12 research outputs found
Brain iron trafficking in health and disease : a systems approach
The study in this thesis sets to explore the techniques to study the iron trafficking into the brain, and more closely in the substantia nigra par compacta (SNpc) region, and also, the altered iron loading mechanism, with particular application in disorders where specific compartments show elevated iron concentration, such as Parkinson’s disease (PD). Iron is essential for numerous biochemical reactions in the brain, but excess iron may produce reactive oxygen species that can induce cell death. The increase in iron concentration in this area has been shown repeatedly over the years, and it has been accepted as one of the main characteristics of PD. Another main characteristic of PD is the loss of neuromelanin containing dopaminergic (DA) neurone in the SNpc. Neuromelanin binds to and stores iron. The disappearance of neuromelanin in the SNpc is another indication that iron is involved in the progression of PD. The detail of iron involvement in PD, however, is still unknown. Attempts have been made in this thesis to create tools to answer some of the questions by image analysis to examine post-mortem human brain tissue; and building a novel computational model of iron transport into the brain.
Synchrotron-based experiments, scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) and synchrotron X-ray fluorescence (SXRF), on post-mortem tissue are described in this thesis to investigate the spatial distribution and relative concentration of iron in the DA neurone and the redox state of the iron. These methods do not require dyes or fixing of the sample, thus allowing the native chemistry of the tissue samples to be better preserved. The investigation of the chemical state of iron using STXM method is of interest because it shows the region-specific toxicity state of the iron in the tissue and the neuromelanin. SXRF mapping can produce a high-resolution map of iron distribution in the tissue, and also calculate the relative concentration of iron in the DA neurone compared to the extracellular concentration. SXRF mapping and processing are described in detail in this thesis to inform how SXRF could be an excellent tool to study the involvement of iron in the PD. SXRF maps from experiments performed before this project are analysed and presented here.
The iron absorption spectra from STXM mapping of 200 nm resin-embedded tissues revealed the presence of redox-active iron in the PD case but not in the control. This result supports the hypothesis that the cell death in PD is induced by oxidative stress. Carbon Kedge examination of the neuromelanin in the tissue reveals a feature in the energy spectrum that is possibly unique to neuromelanin. However, further study needs to be done to confirm this finding. The result of such a study would allow label-free direct analysis of the chemical state of iron in the neuromelanin and to determine if the state changes in PD.
Two computational models were built to create in silico representations of (1) iron transport into the interstitial fluid of the brain, and (2) iron transport into the DA neurones, using the modelling software COPASI. Model 1, the barrier systems model, was based on an existing well-developed concept from Drs Mitchell and Collingwood, and the original work in this thesis arose from testing and refining the model. Model 2, the DA neurone model, is completely original work, and designed so that it can be integrated with the barrier systems model in the longer term. The models are comprised from nonlinear ordinary differential equations which are used to characterise the kinetics of each chemical species incorporated. Model parameters values for compartmental volumes, and initial concentrations and rate constants for each species, were derived from experimental results from the literature. The simulations show that the regulatory activity of the brain barrier systems protects the brain against excessive iron loading, and a sensing mechanism may be required to prevent low brain iron concentration. Metabolic control analysis identified TfR as the key regulatory factor of iron concentration in the dopaminergic neurones and also the brain barrier systems. These new models are, to the best of our knowledge, the most comprehensive computational models of brain iron transport that have been developed to date. It is intended that they will provide in silico resources to explore the dysregulation of iron transport in PD and related disorders.
The synchrotron-based mapping techniques and computational modelling presented in this thesis are excellent tools to study the implication of iron in PD. The SXRF mapping has the potential to produce a cell-specific concentration of iron as an input to the computational model, and the STXM mapping has the potential to reveal the basic knowledge for building the models, such as the compartmentalisation of the iron deposits in the neuromelanin. The synchrotron-based analyses produce results that are useful in the building of the computational model, and the computational models reveal the dynamic processes involved that cannot be observed from post-mortem analysis, so they are both critical. In combination, they offer a new approach to study unresolved questions in the field
Analysis of neuronal iron deposits in Parkinson's disease brain tissue by synchrotron x-ray spectromicroscopy
Neuromelanin-pigmented neurons, which are highly susceptible to neurodegeneration in the Parkinson’s disease substantia nigra, harbour elevated iron levels in the diseased state. Whilst it is widely believed that neuronal iron is stored in an inert, ferric form, perturbations to normal metal homeostasis could potentially generate more reactive forms of iron capable of stimulating toxicity and cell death. However, non-disruptive analysis of brain metals is inherently challenging, since use of stains or chemical fixatives, for example, can significantly influence metal ion distributions and/or concentrations in tissues
Baseline Data Collections of Lipopolysaccharide Content in 414 Herbal Extracts and Its Role in Innate Immune Activation
Some herbal extracts contain relatively high amounts of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Because orally administered LPS activates innate immunity without inducing inflammation, it plays a role as an active ingredient in herbal extracts. However, the LPS content in herbal extracts remains extensively unevaluated. This study aimed to create a database of LPS content in herbal extracts; therefore, the LPS content of 414 herbal extracts was measured and the macrophage activation potential was evaluated. The LPS content of these hot water extracts was determined using the kinetic-turbidimetric method. The LPS concentration ranged from a few ng/g to hundreds of μg/g (Standard Escherichia coli LPS equivalent). Twelve samples had a high-LPS-content of \u3e 100 μg/g, including seven samples from roots and three samples from leaves of the herbal extracts. These samples showed high phagocytosis and NO production capacity, and further investigation using polymyxin B, an LPS inhibitor, significantly inhibited macrophage activation. This study suggests that some herbal extracts contain sufficient LPS concentration to activate innate immunity. Therefore, a new approach to evaluate the efficacy of herbal extracts based on their LPS content was proposed. A database listing the LPS content of different herbal extracts is essential for this approach
Biogenic metallic elements in the human brain?
