43 research outputs found

    Croatian Accession to the European Union: Economic and Legal Challenges

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    The Republic of Croatia, in comparison with most other transitional countries, is late with its preparations for future accession to the EU. The causes of this kind of situation are objectively grounded, the recent historical circumstances, as well as subjective in nature, the slowness and lack of political will to cope with this option. In recent times, particularly after the signing of the SAA, activity has been stepped up. In the adjustment process, Croatia will accept liberalisation of EU products and endeavour to retain certain privileges, depending on the sensitivity of the particular product. Further harmonisation of the agriculture legislation is required, although the major part of Croatian law relating to agriculture contains conditions and key measures found in the secondary legislation of the EU. In the paper, with the use of the methods of economic analysis and indicators of state intervention in agriculture and the costs of domestic resources, an evaluation is made of the advantages and limitations of Croatian agriculture. The results of comparative analysis give a more objective image of the domestic agricultural sector in the international environment. Adjustment of agrarian policy should lead to an improvement in the competitiveness of domestic agriculture and at the same time to a preservation of domestic natural resources.agriculture, resources, agrarian structure, family farms, agrarian policy,rural development, economic integration

    Premises for the inclusion of agriculture in the process of Croatian accession to the European Union

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    The Republic of Croatia, in comparison with most other transitional countries, is late with its preparations for future accession to the EU. The causes of this kind of situation are objectively grounded, the recent historical circumstances, as well as subjective in nature, the slowness and lack of political will to cope with this option. In recent times, particularly after the signing of the SAA, activity has been stepped up. In the adjustment process, Croatia will accept liberalisation of EU products and endeavour to retain certain privileges, depending on the sensitivity of the particular product. Further harmonisation of the agriculture legislation is required, although the major part of Croatian law relating to agriculture contains conditions and key measures found in the secondary legislation of the EU. In the paper, with the use of the methods of economic analysis and indicators of state intervention in agriculture and the costs of domestic resources, an evaluation is made of the advantages and limitations of Croatian agriculture. The results of comparative analysis give a more objective image of the domestic agricultural sector in the international environment. Adjustment of agrarian policy should lead to an improvement in the competitiveness of domestic agriculture and at the same time to a preservation of domestic natural resources


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    Društvena poljoprivredna gospodarstva, koja u ukupnim obradivim površinama SR Hrvatske sudjeluje sa 17%, troše više od polovice od ukupnih količina umjetnih gnojiva. To je rezultat daleko više potrošnje po jedinici površine (oko 300 kg NPK /ha obradivih površina (bez livada) u odnosu na privatna gospodarstva - 56 kg/ha). - Potrošnja umjetnih gnojiva - izraženo u aktivnim tvarima (NPK) - povećala se u promatranom razdoblju (1957-1973-) za gotovo 3,5 puta, a po jedinici porvršine za oko 100 kg/ha. Unutar tog razdoblja, brzi porast poirosnje bio je do sredine 60-tih godina (1965. g.) dok je kasnije usporen i pokazuje tendenciju stagnacije. - Prosječna koncentracija hraniva u umjetnim gnojivima povećala se u spomenutom razdoblju za oko 15 %, a izrazita je tendencija upotrebe kompleksnih gnojiva na račun jednostavnih. - Promjene u odnosu između pojedinih hranivih elemenata išle su u pravcu povećanja upotrebe dušika a smanjenja fosfora i kalija