3 research outputs found

    Distribution of economically important weed species in the riparian and roadside vegetation of Serbia

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    Transportation corridors such as waterways and road networks serve as an entranceway for invasive and economically important weed species. The unstable environment of riparian areas and nutrient enrichment of road verges promotes the establishment and spread of these species, which may have a negative effect on nearby arable land, leading to severe yield reductions. We aimed to register the presence and frequency of five selected weed species (Chenopodium album, Cirsium arvense, Convolvulus arvensis, Cynodon dactylon, and Lactuca serriola) within these linear corridors. Sites along waterways were visited during 2013-2016, and road networks during 2018-2019. At each site, studied weed species were registered along 100 m transects, resulting in 250 localities along waterways and 180 near road networks. The most frequent species is C. arvensis, followed by L. serriola and C. album, while less prevalent species are C. arvense and C. dactylon. The main characteristic of studied species is their preference for roadside habitats, except for Chenopodium album, which is more common in riparian areas

    Предварительный список инвазивных алохтоних растений в г. Нови-Сад (Войводина Северная Сербия) / Горан Тмушич, Милица Рат, Мария Ковачки, Елена Кнежевич, Гюргица Симин, Ана Вестек, Борис Радак, Бояна Бокич, Слободан Бойчич, Ружица Игич, Горан Аначков

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    Региональные экологические проблемы. Экологический мониторинг и менеджментFollowing the latest trends of large European cities, this paper presents a preliminary check-list of invasive plants for Novi Sad. Through the processing of literature data and field research there are 72 adventive taxa occurring spontaneously in Novi Sad. Based on the reference lists for the given area, frequency and number of plants in the field, a preliminary list of 10 invasive and 10 potentially invasive taxa was compiled. There is a noticeable trend of increased presence of invasive plants with a larger number of public green areas between urban housing units. The most endangered zone is the peripheral part of the city that is in direct contact with the industrial zone, canal network, and agricultural areas.Следуя последним тенденциям крупных европейских городов, в настоящем исследовании представлен предварительный список инвазивных растений г. Нови-Сад. На основе литературных данных и полевых исследований выявило наличие 71 адвентивных таксонов, спонтанно возникающих в г. Нови-Сад. На основе справочных списков для данной области, а также количества и наличия растений на местах был составлен предварительный список из 10 инвазивных и 10 потенциально инвазивных таксонов. Наблюдалась тенденция увеличения присутствия инвазивных растений с большим количеством общественных зеленых зон между городскими жилыми домами. Наиболее подверженная опасности зона – это периферийная часть города, которая находится в непосредственной близости с промышленной зоной, сетью каналов и сельскохозяйственными районами