12 research outputs found

    Correlation between Physical Fitness Components and Academic Achievement in Elementary School Students

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    Background: Physical fitness is a degree of health status as a basic physical condition of someone to perform daily activity. Elementary school students should have a good physical fitness to obtain satisfactory academic achievement. The purpose of this study was to examine the correlation between physical fitness and academic achievement. Methods: This study used an observational analytical method with cross-sectional design, conducted from September−October 2013, using total sampling method. There were 82 students of the 4th−6th- grade from Cikeruh 2 elementary school at Jatinangor. The school was chosen by random selection. The physical fitness assessment in this study consisted of step test to measure cardiorespiratory endurance, body mass index (BMI) for body composition, push-up for muscular strength and sit-up for muscular flexibility. Academic achievement was collected from the last examination result. Each component of physical fitness test results were converted to a score and then categorized.Results: Most students (74.4%) had fair physical fitness, boys 68.3%, and girls 80.5%. No correlation was found between physical fitness and academic achievement (p=0.432 and r=0.162).Conclusions: There is no significant correlation between physical fitness and academic achievement. 

    Role of Exclusive Breastfeeding in Preventing Diarrhea

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      Background: Breast milk has protective factors for infants’ digestive tract. Infants are vulnerable to diseases, one of which is diarrhea. This cross-sectional study was designed to determine the relation between the proportion of diarrhea in infants and the administration of exclusive breastfeeding in Jatinangor.Methods: This study was an observational study. Data on mothers with 6 months old infants were collected from Jatinangor Primary Health Center (PHC) infant records. The inclusion criteria applied were infants born in April 2012, alive, and living in Jatinangor subdistrict. One hundred and seventy one infants were recorded in April of 2012 in the PHC data. Thirty five were excluded because they were not born in April 2012. Another 45 were excluded because they were not permanent residents of Jatinangor subdistrict, while 4 infants died, and 23 had incomplete data. Therefore, only 66 infants were included as study subjects. Those infants came from 12 villages in the subdistrict of Jatinangor. Data collection was then performed using a questionnaire to the parents during the period of 21–31 October 2012.Results: From 66 infants, the proportion of diarrhea was 66.7%. Only 27.3% of all infants received exclusive breastfeeding. There was a difference in the proportion of diarrhea between infants who were exclusively breastfed and those who were not. Exclusive breastfeeding also reduced the risk of diarrhea (OR= 0.26, 95% CI 0.08–0.83).Conclusions: There is a relation between the proportion of diarrhea in infants and exclusive breastfeeding in Jatinangor. Breastfeeding has a protective effect against diarrhea in infants.Keywords: Diarrhea, exclusive breastfeeding, infants DOI: 10.15850/amj.v2n1.436

    Factors Affecting Nutritional Status among Children Aged 12–23 Months

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    Background: In Indonesia about 18% of children, mostly in the first two years of life, are malnourished, causing a serious impact. Many factors are thought to affect nutritional status among young children. This study was conducted to determine factors affecting the nutritional status of children aged 12–23 months in West Java, Indonesia.Methods: This cross-sectional study used secondary data obtained from a Basic Health Research (Riset Kesehatan Dasar, RISKESDAS) 2010, conducted by Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan (BALITBANGKES) Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. All of the data among children aged 12–23 months in West Java province was obtained. Statistical relationships between predisposing factors and nutritional status i.e. weight for height were analyzed using the chi-square test.Results: In total, 730 data were obtained, of which 567 data met the inclusion criteria. Malnutrition was detected in 101 (17.8%) children. There was a significant relationship (p=0.017, OR=2.6, 95% CI 1.1–5.8) between low birth weight and nutritional status. Nevertheless, no significant relationship was found between nutritional status and history of exclusive breastfeeding (p=0.629), complimentary feeding (p=0.949), vitamin A (p=0.209), infectious diseases (p=0.266), complete immunization status (p=0.420), and mother education level (p=0.251).Conclusions: The low birth weight is the only significant factor associated with the nutritional status among children less than 2 years old; resulting in that low birth weight had a 2.6 higher chance of malnutrition in the early years. Other factors are unexpectedly not significant in this study. There is thus a need to improve the quality of programs, focusing on childbearing mothers, during antenatal control

    The Characteristics, Knowledge, and Attitude of Pregnant Women Regarding Early Breastfeeding Initiation on the Fourth Antenatal Care Visit

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    Background: Early breastfeeding initiation within one hour after birth can reduce maternal and neonatal mortality. One of the interventions given on the fourth antenatal care (ANC) visit is providing information regarding breastfeeding initiation, however, the implementation is low. Many factors may influence breastfeeding initiation, including knowledge and attitude. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship among the characteristics, knowledge, and attitude of the pregnant women on the fourth ANC visit regarding early breastfeeding initiation in Jatinangor.Methods: An analytic cross-sectional study was conducted in September 2013. A total of 61 pregnant women registered for the fourth ANC visit (K4) in Jatinangor Public Health Center were involved in this study. Data were collected from questionnaires. Data on the number of gestation, level of education, source of information regarding breastfeeding initiation, knowledge and attitude about early breastfeeding initiation were collected and analyzed using chi-square.Results: There was a significant relationship between a number of gestation, level of education, source of information and knowledge also attitude, as well as between age and attitude (p0.05).Conclusions: Number of gestation, level of education, and source of information have a significant relationship with both knowledge and attitudes about early breastfeeding initiation

