41 research outputs found

    Bahasa, Sastra, dan Seni dalam Naskah Islam Indonesia

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    Salah satu warisan budaya nenek moyang bangsa Indonesia yang berupa hasil tulisan tangan dikenal sebagai “naskah kuno” atau naskah lama (selanjutnya hanya disebut naskah). Sebagai bukti dari peninggalan masa lampau, naskah merupakan bukti otentik kemajuan peradaban suatu masyarakat atau suku bangsa yang memiliki tradisi tulis. Oleh karena itu, tidak mengherankan jika sejak masa kolonial hingga kini naskah-naskah Indonesia terus 'diburu' oleh bangsa asing. Berbagai cara dilakukan untuk 'mengambilnya’ baik secara damai maupun paksa. Akibatnya, naskah-naskah Indonesia banyak yang berada di manca negara

    Kajian Kodikologis Atas Surat Sultan Kanoman, Cirebon (COD. OR. 2241 ILLB 17 (No. 80))

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    In the Universitets-Bibliotheek (UB) Leiden there is a pile of Banten letters that are bundled in Cod.Or. 2241 Illb. The 17th (No. 80) letter is a letter from Sultan Anom to the Governour General Willem Arnold Alting and Raad van Indie in Batavia. The content of the letter, which is undated and written in Javanese hanacaraka, is an approval of Sultan given to Raad van Indie for the building of a new house in Indramayu. Based on the codicological analysis of the shape, kind of paper, seal, scripts, and the language, it can be concluded that those letters in the budle were in fact not sent form Sultan Anom of Banten but form Sultan Kanoman of Cirebon

    “Untaian Berlian” dari Pura Pakualaman

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    Banten is one of the 34 provinces which helped to establish the Republic of Indonesia. Although it was just acknowledged as a province of Indonesia in 2000, as a pepper producer Banten had been known around the world long before its sultanate even existed. The various written sources consist of scripts, archives, and inscriptions from various backgrounds, such as history, literature, and religion. This research found that there are several scripts used as a written medium in Banten, such as Arabic, Jawi (Malay-Arabic), Pegon (Arabic-Javanese), Hanacaraka, and Latin. From the text content point of view, it has been found that these scripts also function as an information depositor of Banten

    Kajian Kodikologis atas Surat Sultan Kanoman, Cirebon (COD. OR. 2241 ILLB 17 (No. 80))

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    In the Universitets-Bibliotheek (UB) Leiden there is a pile of Banten letters that are bundled in Cod.Or. 2241 Illb. The 17th (No. 80) letter is a letter from Sultan Anom to the Governour General Willem Arnold Alting and Raad van Indie in Batavia. The content of the letter, which is undated and written in Javanese hanacaraka, is an approval of Sultan given to Raad van Indie for the building of a new house in Indramayu. Based on the codicological analysis of the shape, kind of paper, seal, scripts, and the language, it can be concluded that those letters in the budle were in fact not sent form Sultan Anom of Banten but form Sultan Kanoman of Cirebon.Keywordsletters, hanacaraka, codicolog

    Katalog Naskah-Naskah Perpustakaan Pura Pakualaman

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    Pandangan masyarakat kini terhadap naskah kuno di daerah Sumatera Utara

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    Pada saat ini. peranan aksara Latin dalam menggantikan aksara daerah dalam kebudayaan nasional telah demikian dominan. Aksara daerah sudah semakin tersisih bahkan nyaris dilupakan oleh pendukungnya sendiri. Sementara itu. naskah lama sebagai monumen budaya tulis masa lampau. lebih diperlakukan sebagai benda antik saja Penghargaan terhadap naskah-naskah lama hanya karena bentuknya yang unik dan kelangkaannya.sehingga mempunyai harga jual yang cukup tinggi. Padahal. sebagai perekam budaya lama. naskah lama banyak mengandung informasi mengenai nilai-nilai budaya dan puncak-puncak kebudayaan asli yang amat diperlukan sebagai akar dan batang tubuh kebudayaan nasional (Soebadio 1975, Robson 1978)

    Aksara dan naskah kuno Lampung dalam pandangan masyarakat Lampung kini

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    Pada masa lampau aksara kuno ini dipakai sebagai media komunikasi yang penting dalam masyarakat Lan1pung. Namun, pada saat ini aksara Lampung oleh masyarakatnya disebut dengan nama Surat Lampung atau Sukhat Lampung atau Hat Lampung sudah tidak digunakan lagi sebagai media komunikasi. Bahkan dapat dikatakan bahwa aksara Lampung sekarang sudah nyaris dilupakan oleh masyarakat pendukungnya sendiri, kebanyakan dari mereka sudah tidak mampu lagi menulis dan membacanya. Aksara kuno Lampung sebagai fenomena yang pemah berkembang dalam kehidupan masyarakat dahulu, kita masih dapat menemukan sisa-sisa keberadaannya. Aksara kuno itu terukir dalam naskah-naskah kuno yang dapat disaksikan dalam beberapa acara khusus, di tempat-tempat tertentu yang disimpan oleh orang-orang tertentu

    The Resistance of Palembang’s Local Religious Elites to Dutch East Indies Islamic Politics in the 20th Century

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    The 19th century was the peak of the mission era and the beginning of the 20th century was the period of independence of the Protestant Church by inviting various missionary organizations from Europe to carry out their missions in the Dutch East Indies. This was a major threat to Muslims, including Palembang Malay Muslims. This article seeks to complement existing research with the aim of knowing the resistance factors of local elites in the Palembang Malay community. This study uses a socio-historical approach by making use of James C. Scoot’s resistance theory. Scoot’s theory of resistance. This study concludes that the resistance of local elites in Palembang Malay society is caused by the central role of local religious elites in preaching and teaching the Muslim community in Palembang to remote areas. The elites a r e in the category of free ulama. Figures such as Abdullah Munsyi and the Samaniyah tarekat teachers who made various efforts to save Muslims from Islamic politics run by the Dutch East Indies. Efforts were made such as the construction of various places that served as centers of Islamic studies such as langgar, mosques, and madrasas

    Srimpi Gadhěg Putri: a traditional dance of Pakualaman in The Langěn Wibawa’s manuscript

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    Langěn Wibawa manuscript (thereafter abbreviated LW) with collection code of LL 20, belonging to the collection of Pura Pakualaman Yogyakarta Library, is a performing art-genre manuscript. This manuscript documents 28 dances in Kadipaten Pakualaman during Paku Alam IV reign. One of dances documented in LW manuscript is Srimpi Gadhěg Putri. Post-Paku IV reign, the Srimpi Gadhěg Putri was no longer recognized for its repertoire presentation. The disconnected preservation of Srimpi Gadhěg Putri dance whips the spirit to restudy the dance’s construction. By means of LW text, information on dance is dug and studied in order to be known by the public. Primary data of Javanese-language and letter manuscript was obtained using philological method yielding LW text edition. The next method, ethnochoreology, was used to study the component of Srimpi Gadhěg Putri dance including theme, music, dance arena, tata lampah dan tata rakit, and fashion and property. Considering the result of analysis, it can be seen that Srimpi Gadhěg Putri dance holds on standard rule of srimpi dance called lampah bědhayan, and refers to Kasultanan Ngayogyakarta dance tradition. Although following the rule of Srimpi dance in general, Srimpi Gadhěg Putri dance has such characteristics as kapang-kapang majěng procession in two stages, kaci fashion for the character of jaja and kandha narrative sang