126 research outputs found

    An educational technology curriculum emphasizing systematic, scientific problem solving

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    Towards a strategy for the introduction of information and computer literacy (ICL) courses

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    An important goal of the national policy on computers in education in the Netherlands is the familiarization of all citizens with information technology. This policy was a plea for some basic education in information and computer literacy. In the beginning of the implementation of this basic education for all a national survey (about grassroots developments) in Dutch junior secondary education was executed (Spring, 1984) with the following objectives: (i) to collect information which can serve as a baseline for the evaluation of future developments and (ii) to perform a context analysis to provide policy makers, innovation planners and curriculum developers with information about the state-of-the-art on information and computer literacy in the schools. The survey instruments were partly developed with as underlying structure some of the factors which are influencing the implementation of educational changes. The instruments were submitted to a sample of 462 schools representing the different types of junior secondary schools. Variation between the schools was obtained by distinguishing different levels of involvements of schools in information and computer literacy. This paper analyses how far in the schools, which are experimenting with information and computer literacy on their own initiative, some of the implementation factors of Fullan are fulfilled. Based upon this analysis a recommendation for a policy strategy for introducing this new domain in the schools is formulated

    The worldwide use of computers : a description of main trends

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    This paper examines some of the main findings from the IEA Computers in Education survey. The results show that with respect to the future of computers in education there is reason for optimism as well as for pessimism. The optimistic part of the story is that new technologies in the form of computers are nowadays available for many schools in most so-called developed countries, and that despite the complexity of this innovation educational practitioners and students are still very enthusiastic about this technology. The pessimistic part is that there is still much inequity of access to computers. Once computers are available they tend to be used most frequently as an add-on to the existing curriculum. It is probably this lack of integration of computers in existing curricula which is most challenging in determining our agenda for the future

    The promises of educational technology: a reassessment

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    The claims made for educational technology have not always been realized. Many programmes in education based on media and technology have produced useful documentation and supportive research; others have failed. The current, comprehensive definition of educational technology is a helpful key to understanding how a problem-solving orientation is necessary to approach teaching/learning designs. The process of educational technology begins with an analysis of the problem, rather than with the medium as a solution. Examples of appropriate applications come from open universities and primary schools where distance, time, insufficient personnel, and inadequate facilities have led to a search for alternative means for teaching and learning. Less successful programmes tended to have confused goals and an emphasis on one medium. They also lacked: support services, staff training, quality software and a system focus. The threads which run through the more successful programmes are described. The lessons learned from fifty years of media and technology development in education and training are discussed with an eye toward the future. It is clear that educational technology as a problem-solving process will lead the field into the twenty-first century

    Introductory computer education: developments in a time perspective

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    An analysis of computer literacy curricula around the middle of the 1980s shows a remarkable overall shift away from teaching computing to teaching applications, information handling, and problem-solving. Computer use is no longer viewed as a goal in itself, but is introduced as a powerful means of fulfilling information needs and of facilitating learning and other instructional tasks. Some recent developments raise the question as to whether separate courses in computer literacy are still needed, or whether computer literacy goals could be better attained in other ways. Two interesting new lines of thinking can be observed. The first implies the integration of computer literacy goals with traditional educational goals by promoting the abandonment of separate computer literacy courses for the instrumental use of computers in existing courses. The second development, now being discussed in the Netherlands, can be characterized as a mixed approach, in which the more general computer literacy goals are realized via traditional subject matter courses, while more specific information handling goals are addressed in short separate courses. Both approaches are discussed, and links are established to The Computer in Education study of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) in order to provide a context for interpreting some of the study's results. (22 references) (Author/GL

    Some results from IEA's study 'Computers in education'

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    Lessons from two Dutch projects for the introduction of computers in schools

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    The systematic introduction of computers in schools for general secondary education in The Netherlands started in the early 1980s. Initially, the Dutch government experimented in 1983 with a project in 100 lower general secondary schools limited in scope to gain experience with educational computer use (100-school project). In the period 1985¿1989 the government implemented a second stimulation project focused at all lower secondary schools: New Information Technology in Secondary Education. This project consisted of the provision of hardware and courseware to all general secondary schools, organizing nationwide in-service teacher training, and the intensifying of software development.\ud \ud With respect to the 100-school project the question was whether there would be any differences in computer implementation and problems with computer use at schools in the 100-school project as compared to other schools which could only profit in the second promotional program.\ud \ud The question addressed for the second promotional program concerns the use of software packages and courseware which were provided to all schools for general education during the NIVO-project.\ud \ud An important conclusion for The Netherlands is, that the provision of hardware, software and in-service training was adequate to introduce computer education (called: information and computer literacy) as a new subject in nearly all lower secondary schools. But the set of stimulation activities does not seem to be adequate or sufficient to realize the integration of computer use in existing subjects

    Some gender issues in educational computer use: results of an international comparative survey

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    In the framework of the Computers in Education international study of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), data have been collected concerning the use of computers in 21 countries. This article examines some results regarding the involvement of women in the implementation and use of computers in the educational practice of elementary, lower secondary and upper secondary education in participating countries. The results show that in many countries computer use in schools is dominated by men. Female teachers have less regard for their skills and knowledge than their male colleagues have for their own skills and knowledge. In all countries (except for the French-speaking countries) less than half of the schools had a special policy for the promotion of equal opportunities for boys and girls with regard to computer use. This school policy mostly consists of retraining a female teacher to become a computer science teacher, or a female teacher being selected as computer coordinator

    Information technology and gender equality: a contradiction in terminis?

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    Using the data source of the Computers in Education (Comped) study, carried out under the auspices of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), the status of gender and computer use in education in a number of countries has been investigated. The findings in this study indicate that the concern about gender equity expressed by many educational practitioners are right. Females know less about information technology, enjoy using the computer less than male students, and perceive more problems with software. Possible causes of this are differences in parental support, access to computers, amount of female role models and activities carried out with computers in school. Gender differences are being found both outside and inside schools. This means that both teachers and parents have to be made aware of this as a starting point for proper action. Schools rarely have a policy concerning gender issues; and when it exists, it is not directed to parents as well. The U.S.A. is the most ¿gender equal¿ country of the countries examined
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