17 research outputs found

    Orthodontic treatment-related risks and complications: part II periodontal complications

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    Introduction: Orthodontic treatment, in addition to patient benefits, includes certain risks and complications that should not be ignored. The side-effects of orthodontic therapy all therapists want to avoid or reduce to a minimum.The occurrence of these complications depends on the orthodontic technique, medical knowledge in this field, patient\u27s general and oral health, and oral hygiene habits. Part of the risk and complications depend on the patient\u27s ability to understand and cooperate during the therapy. For this reason, it is a medico-legal obligation to inform our patients about side effects of any medical intervention what will be undertaken. In the previous issue, an overview of local complications of orthodontic treatment - dental complications was presented. The aim: The aim of this part is to present a detailed overview of the most common complications with local effect- periodontal complications in the context of the contemporary attitude of the risks and complications associated with orthodontic treatment. Material and methods: Classification was presented by Graber, 2004th, in its publication, "Risk Management in Orthodontics: AnExpert\u27s Guide to Malpractice," used as a starting point for the development of this review. A complex search was performed (PubMed, Google Scholar, etc.), with the restriction upon of publication date (beginning with 2004) to find relevant current studies. Search keywords were combinations of words: complication, orthodontic treatment, risks, side effects. Concluding remarks: Periodontal complications are the most common side effects linked with orthodontic treatment according to contemporary literature. Serious analysis of potential risk for periodontal complications is mandatory for orthodontic patients before the treatment starts. It is the only correct way to minimize complications during and after orthodontic treatment

    Relationship between obstructive sleep apnea and orthodontic malocclusion in non-obese adults: Review

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    Introduction: Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) represents the complete or partial obstruction of the airway. Clinically OSA manifests as sleepiness during the day, heavy snoring, and waking up during the night due to lack of air. Obesity, gender and orthodontic anomalies are listed in the literature as the etiologic factor of OSA. Aim: This study aimed to find the correlation in the analyzed studies between OSA and orthodontic anomalies in non-obese adults. Material and methods: The electronic search of the database was performed (PubMed and Google Scholar) to find relevant articles that correlate orthodontic anomalies with OSA. Keywords included: obstructive sleep apnea, orthodontic anomalies, cephalometric analysis, impact, association, body mass index, obesity, adults, non-obesity. Included criteria: non-obesity, a study published from 1999-2019, a study in English, full text. Results: Two hundred papers included keywords. The number of papers that included the full set criteria was nine. These nine papers were analyzed in detail. Conclusion: Analyzed articles showed that there is a correlation between Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and orthodontics malocclusion in non-obese adults

    Evaluation and comparison of tooth size discrepancies among different malocclusion groups

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    Introduction: The compliance of proportions between the mesiodistal dimensions of the upper and the lower teeth is necessary for good intercuspidation. Given that a significant discrepancy in tooth size can prevent ideal occlusion at the end of orthodontic treatment, the absence of tooth size discrepancy is a significant factor for the realization of the ideal occlusion. Aim: Aim of this study was to determine whether there is a difference in the incidence of tooth size discrepancies among different skeletal malocclusion groups in the orthodontic patients. Material and methods: The sample comprised 300 pretreatment study casts (118 males and 182 females) with fully erupted and complete permanent dentition except third molars, which were selected randomly from records of orthodontic patients. All subjects were divided in three groups, according to the Angle classification of malocclusion. The measurements were made on study models with digital calipers accurately to 0.01 mm. The Class was defined by using the Steiner analysis on lateral cephalograms. The subjects were divided into three groups depending on the value of the ANB angle. For every subject, the value of the angles SNA, SNB and ANB was measured. The reliability of measurements was examined by the Pearsonā€™s correlation coefficient. To determine whether there were gender differences an independent sample t-test was performed. Results: There is no statistically significant differences in Boltonā€™s discrepancy by different gender, or at different classes. The average value of the anterior Bolton ratio was 78.16 and of the overall were 90.87. Values of the anterior and overall Bolton ratios are highest in patients with Class III. The highest average value of anterior discrepancy was in male subjects with III Class (-0.72), while the highest average value of overall discrepancy was in male subjects with II Class (0.65). Conclusion: The results of the study show that there are no statistically significant differences in Boltonā€™s discrepancy by different gender, or at different classes

    Choice of the Retention Method After an Orthodontic Treatment-Narative review

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    Retention is a phase of orthodontic treatment devised to keep the teeth in a correct position once the orthodontic treatment has been completed. There are three main characteristics that each ideal retainer is required to have: to keep the teeth in the correct position after orthodontic therapy, to be long lasting and resistant to mechanical damage, and to have no adverse long-term effects on periodontal tissue. Through a computer-based browsing through a number of databases (such as, e.g. PubMed and Google Scholar) we have found and analysed various articles used in this research. The inclusion criteria to be met were: an overall availability of a research paper, the requirement that these research papers are published in English, that these research papers were published in the period 2007-2019, the requirement that the research papers should involve clinically randomized studies and that their titles contain one of the predefined keywords. The database browsing that is based on the said keywords and carried out within the above time frame has resulted in finding 165 relevant articles. A complete set of the inclusion criteria were met by 8 published research papers, but 7 articles were analysed in the end. The selected articles have compared different types of fixed and mobile retainers, different times of wearing the retainers, the impact that the retainers had on the periodontium, and the acceptability of different retention protocols for patients. The conclusion of this research paper is that bonded retainers prove to be most effective in stabilising the position of the incisors, particularly the lower ones, but that their disadvantages include the reopening of the extraction space and the retention of plaque due to difficulties in maintaining oral hygiene. Vacuum-formed retainers appear to be more effective than Hawley retainers in retaining the position of the incisors, and patients have indicated that they are more acceptable to wear. Hawley retainers prove to be most effective in preserving a closed extraction space, but they do now show solid results with regard to other segments. Changes in the overbite, overjet, arch length, and anterior and posterior widths did not show any significant statistical differences in the different types of retainers

