242 research outputs found
Anketno istraživanje u novim kognitivnim okruženjima drugoga doba znanosti
This article deals with a rapid change which is currently sweeping
through the science landscapes and discusses the far-reaching
implications of this structural break for the social sciences and for
survey research in particular. More specifically, this article will
make three central claims. First, the science system as a whole is
presently undergoing a significant phase transition which can be
summarized as a shift from Science I to Science II. Second, due
to these large-scale changes, new cognitive environments are
gradually emerging as the background knowledge of survey
research which will exert a profound impact on its future
practices. Third, these new cognitive environments will lead to
new actor models and to new bridges between survey research
and the cognitive neurosciences on the one hand and
biomedical research on the other hand.Članak se bavi brzim promjenama koje se trenutačno šire
područjem znanosti te raspravlja o dalekosežnim
posljedicama ovoga strukturnog prijeloma za društvene
znanosti i, posebno, za anketno istraživanje. Točnije, ovaj
članak izlaže tri osnovne tvrdnje. Prvo, cijeli se sustav
znanosti danas nalazi u važnoj prijelaznoj fazi koju možemo
sažeto nazvati pomakom od prvoga doba znanosti u drugo
doba. Drugo, zbog tih velikih promjena, postupno nastaju
nova kognitivna okruženja, koja će u svojstvu temeljnih
znanja o anketnom istraživanju duboko utjecati na buduću
praksu. Treće, ova nova kognitivna okruženja stvorit će nove
modele-sudionike i nove mostove između anketnog
istraživanja i kognitivnih neuroznanosti s jedne strane i
biomedicinskih istraživanja s druge
Politbarometer PB03/09, Slovenia
Survey is part of monthly telephone surveys, designed for measuring satisfaction with the work of Slovene government and evaluation of work of government institutions. Survey measures relation of Slovene public towards the system institutions and its party preferences. Topical theme in this Politbarometer includes issues on erased, on the monument to reconciliation, on the withdrawal of Tito's name from the public and the Maribor Universiade.Survey is part of monthly telephone surveys, designed for measuring satisfaction with the work of Slovene government and evaluation of work of government institutions. Survey measures relation of Slovene public towards the system institutions and its party preferences. Topical theme in this Politbarometer includes issues on erased, on the monument to reconciliation, on the withdrawal of Tito's name from the public and the Maribor Universiade
Politbarometer 2006, Slovenia
Survey is part of monthly telephone surveys, designed for measuring satisfaction with the work of Slovene government and evaluation of work of government institutions. Survey measures relation of Slovene public towards EU and NATO membership and party preferences. Monthly surveys include questions about the war in Iraq and about support of the decisions of the Constitutional Court, on the municipal elections, on the Croatian-Slovenian border disputes, on the attitude towards prominent politicians and the the attitude towards reforms, questions on the Roma, the problem of the state governed by the rule of law and an assessment of the objectivity of media reporting, on spreading of the European Union to the SE Europe and on the currency Euro, on government reforms and on the Church's impact on the Slovenian Policy.Survey is part of monthly telephone surveys, designed for measuring satisfaction with the work of Slovene government and evaluation of work of government institutions. Survey measures relation of Slovene public towards EU and NATO membership and party preferences. Monthly surveys include questions about the war in Iraq and about support of the decisions of the Constitutional Court, on the municipal elections, on the Croatian-Slovenian border disputes, on the attitude towards prominent politicians and the the attitude towards reforms, questions on the Roma, the problem of the state governed by the rule of law and an assessment of the objectivity of media reporting, on spreading of the European Union to the SE Europe and on the currency Euro, on government reforms and on the Church's impact on the Slovenian Policy
Slovene Public Opinion 2004/1
The European Election Study 2004 is a survey of the electorates of the member states of the European Community. It focuses in particular on the sixth election of the European Parliament, which was conducted in June 2004. The 2004 study dealt with enlargement, the implementation of monetary union, institutional reforms in particular member countries, the expanding emphasis on a common foreign and defense policy and the new EU constitutional proposals. The thematic module concentrates on one of the most essential problems facing the European Union; the legitimacy and the democratic quality of its institutions. Widespread concern about the EU relates to what has commonly been called the "democratic deficit", and the lack or accountability of major policy-making institutions.The European Election Study 2004 is a survey of the electorates of the member states of the European Community. It focuses in particular on the sixth election of the European Parliament, which was conducted in June 2004. The 2004 study dealt with enlargement, the implementation of monetary union, institutional reforms in particular member countries, the expanding emphasis on a common foreign and defense policy and the new EU constitutional proposals. The thematic module concentrates on one of the most essential problems facing the European Union; the legitimacy and the democratic quality of its institutions. Widespread concern about the EU relates to what has commonly been called the "democratic deficit", and the lack or accountability of major policy-making institutions