    Role of Exclusive Breastfeeding in Preventing Diarrhea

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      Background: Breast milk has protective factors for infants’ digestive tract. Infants are vulnerable to diseases, one of which is diarrhea. This cross-sectional study was designed to determine the relation between the proportion of diarrhea in infants and the administration of exclusive breastfeeding in Jatinangor.Methods: This study was an observational study. Data on mothers with 6 months old infants were collected from Jatinangor Primary Health Center (PHC) infant records. The inclusion criteria applied were infants born in April 2012, alive, and living in Jatinangor subdistrict. One hundred and seventy one infants were recorded in April of 2012 in the PHC data. Thirty five were excluded because they were not born in April 2012. Another 45 were excluded because they were not permanent residents of Jatinangor subdistrict, while 4 infants died, and 23 had incomplete data. Therefore, only 66 infants were included as study subjects. Those infants came from 12 villages in the subdistrict of Jatinangor. Data collection was then performed using a questionnaire to the parents during the period of 21–31 October 2012.Results: From 66 infants, the proportion of diarrhea was 66.7%. Only 27.3% of all infants received exclusive breastfeeding. There was a difference in the proportion of diarrhea between infants who were exclusively breastfed and those who were not. Exclusive breastfeeding also reduced the risk of diarrhea (OR= 0.26, 95% CI 0.08–0.83).Conclusions: There is a relation between the proportion of diarrhea in infants and exclusive breastfeeding in Jatinangor. Breastfeeding has a protective effect against diarrhea in infants.Keywords: Diarrhea, exclusive breastfeeding, infants DOI: 10.15850/amj.v2n1.436

    Characteristics of Functional Constipation among Kindergarten Students in Kecamatan Jatinangor, West Java, Indonesia

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    Background: Functional constipation can occur in children and affect their quality of life, but there is still lack of awareness and inability to provide proper management. Therefore, early detection is important. The aim of this study was to identify the prevalence of functional constipation among kindergarten students and its risks. Methods: A quantitative descriptive study was conducted from April to May 2017 on kindergarten students in Kecamatan Jatinangor, West Java, Indonesia by using questionnaires for their parents. In total, 149 parents joined the study.  The questionnaire was made based on the Rome IV Criteria with additional questions for the student’s characteristics comprised of sex, prematurity, allergy, family history of constipation, dietary fiber consumption, and parents’ education level. Descriptive analyses were conducted. Results: The prevalence of functional constipation among the students was 8.7% with the most frequent complaints were retentive posturing (76.9%), hard stool consistency (38.5%), and history of obstructing toilet by stool (38.5%). Characteristics of children with functional constipation were prematurity (15.4%), history of allergy (15.4%), low dietary fiber intake (from fruits, 69.2%, vegetables 84.6%, seeds 100%), and non-university educated parents (father 76.9%, mother 84.6%). Conclusions: Constipation among kindergarten students in Jatinangor is 8.7%, while the most apparent characteristics in constipated children is low dietary fiber intake

    Malnutrisi rumah sakit dan asuhan nutrisi pediatrik di Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin Bandung

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    Hospital malnutrition and pediatric nutrition care in Hasan Sadikin Hospital BandungBackground: Malnutrition during hospitalization delays the recovery of children with acute or chronic illnesses. The Pediatric Nutrition Care (PNC) can improve nutritional support and reduce the prevalence of hospital malnutrition.Objectives: This study was done to find evidence of hospital malnutrition and to evaluate the nutrition care in the pediatric ward of Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung. Methods: We evaluated malnutrition by comparing body weight change between the first day of admission and at hospital discharge to the length of hospitalization. Screening for malnutrition risk was done using modified Pediatric Yorkhill Malnutrition Screening (mPYMS). Score≥2 was determined as high risk. The PNC process was evaluated by a focused group discussion with PNC-associated pediatric ward personnel.Results: From February-March 2016, 760 patients were admitted to the pediatric ward, of which 111(14.6%) were included in the study. An mPYMS score of ≥2 was found in 69(62.2%) of the patients. During hospitalization, body weight decreased in 23(20.7%) patients, 10(9.0%) of whom were defined as hospital malnutrition. Among these, seven had an mPYMS score≥2. PNC was performed in patients with an mPYMS score≥2 by dietitians who also provided a standardized nutrition care process following American Dietetic Association recommendation. However, a dedicated multidisciplinary PNC team was absent and the nutrition and metabolic disease division was consulted only in a few cases. Performing consistent monitoring and evaluation of PNC was also found to be difficult. Conclusions: Hospital malnutrition may be prevalent among pediatric patients in Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung. Improving PNC services may reduce this prevalence

