalable for learning over large-scale datasets but also outperforms state-of-the-art supervised hashing methods, which are illustrated throughout extensive experiments from various image retrieval benchmarks.Comment: Accepted to IEEE ICIP 201

    Real-Time 6DOF Pose Relocalization for Event Cameras with Stacked Spatial LSTM Networks

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    We present a new method to relocalize the 6DOF pose of an event camera solely based on the event stream. Our method first creates the event image from a list of events that occurs in a very short time interval, then a Stacked Spatial LSTM Network (SP-LSTM) is used to learn the camera pose. Our SP-LSTM is composed of a CNN to learn deep features from the event images and a stack of LSTM to learn spatial dependencies in the image feature space. We show that the spatial dependency plays an important role in the relocalization task and the SP-LSTM can effectively learn this information. The experimental results on a publicly available dataset show that our approach generalizes well and outperforms recent methods by a substantial margin. Overall, our proposed method reduces by approx. 6 times the position error and 3 times the orientation error compared to the current state of the art. The source code and trained models will be released.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Selective Deep Convolutional Features for Image Retrieval

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    Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is a very powerful approach to extract discriminative local descriptors for effective image search. Recent work adopts fine-tuned strategies to further improve the discriminative power of the descriptors. Taking a different approach, in this paper, we propose a novel framework to achieve competitive retrieval performance. Firstly, we propose various masking schemes, namely SIFT-mask, SUM-mask, and MAX-mask, to select a representative subset of local convolutional features and remove a large number of redundant features. We demonstrate that this can effectively address the burstiness issue and improve retrieval accuracy. Secondly, we propose to employ recent embedding and aggregating methods to further enhance feature discriminability. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed framework achieves state-of-the-art retrieval accuracy.Comment: Accepted to ACM MM 201

    Probabilistic task modelling for meta-learning

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    We propose probabilistic task modelling -- a generative probabilistic model for collections of tasks used in meta-learning. The proposed model combines variational auto-encoding and latent Dirichlet allocation to model each task as a mixture of Gaussian distribution in an embedding space. Such modelling provides an explicit representation of a task through its task-theme mixture. We present an efficient approximation inference technique based on variational inference method for empirical Bayes parameter estimation. We perform empirical evaluations to validate the task uncertainty and task distance produced by the proposed method through correlation diagrams of the prediction accuracy on testing tasks. We also carry out experiments of task selection in meta-learning to demonstrate how the task relatedness inferred from the proposed model help to facilitate meta-learning algorithms.Comment: Accepted at UAI 202
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