PB7/00. Politbarometer, Slovenia, 2000/7
Topics or thematic coverage: evaluation of socio-economic and political situation; party preference; satisfaction with the state of democracy; general satisfaction; evaluation of government; media habits; voting system; gender, age, education and region of residence. Topical subjects of this month were estimating support to new government (Andrej Bajuk), electoral system, evaluation of criminal police, refugees from Bosnia-Herzegovina that live in Slovenia and evaluation of Slovene media.Topics or thematic coverage: evaluation of socio-economic and political situation; party preference; satisfaction with the state of democracy; general satisfaction; evaluation of government; media habits; voting system; gender, age, education and region of residence. Topical subjects of this month were estimating support to new government (Andrej Bajuk), electoral system, evaluation of criminal police, refugees from Bosnia-Herzegovina that live in Slovenia and evaluation of Slovene media
PB7/01. Politbarometer, Slovenia, 2001/7
Topics or thematic coverage: evaluation of socio-economic and political situation; party preference; satisfaction with the state of democracy; general satisfaction; evaluation of government; media habits; voting system; gender, age, education and region of residence. In addition questions about European union and NATO were asked. Topical subject of this month was return of property to Roman Catholic Church.Topics or thematic coverage: evaluation of socio-economic and political situation; party preference; satisfaction with the state of democracy; general satisfaction; evaluation of government; media habits; voting system; gender, age, education and region of residence. In addition questions about European union and NATO were asked. Topical subject of this month was return of property to Roman Catholic Church
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 2001/2
The questionnaire consists of six clusters of questions. The first cluster contains questions on actual topics. In the second cluster, there are questions on attitudes toward political parties and parliament. In this cluster questions on electoral behavior can also be found. The third cluster is dedicated to questions on joining EU, foreign direct investments, economic development, ability of speaking foreign languages and ecology. The fourth cluster is dedicated to the respondent attendance to the media. The fifth cluster is on the attitudes towards insurance and insurance companies. Questions on expected benefits from insurance, voluntary health and pension insurance are also part of this cluster. In the sixth cluster there are demographic questions.The questionnaire consists of six clusters of questions. The first cluster contains questions on actual topics. In the second cluster, there are questions on attitudes toward political parties and parliament. In this cluster questions on electoral behavior can also be found. The third cluster is dedicated to questions on joining EU, foreign direct investments, economic development, ability of speaking foreign languages and ecology. The fourth cluster is dedicated to the respondent attendance to the media. The fifth cluster is on the attitudes towards insurance and insurance companies. Questions on expected benefits from insurance, voluntary health and pension insurance are also part of this cluster. In the sixth cluster there are demographic questions
Projekt Slovensko javno mnenje in njegov čas SJM 1968-1999
V prvem delu avtor prikazuje zasnovo in rast projekta Slovensko javno mnenje (SJM) v obdobju 1968-1999. Projekt SJM označi kot nacionalni družboslovni empirični infrastrukturni projekt, ki je potekal in se razvijal sočasno s podobnimi infrastrukturnimi projekti v ameriškem in zahodnoevropskem družboslovju (npr. General Social Survey, Allbus). V drugem delu pa na osnovi rezultatov raziskave SJM za isto obdobje prikaže osnovne značilnosti vrednotnega opredeljevanja Slovencev o ključnih socialnih, ekonomskih in političnih vprašanjih. Z vidika prevladujočih orientacij ljudi opazovano obdobje, ki je pomembno z nacionalnozgodovinskega vidika (osamosvojitev), oznaČi kot obdobje "v prehodu" in prevladujoče vrednote v tem času kot "vrednote v prehodu". Sestavek lahko štejemo kot prispevek k zgodovini sociologije na Slovenskem, hkrati pa kot prispevek k razumevanju sprememb v svetu Slovenčevih vrednot na prehodu iz avtoritarnega v demokratični sistem.In the first part of the article the author outlines the design and development of Slovenian Public Opinion project (Slovensko javno mnenje - SJM) between 1968-1999. The SJM project is the leading national social survey project and empirical \u27infrastructure\u27 of Slovenian social sciences. It has developed simultaneously with similar projects in North American and Western European countries (General Social Survey, Allbus). Using longitudinal data from SJM survey, the author outlines general value patterns in Slovenian public, concerning various social, economic and political issues. He focuses on transition of values in the period of political transition, that bears significant importance for Slovenian nation (period of self determination). The paper may be considered a contribution for a history of Slovenian sociology. It contributes to deeper understanding of value changes in Slovenian public in the period of transition from authoritarian regime to democratic political system
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