4 research outputs found

    Anomalous behavior of displacement correlation function and strain in lanthanum cobalt oxide analyzed both from X-ray powder diffraction and EXAFS data

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    A combined X-ray powder diffraction (XPD) and high-resolution extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) at the Co and Ga K-edges study has been performed for LaCoO3 and LaGaO3 ceramics, the latter sample was used as a reference without spin transitions. Based on the X-ray diffraction data, we have found that isotropic atomic displacement parameters (ADP) or mean-squared displacement of the Co–O bond exhibit gradual growth below ~50 K, wherein the strain dependencies testify rapid increase below 150 K for the LaCoO3 having rhombohedral structure. No similar features could be observed for LaGaO3 sample. Above ~100 K the isotropic ADP of the Co–O bond indicate a gradual growth, whereas strain curves show distinct bend near the spin-state transition temperature at about 150 K. According to the EXAFS data, the correlated parallel mean squared relative displacement (MSRD||) of Co–O and Ga–O bonds exhibit a gradual growth above 150 K; however, in the LaCoO3 this parameter is notably bigger. It is supposed that at low temperature the cobalt ions are dominantly in low-spin (LS) state, while certain amount of Co3+ ions located within the surface layer of the crystallines have high-spin state (HS). Temperature growth leads to a gradual transformation of the HS state of the cobalt ions into the highly-hybridized intermediate-spin (IS) state, while the cobalt ions located in the inner part of the crystallines remain LS configuration up to 150 K. Further temperature increase leads to a spin transition of the Co3+ ions located within the crystallines from the LS state into the IS one

    Anomalous behavior of displacement correlation function and strain in lanthanum cobalt oxide analyzed both from X-ray powder diffraction and EXAFS data

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    A combined X-ray powder diffraction (XPD) and high-resolution extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) at the Co and Ga K-edges study has been performed for LaCoO3 and LaGaO3 ceramics, the latter sample was used as a reference without spin transitions. Based on the X-ray diffraction data, we have found that isotropic atomic displacement parameters (ADP) or mean-squared displacement of the Co–O bond exhibit gradual growth below ~50 K, wherein the strain dependencies testify rapid increase below 150 K for the LaCoO3 having rhombohedral structure. No similar features could be observed for LaGaO3 sample. Above ~100 K the isotropic ADP of the Co–O bond indicate a gradual growth, whereas strain curves show distinct bend near the spin-state transition temperature at about 150 K. According to the EXAFS data, the correlated parallel mean squared relative displacement (MSRD||) of Co–O and Ga–O bonds exhibit a gradual growth above 150 K; however, in the LaCoO3 this parameter is notably bigger. It is supposed that at low temperature the cobalt ions are dominantly in low-spin (LS) state, while certain amount of Co3+ ions located within the surface layer of the crystallines have high-spin state (HS). Temperature growth leads to a gradual transformation of the HS state of the cobalt ions into the highly-hybridized intermediate-spin (IS) state, while the cobalt ions located in the inner part of the crystallines remain LS configuration up to 150 K. Further temperature increase leads to a spin transition of the Co3+ ions located within the crystallines from the LS state into the IS one

    Investigation of a spin transition in a LaCoO3 single crystal by the method of X-ray magnetic circular dichroism at the cobalt K- and L2,3-edges

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    Spin transitions of cobalt ions in LaCoO3 single crystals have been studied by the method of X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) at the K- and L2,3-edges of Co3+ ions. The orbital momentum of cobalt ions obtained for the K-edge at the 3d level in the region of the spin transition in the temperature range from 25 to 120 K increases by a factor of approximately 1.6, whereas the slope of the magnetization curve value in the same temperature range and magnetic field increases by a factor of more than 10. XMCD experiments at the cobalt L2,3-edges demonstrate gradual growth of the ratio of the orbital momentum to the spin one L/S from 0.48 to 0.53 in the temperature range from 60 K to 120 K

    Investigation of a spin transition in a LaCoO3 single crystal by the method of X-ray magnetic circular dichroism at the cobalt K- and L2,3-edges

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    Spin transitions of cobalt ions in LaCoO3 single crystals have been studied by the method of X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) at the K- and L2,3-edges of Co3+ ions. The orbital momentum of cobalt ions obtained for the K-edge at the 3d level in the region of the spin transition in the temperature range from 25 to 120 K increases by a factor of approximately 1.6, whereas the slope of the magnetization curve value in the same temperature range and magnetic field increases by a factor of more than 10. XMCD experiments at the cobalt L2,3-edges demonstrate gradual growth of the ratio of the orbital momentum to the spin one L/S from 0.48 to 0.53 in the temperature range from 60 K to 120 K