The chemistry of copper and iron plays a critical role in normal brain function. A variety of enzymes and proteins containing positively charged Cu+, Cu2+, Fe2+, and Fe3+ control key processes, catalyzing oxidative metabolism and neurotransmitter and neuropeptide production. Here, we report the discovery of elemental (zero–oxidation state) metallic Cu0 accompanying ferromagnetic elemental Fe0 in the human brain. These nanoscale biometal deposits were identified within amyloid plaque cores isolated from Alzheimer’s disease subjects, using synchrotron x-ray spectromicroscopy. The surfaces of nanodeposits of metallic copper and iron are highly reactive, with distinctly different chemical and magnetic properties from their predominant oxide counterparts. The discovery of metals in their elemental form in the brain raises new questions regarding their generation and their role in neurochemistry, neurobiology, and the etiology of neurodegenerative disease
Impact of autophagy and ageing on iron load and ferritin in Drosophila brain
Biometals such as iron, copper, potassium and zinc are essential regulatory elements of several biological processes. The homeostasis of biometals is often affected in age-related pathologies. Notably, impaired iron metabolism has been linked to several neurodegenerative disorders. Autophagy, an intracellular degradative process dependent on the lysosomes, is involved in the regulation of ferritin and iron levels. Impaired autophagy has been associated with normal, pathological ageing and neurodegeneration. Non-mammalian model organisms such as Drosophila have proven to be appropriate for the investigation of age-related pathologies. Here, we show that ferritin is expressed in adult Drosophila brain and that iron and holoferritin accumulate with ageing. At whole-brain level we found no direct relationship between the accumulation of holoferritin and a deficit in autophagy in aged Drosophila brain. However, synchrotron X-ray spectromicroscopy revealed an additional spectral feature in the iron-richest region of autophagy-deficient fly brains, consistent with iron-sulphur. This potentially arises from iron-sulphur clusters associated with altered mitochondrial iron homeostasis
Illuminating the brain: Revealing brain biochemistry with synchrotron X-ray spectromicroscopy
The synchrotron x-ray spectromicroscopy technique Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy (STXM) offers a powerful means to examine the underlying biochemistry of biological systems, owing to its combined chemical sensitivity and nanoscale spatial resolution. Here we introduce and demonstrate methodology for the use of STXM to examine the biochemistry of the human brain. We then discuss how this approach can help us better understand the biochemical changes that occur during the development of degenerative brain disorders, potentially facilitating the development of new therapies for disease diagnosis and treatment
Illuminating the brain : revealing brain biochemistry with synchrotron x-ray spectromicroscopy
The synchrotron x-ray spectromicroscopy technique Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy (STXM) offers a powerful means to examine the underlying biochemistry of biological systems, owing to its combined chemical sensitivity and nanoscale spatial resolution. Here we introduce and demonstrate methodology for the use of STXM to examine the biochemistry of the human brain. We then discuss how this approach can help us better understand the biochemical changes that occur during the development of degenerative brain disorders, potentially facilitating the development of new therapies for disease diagnosis and treatment
Label-free nano-imaging of neuromelanin in the brain by soft x-ray spectromicroscopy
A hallmark of Parkinson's disease is the death of neuromelanin-pigmented neurons, but the role of neuromelanin is unclear. The in situ characterization of neuromelanin remains dependent on detectable pigmentation, rather than direct quantification of neuromelanin. We show that direct, label-free nanoscale visualization of neuromelanin and associated metal ions in human brain tissue can be achieved using synchrotron scanning transmission x-ray microscopy (STXM), through a characteristic feature in the neuromelanin x-ray absorption spectrum at 287.4 eV that is also present in iron-free and iron-laden synthetic neuromelanin. This is confirmed in consecutive brain sections by correlating STXM neuromelanin imaging with silver nitrate-stained neuromelanin. Analysis suggests that the 1s–σ* (C−S) transition in benzothiazine groups accounts for this feature. This method illustrates the wider potential of STXM as a label-free spectromicroscopy technique applicable to both organic and inorganic materials