4 research outputs found


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    Objective: The objective of this research was to evaluate the significance of the plant's origin and to assess the essential oil composition of Artemisia vulgaris grown in Egypt simultaneously evaluating the effect of environmental conditions on essential oil composition.Methods: Seeds were planted and the essential oils extracted, using hydrodistillation, from the plants that grew. The resulting essential oils were examined, using gas chromatography linked to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Thus also evaluating the essential oil chemotype fingerprint†in A. vulgarisResults:  The study identified: the most abundant compounds being camphor, 3, 5-dimethylcyclohexane, germacrene D, cubebene, yomogi alcohol, artemisia alcohol, caryophyllene, while is lower concentrations thujopsene, muurolene, borneol, terpinen-4-ol, valencene, elemene and humulene. Despite the origins of the seeds, the chemical profile was very similar to those of plants grown in Egypt, thus suggesting essential oil composition was significantly influenced by the environmental conditions.Conclusion: Based on the present study, It is suggested that seed origin may play a less significant part if the seed is planted in an environment different to that of its origin, this study proved that and favors the plant-environment interaction to influence the secondary metabolite composition. This supports that plant metabolite profiles are greatly affected by the environment they are grown in.Â

    Phytochemical Characterization and Biological Activities of Essential Oil from Satureja montana L., a Medicinal Plant Grown under the Influence of Fertilization and Planting Dates

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    The rising demand for safe plant compounds and herbal products that contribute positively to human health is in line with current market trends. Plants belonging to the Satureja genus, particularly the aromatic medicinal S. montana L. from the Lamiaceae family, are well suited to these trends as they serve as pharmaceutical raw materials. This research aimed to assess the influence of sowing date and fertilization doses, as well as their interaction, on the fresh weight, essential oil content, and composition of S. montana. Experimental cultivation involved varying nitrogen and phosphorus levels. The second cut had the highest fresh weight and oil production compared to the first cut. The highest total plant biomass was achieved with autumn sowing and fertilization at 55 kg N/ha and 37 kg P/ha, whereas Spring sowing exhibited higher essential oil production, with the maximum oil % with 74 kg P/ha and oil yield after applying 55 kg N/ha and 74 kg P/ha. The GC-MS analysis revealed that carvacrol was the predominant compound, with it being recommended to grow S. montana in Spring at doses of 55 kg N/ha and 74 kg P/ha for the superior oil yield. Additionally, S. montana essential oil demonstrated notable biological and antimicrobial activity, positioning it as a potential alternative to chemical food preservatives

    Review of Particle Physics, 2004-2005

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    The Review of Particle Physics and the abbreviated version, the Particle Physics Booklet, are reviews of the field of Particle Physics. This complete Review includes a compilation/evaluation of data on particle properties, called the "Particle Listings". These Listings include 1726 new measurements from 512 papers, in addition to the 20200 measurements from 5903 papers that first appeared in previous editions. The Review and the Booklet are published in even numbered years. This edition is an updating through December 2003 (and, in some areas, well into 2004)

    Review of Particle Physics, 2002-2003

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    This biennial Review summarizes much of Particle Physics. Using data from previous editions, plus 2205 new measurements from 667 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons. We also summarize searches for hypothetical particles such as Higgs bosons, heavy neutrinos, and supersymmetric particles. All the particle properties and search limits are listed in Summary Tables. We also give numerous tables, figures, formulae, and reviews of topics such as the Standard Model, particle detectors, probability, and statistics. This edition features expanded coverage of CP violation in B mesons and of neutrino oscillations. For the first time we cover searches for evidence of extra dimensions (both in the particle listings and in a new review). Another new review is on Grand Unified Theories. A booklet is available containing the Summary Tables and abbreviated versions of some of the other sections of this full Review. All tables, listings, and reviews (and errata) are also available on the Particle Data Group website: http://pdg.lbl.gov