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9 research outputs found
Sex Differences in Item Responses on the Graduate Record Examination
Angoff W.H.
Angoff W.H.
+9 more
Coffman W.E.
Donlon T.F.
Lockheed M.
Maccoby E.E.
Madeline M. Wallmark
Marilyn M. Hicks
Strassberg-Rosenberg B.
Thomas F. Donlon
Tittle C.K.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
1970s Trends in Assessing Career Counseling, Guidance, and Education
American College Testing Program
American College Testing Program
+23 more
Aubrey R.F.
College Entrance Examination Board
Crites J.O.
Diamond E.E.
Hall L.B.
Holland J.L.
Jepsen D.A.
Kapes J.T.
Knapp R.R.
Kuder F.
Miller J. V.
Mitchell A.M.
National Assessment of Education Progress
Prediger D.J.
Strong E.K.
Super D.E.
Super D.E.
Tiedeman D.V.
Tittle C.K.
Tittle C.K.
United States Employment Service
Westbrook B.W.
Westbrook W.B.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
A Decision-Making Orientation
Arnold D.S.
Carol Sue Englert
+11 more
Cogan M.L.
Melvin I. Semmel
Merrill E.C.
Semmel M.I.
Semmel M.I.
Semmel M.I.
Semmel M.I.
Semmel M.I.
Semmel M.I.
Shavelson R.J.
Tittle C.K.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Career Guidance: Program Evaluation and Validity
Cooper J.F.
Cronbach L.J.
+12 more
Holland J.L.
Holland J.L.
Lawler A.C.
Messick S.
Miller M.J.
Oliver L.W.
Prediger D.J.
Prediger D.J.
Snyder C.R.
Takai R.
Tittle C.K.
Zytowski D.G.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Encouraging Worrien's Motivation for Nontraditional Career and Lifestyle Options: A Model for Assessment and Intervention
Bandura A.
Beck A.T.
+15 more
Betz N.E.
Gottfredson L.S.
Hansen L.S.
Hauser S.T.
Holland J.L.
Laws J.L.
Linda Brooks
Nieva V.F.
Rapoport R.
Ryan W.
Spokane A.R.
Sturdivant S.
Tittle C.K.
Voydanoff P.
Vroom V.H.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The AMEG Commission Report on Sex Bias in Achievement Testing
AMEG Commission on Sex Bias in Measurement
AMEG Commission on Sex Bias in Measurement
+12 more
Angoff W.H.
Angoff W.H.
Coffman W.E.
Cronbach L.J.
Diamond E.E.
Ekstrom R.B.
Fennema E.
Finn J.D.
Hedges J.N.
Hieronymus A.N.
Maccoby E.E.
Tittle C.K.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Career Assessment With African-American Clients
American Educational Research Association American Psychological Association, &
Bennett S.K.
+20 more
Bingham R.P.
Borgen F.H.
Bowman S.L.
Bowman S.L.
Cross W.E.
Hansen J.C.
Haverkamp B.E.
Helms J.E.
Hines H.
Holland J.L.
Howard B.J.
Jane L. Swanson
Prediger D. J.
Sharon L. Bowman
Swanson J.L.
Tittle C.K.
Ward C.M.
Whetstone R.D.
Yura C.A.
Zytowski D.G.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Use of Interest Inventories With Special Populations: Women and Minority Groups
American College Testing Program.
American Educational Research Association American Psychological Association, and National Council on Measurement in Education.
+36 more
American Psychological Association.
Anastasi A.
Borgen F.H.
Campbell D.P.
Carnevale A.P.
Diamond E.E.
Elmore P.B.
Fouad N.A.
Fouad N.A.
Fouad N.A.
Hansen J.C.
Hansen J.C.
Hansen J.C.
Harmon L.W.
Haviland M.
Holland J.L.
Holland J.L.
Holland J.L.
Holland J.L.
Kuder F.
Kuder F.
Leong F. T .L.
Nadya A. Fouad
Prediger D.J.
Sarah L. Spreda
Scott T.B.
Shah I.
Sharf R.S.
Strong E.K.
Sue D.W.
Tittle C.K.
Walsh W.B.
Walsh W.B.
Watkins C.E.
Whetstone R.D.
Yura C.A.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Assessing Assessment: Examination of pre‐service physics teachers' attitudes towards assessment and factors affecting their attitudes
Altan M.Z.
American Federation of Teachers National Council on Measurement in Education, &
+49 more
Ayas A.
Baki A.
Barko H.
Baxter G.P.
Bell B.
Briscoe C.
Brookhart S.M.
Bushman L.
Cakan M.
Campbell C.
Cochran K.F.
Cooney T.J.
Culbertson L.D.
Delandshere G.
Denzin N.K.
Gagne R.M.
Gagne R.M.
Graham P.
Greene J.C.
Gursimsek I.
Guven S.
Haney J.J.
Harris M.B.
Kleinert H.L.
Kristin N.
Lofters P.E.
Maeroff G.I.
McMillan J.H.
McMillan J.H.
McMillan J.H.
Mertler C.A.
Milli Egitim Bakanligi Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Baskanligi
Novak J.D.
Pilcher J.K.
Rhoton J.
Rogers S.F.
Shavelson R.J.
Sluijsmans D.M.A.
Stiggins R.
Stiggins R.
Tamir P.
Tashakkori A.
Tittle C.K.
Whittaker A.
Wiggins G.
Wilson L.
Wolfe E.W.
Zollman A.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text