30 research outputs found

    Management participatif et syndicalisme

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    Pierre-Eric Tixier Participative Management and Labor Unions Participative management ends neither alinenation nor social domination ; it merely renews their forms. Although social actors are no longer excluded as under Taylorism, this new way of organizing firms leads to manipulating the subjectivity and creativity of employees. The sources of mass, collective, actions are seriously threatened by the formation of very small work groups based upon a face-to-face culture, the internalization of conflict and adhesion to the system. The labor union movement is seeking a way between joint management and self-management, a way that takes into account this new situation.Le management participatif ne met un terme ni Ă  l'aliĂ©nation ni Ă  la domination sociale. Il en renouvelle simplement les formes. De l'exclusion de l'acteur social — propre au modĂšle taylorien — on passe, avec un nouveau mode d'organisation de l'entreprise, Ă  la manipulation de la subjectivitĂ© et de la crĂ©ativitĂ© des salariĂ©s. L'avĂšnement de microcollectifs de travail fondĂ©s sur une culture du face-Ă -face et du projet, sur l'intĂ©riorisation des conflits et l'adhĂ©sion au systĂšme, porte atteinte aux racines mĂȘmes de l'action collective de masse. Entre le schĂ©ma cogestionnaire et l'hypothĂšse autogestionnaire intĂ©grant cette nouvelle donne le syndicalisme se cherche.Tixier Pierre Eric. Management participatif et syndicalisme. In: Sociologie du travail, 28ᔉ annĂ©e n°3, Juillet-septembre 1986. Retour sur l'entreprise. pp. 353-372

    Légitimité et modes de domination dans les organisations

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    What if it were necessary to give priority to the ways domination is exercised in corporations before we begin theorizing about the elite that manages industry ? Owing to this exploratory hypothesis, relations are drawn between phases of development, types of rationality prevalent in organizations, and the ways in which leaders' powers are legitimated. This viewpoint runs counter to the notion of a compagny culture, which has less to do with a renewal of the forms of mobilization in firms than with a crisis of management.Et s'il fallait considĂ©rer d'abord les modes exercice de la domination dans l'entreprise avant de se livrer Ă  quelque thĂ©orisation que ce soit de l'Ă©lite dirigeante industrielle ? Cette «hypothĂšse exploratoire » est dĂ©veloppĂ©e par P.-E. Tixier qui en vient Ă  Ă©tablir des liens entre phases de dĂ©veloppement, type de rationalitĂ© dominante dans l'organisation et formes de lĂ©gitimation du pouvoir des dirigeants. Pour l'auteur, qui s'inscrit ainsi en faux contre les tenants de la culture d'entreprise celle-ci exprime moins un renouveau des formes de mobilisation dans l'entreprise qu'une crise de la gestion.Tixier Pierre Eric. LĂ©gitimitĂ© et modes de domination dans les organisations. In: Sociologie du travail, 30ᔉ annĂ©e n°4, Octobre-dĂ©cembre 1988. Patrons, entrepreneurs et dirigeants. pp. 615-629

    Les enjeux de la régulation des entreprises de service public en France face au processus de leur libéralisation

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    Dans la prĂ©sente contribution, les auteurs reviennent, Ă©tape par Ă©tape, sur l’impact social de la libĂ©ralisation des services d’intĂ©rĂȘt gĂ©nĂ©ral, au sein des entreprises concernĂ©es en France. A la lumiĂšre des transformations dĂ©jĂ  rĂ©alisĂ©es, il s’agit de s’interroger sur le futur modĂšle de ces ex-entreprises publiques, qui Ă©voluent dĂ©sormais sur des marchĂ©s plus ou moins soumis Ă  concurrence

    Des entreprises en quĂȘte d'identitĂ©

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    Bherer Harold, Tixier Pierre Eric. Des entreprises en quĂȘte d'identitĂ©. In: Autogestions, NS N°20-21, 1985. Alternatives QuĂ©bĂ©coises. pp. 99-107

    La gestion paradoxale: l'incapacité à recevoir le don des salariés

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    Ouvrage dirigé par Pierre-Eric TixierLes raisons culturelles qui amÚnenent les dirigeants des grandes entreprises à ne pas savoir se saisir de la richesse des modes de coopération informel


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    Centre Technique Livre Ens. Sup. (774682301) / SudocPARIS-Fondation Sci.Politiques (751072303) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Autogestion et fonctionnement collectif

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    Marty Marie-Odile, Richard Pierre, Sainsaulieu Renaud, Tixier Pierre Eric. Autogestion et fonctionnement collectif. In: Autogestion et socialisme : Ă©tudes, dĂ©bats, documents, N°41-42, 1978. Recherches sur l’autogestion, autogestion de la recherche ? pp. 181-200

    Agents of change: crossing the post-industrial divide

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    This book focuses on the transition faced by business organizations and their stakeholders as they move from protected markets to open competition, and it explores how these changes can be facilitated by outside interveners/agents. Centering on four case studies — AT&T, Lucent, ElectricitĂ© de France, and the Italian State Railways — the book analyses the approach to intervention, the problems created by existing systems of stakeholder dialogue, and the prospects for change. It draws two fundamental lessons. Firstly, that intervention in these situations must be broad and involving — a ‘full engagement’ approach — in order to achieve changes in relations and identities among a range of players. The book explores the key elements and practical techniques of this approach. Secondly, that the issues ultimately go beyond improving union-management relations or organizational structures; even in the best cases, the players have been unable to reach stable agreements in the face of continuing pressures for change. A deep transformation of the system of stakeholder relations is required — the creation of a system of ‘post-industrial relations’. The book includes discussion of managerial problems and intervention strategies in an ever more responsive and flexible economy, and also the implications for democracy in the work-place and the future of union representation. The book is valuable for consultants, unionists, managers, and public policy makers, and accessible also to students and the interested public

    Agents of change: crossing the post-industrial divide

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    This book focuses on the transition faced by business organizations and their stakeholders as they move from protected markets to open competition, and it explores how these changes can be facilitated by outside interveners/agents. The four authors--two from Europe and two from the United States--have worked separately as consultants with leaders of many companies and unions facing these challenges including AT & T, Lucent, Electricite de France and the Italian State Railways (Ferrovie dello Stato). The reader is thus afforded an unusual insight into the process of change in a large organization--not only close up accounts of what happened, but understanding of the relationship between the researcher/consultant and different groups within the organization: senior managers, HR people, unions, and ordinary employees. The book draws lessons from these cases and experiences on a number of different levels: lessons about the methods of intervention in large organizations; about the nature of the organizational transitions as business faces increased competition; about the pressures this places on unions and other stakeholder groups; about the differences between the US and European context; and about possible models for advancing the change process in the future. The analysis finally focuses on the larger set of forces driving all these cases: the transition to a global post-industrial economy. The experience of change in these corporations, from this perspective, illuminates the dynamics of transition between neo-corporatist stakeholder relations and a more pluralist and decentralized system emerging throughout the industrialized world. This unusual book--by a team of highly experienced researchers/consultants--will be of interest to a broad readership of academics, students, consultants, HR professionals interested in the process and management and change and contemporary trends in modern societies