8 research outputs found

    Contextualising social capital in online brand communities

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    Online brand communities (OBC) are growing in number and becoming an increasingly important interface where marketers can effectively facilitate the relationship between their brand and consumers. A qualitative study using a four-month netnography over three OBCs followed by focus groups with OBC members explored the dynamics of social capital in these communities. Findings indicate that social capital is an important driver in the success of OBCs, and all the elements of social capital including a shared language, shared vision, social trust and reciprocity are evident. Moreover, results from this study indicate that these elements are crucial in developing the network ties that are integral to building loyalty and brand equity

    Thrombin and Its Receptor Enhance ST-Segment Elevation in Acute Myocardial Infarction by Activating the KATP Channel

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    ST-segment elevation is the major clinical criterion for committing patients with chest pain to have emergent coronary revascularizations; however, the mechanism responsible for ST-segment elevation is unknown. In a guinea pig model of ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (AMI), local application of hirudin, a thrombin antagonist, significantly decreased AMI-induced ST-segment elevation in a dose-dependent manner. Hirudin-induced (5 antithrombin units [ATU]) decrease in ST elevation was reversed by 250 nmol/L thrombin receptor activator peptide (TRAP). TRAP (250 nmol/L [100 μL]) significantly induced ST-segment elevation in hearts without AMI. The TRAP effect was blocked by 4 mg/kg glibenclamide and 4 mg/kg HMR1098 and partially blocked by 3 mg/kg 5HD. Pinacidil (0.45 mg/kg) simulated the effect of TRAP (250 nmol/L [100 μL]) on hearts without AMI. Moreover, single-channel recordings showed that TRAP induced ATP-sensitive K+ channel (KATP channel) activity, and this effect was blocked by HMR1098 but not 5HD. Finally, TRAP significantly shortened the monophasic action potential (MAP) at 90% repolarization (MAP90) and epicardial MAP (EpiMAP) duration. These effects of TRAP were completely reversed by HMR1098 and partially reversed by 5HD. Thrombin and its receptor activation enhanced ST-segment elevation in an AMI model by activating the sarcolemmal KATP channel