2 research outputs found

    Heat stress and ACTH administration on cortisol and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) levels in lactating Holstein cows

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    Physiological and productive responses were studied in five Holstein cows in thermal comfort (T1), stress by exogenous adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) administration (T2) and heat stress (T3) to compare acute and punctual stress (ACTH) and prolonged stress (heat stress). During T1 and T2, cows were housed in a climatic-free stall barn. In T3, the animals were kept in a climatic room (air temperature of 37°C from 08:00 to 13:00 h, and of 26°C from 14:00 to 07:00 h) for 7 days. Milk yield, rectal temperature (RT), respiratory rate (RR) and blood samples were obtained before, during and after all treatments. In T1 at 08:00 h, RT and RR were below the upper critical limit. Simultaneously, cortisol and insulin growth-factor I (IGF-I) were within the normal limits. After ACTH administration (T2), cortisol significantly increased, reaching maximum levels at 60 min and returning to basal levels at 300 min. However, IGF-I was not affected. During T3, Holstein cows did not effectively dissipate their body temperature and RT, RR and cortisol significantly increased. There was a 26.6% reduction in milk production after heat stress (P < .05). Prolonged heat stress was more stressful and cows had higher levels of CORT in T3 than in T2 even before the increase in body temperature. Although the total amount of cortisol and IGF-I presented a negative and significant Pearson correlation (r = −0.79), IGF-I was not significantly influenced by heat stress or ACTH administration, and the relationship between IGF-I and heat stress remains controversial

    Effects of an evaporative cooling system on plasma cortisol, IGF-I, and milk production in dairy cows in a tropical environment

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    Access to an evaporative cooling system can increase production in dairy cows because of improved thermal comfort. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of ambient temperature on thermoregulation, plasma cortisol, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-I), and productive status, and to determine the efficiency of an evaporative cooling system on physiological responses under different weather patterns. A total of 28 Holstein cows were divided into two groups, one with and the other without access to a cooling system with fans and mist in the free stall. The parameters were analyzed during morning (0700 hours) and afternoon milking (1430 hours) under five different weather patterns throughout the year (fall, winter, spring, dry summer, and rainy summer). Rectal temperature (RT), body surface temperature (BS), base of tail temperature (TT), and respiratory frequency (RF) were lower in the morning (P < 0.01). The cooling system did not affect RT, and both the groups had values below 38.56 over the year (P = 0.11). Cortisol and IGF-I may have been influenced by the seasons, in opposite ways. Cortisol concentrations were higher in winter (P < 0.05) and IGF-I was higher during spring-summer (P < 0.05). The air temperature and the temperature humidity index showed positive moderate correlations to RT, BS, TT, and RF (P < 0.001). The ambient temperature was found to have a positive correlation with the physiological variables, independent of the cooling system, but cooled animals exhibited higher milk production during spring and summer (P < 0.01)