    Hubungan Perilaku Ibu dalam Praktik Pemberian Makan pada Anak Usia 12-23 Bulan dengan Kejadian Stunting di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Jatinangor

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    Latar belakang. Stunting merupakan kondisi kurang gizi kronis disebabkan asupan makanan yang kurang dalam waktu lama. Kejadian stunting dapat direduksi oleh salah satu faktor yang memengaruhi pemenuhan gizi anak, yaitu perilaku ibu dalam praktik pemberian makan. Tujuan. Mengetahui hubungan perilaku ibu dalam praktik pemberian makan dengan kejadian stunting. Metode. Studi analitik potong lintang yang dilakukan pada ibu dan anak usia 12-23 bulan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Jatinangor. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara menggunakan instrumen kuesioner yang disusun berdasarkan panduan Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia (IDAI) dan World Health Organization (WHO). Pengukuran panjang badan anak menggunakan infantometer. Analisis menggunakan uji chi kuadrat dan Mann Whitney. Hasil. Lima puluh sembilan subjek (27,2%) dari 217 total subjek termasuk kelompok stunting. Angka kemaknaan pemberian makan cukup dan pemberian makan secara responsif dengan kejadian stunting sebesar 0,003 dan 0,012. Ketepatan waktu dan pemberian makan secara aman dengan kejadian stunting memiliki nilai p>0,05. Perilaku ibu dalam praktik pemberian makan secara keseluruhan menunjukkan nilai p<0,05. Kesimpulan. Praktik pemberian makan secara keseluruhan memiliki hubungan dengan kejadian stunting. Kecukupan dalam pemberian makan dan pemberian makan secara responsif memiliki hubungan dengan stunting, tetapi pemberian makan secara tepat waktu dan aman tidak memengaruhi kejadian stunting

    Exclusive and Non-Exclusive Breastfeeding among Stunted and Normal 6–9 Month-Old-Children in Jatinangor Subdistrict, Indonesia

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    Background: Stunting has become a public health problem in Indonesia, with the prevalence of stunting is 37.2% nationally and 25.6% in West Java. One of the causes of stunting is malnutrition that may occur because of not giving exclusive breastfeeding on the first 1000 days of life (FDL). The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was difference between exclusive and non-exclusive breastfeeding among stunted and normal 6–9 month-old-children. Methods: This study was conducted using a cross-sectional analytic study during August-October 2018 with consecutive sampling method. This study involved 110 pairs of mothers and children aged 6-9 months who resided in villages which were within the work area of Jatinangor Public Health Center. Nutritional status was determined based on length-for-age z score according to WHO. The type of breastfeeding was known based on the questionnaire. Data was analyzed by chi square test. Result: There were 60 of 110 children (54.5%) who did not receive exclusive breastfeeding. The incidence of stunting in children was 12.7% (14 of 110), of whom 10 children had no exclusive breastfeeding (p>0.05).Conclusions: Although the incidence of stunting is higher in non-exclusive breastfeeding group, there is no difference in the proportion of stunting in children aged 6–9 months between those who are exclusively breastfed and those who are not, however, exclusive breastfeeding is encouraged

    Perbedaan status gizi bayi usia 6-9 bulan yang diberi MPASI buatan pabrik dan rumah

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    The differences of nutritional status of 6-9 months old infant given factory-made and homemade complementary foodsBackground: The nutritional status of 6-9 months old babies depend on the amount of nutrition acquired from breastmilk and complementary food. The incorrect feeding of complementary food may contribute to poor nutritional status. Objective: This study aims to illustrate the nutritional status of factory-made and homemade complementary food, and analyze the difference in the nutritional status of infants given factory-made and homemade complementary food.Methods: This is an analytic, observational, and cross-sectional study, conducted in seven villages within the scope of Puskesmas Jatinangor, Jatinangor Sub-district, Sumedang Regency in August-October 2018. The samples were 102 babies 6-9 months old obtained through total sampling. The variables of this study include the type of complementary food, and infant nutritional status with weight for age, length for age, and weight for height index.Results: Complementary food consumption is dominated by factory-made type (69.6%). Macronutrients which are energy and protein and micronutrients which are vitamins from both types of complementary food already fulfill the daily recommended dietary allowances for babies, except for minerals which are calcium, iron, and zinc. Chi-Square test results showed an insignificant difference in the nutritional status of babies (p=0,881 for BW/A; p=0.194 for BH/A; and p=0,599 for BW/BH) based on the type of complementary food given.Conclusions: Nutritional contents of macro and micronutrients from both types of complementary food have fulfilled the recommended dietary allowances for complementary food, except for the minerals calcium, iron, and zinc. There wasn’t a considerable difference in nutritional status between those acquired through factory-made and homemade complementary food