    An epidemiological study of malocclusion and occlusal traits related to different stages of dental development

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    Abstract Introduction: Various types of malocclusions present one of the most common dental problems of todayā€™s population. Planning the implementation of orthodontic therapy, especially preventive and interceptive measures is one of many activities of public sector health, and it requires information regarding the prevalence of malocclusion in different parts of our country. Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of malocclusion of preschool and school children in the city of Sarajevo. Materials and methods: This study was comprised of 373 children out of which 200 preschool and school children were included in the final sample according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria for participation. 100 children were five-year-olds with complete deciduous dentition, and 100 children were 14-year-olds with permanent dentition. The examined variables in the study were: dental status and existence of caries, overjet, depth of overbite, a presence of premature contacts, a presence of diastemas, crowding of teeth in the dental arch (for 14-year-olds) and rotation of teeth in the dental arch (for 14-year-olds). Results: The prevalence of malocclusion was 58% in the group of preschool children and 83% in the group of school children. Conclusion: Results of this study demonstrate a need for the implementation of preventive and interceptive orthodontic methods in primary health care, which would reduce the need for expensive and long term orthodontic therapy

    Semi-automatic Assessment of Cervical Vertebral Maturation Stages using Cephalograph Images and Centroid-based Clustering

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    KoriÅ”tenjem radiograma istraživala se učinkovitost različitih numeričkih tehnika za poluautomatske procjene stupnja sazrijevanja vratnih kralježaka (CVM). Metode: Kefalogrami 211 pacijenata snimljeni su i spremljeni u digitalnom obliku. Nakon toga su, s pomoću posebno razvijenog softvera i tih pohranjenih radiograma, specijalisti ortodoncije označili i mjerili za svakog pacijenta nekoliko karakterističnih kefalometrijskih obilježja. Rezultati su bili potrebni za automatsko određivanje stupnja sazrijevanja vratnih kralježaka s nekoliko numeričkih tehnika, među kojima K znači klasteriranje (grupiranje), a Fuzzy C ā€“ dusteriranje (rasipanje). Rezultati su uspoređeni s podacima koje su dobili specijalisti. Rezultati: Najbolji rezultati dobiveni su koriÅ”tenjem Fuzzy C rasipanja. Točna ocjena stupnja CVM-a iznosila je oko 70 posto, a procjena klase bila je viÅ”a od 99 posto. Zaključak: Eksperimentalni rezultati pokazuju da se može razviti potpuno automatizirani sustav za procjenu i predviđanje stupnjeva CVM-a, premda joÅ” treba rijeÅ”iti manje teÅ”koće prije primjene u kliničkoj praksi.Introduction: Effectiveness of different numerical techniques for use in semi-automatic assessment of cervical vertebral maturation stages (CVM) using radiograph images was investigated. Methods: Lateral cephalographs of 211 patients were recorded and stored in a digital form. Using the specially developed software application, orthodontic experts marked and measured several characteristic cephalometric parameters for every patient. The results of these measurements were used to automatically determine the cervical vertebral maturation stage using numerical techniques, including the K-means clustering and the Fuzzy C-means clustering. These results were compared with the assessment made manually by the trained orthodontists.Results: The best results were achieved using the modified Fuzzy-C means clustering. Identification of the correct CVM stage was around 70%, while the assessment including the adjacent classes [+/- 1 developmental stage] was over 99%. Conclusions: Experimental results show that it may be possible to develop a fully automated system to assess CVM stages, although there are still minor issues that need to be addressed before the methodā€™s implementation in the clinical practice

    The Need for Orthodontic Treatment Among 12 - 14 Years Old Bosnian Schoolchildren

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    Svrha: Ovim se istraživanjem željelo odrediti je li potrebno ortodontsko liječenje Å”kolske djece u Bosni i to na uzorku dječaka i djevojčica u dobi između 12 i 14 godina, a rabila se IOTN-ova komponenta dentalnoga zdravlja (Dental Health Componenta ā€“ DHC) i estetska komponenta (Aesthetic Componenta ā€“ AC). Nastojali su se odrediti i mogući povezni čimbenici. Metode: Pregledano je 295 učenika (152 dječaka i 143 djevojčice) iz četiriju osnovnih Å”kola u Sarajevu koji nisu bili podvrgnuti ortodontskoj terapiji. To je učinio jedan ispitivač koji je prije toga dobio upute iz Indeksa potrebe za ortodontsku terapiju. Rezultati: Prema DHC-u ustanovljeno je da 53,6 posto ispitanika treba ortodontsku terapiju, a pronađena je i statistički značajna razlika među spolovima. Potreba za ortodontskom terapijom prema AC-u pronađena je samo kod 3,7 posto sudionika i nije ustanovljena statistički značajna razlika među spolovima. Zaključci: Rezultati ovog istraživanja daju osnovu za podatke o nužnoj ortodontskoj terapiji kod djece iz Bosne u dobi između 12 i 14 godina te mogu pomoći u planiranju, određivanju prioriteta i raspodjeli resursa dentalne zdravstvene zaÅ”tite. Budući da je potreba za ortodontskom terapijom među djecom u Bosni ā€“ ustanovljena prema IOTN-u ā€“ vrlo visoka i rezultat je loÅ”eg oralnog zdravlja, prijeko su potrebne preventivne mjere.Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the orthodontic treatment need in a sample of 12 ā€“ 14 year-old Bosnian schoolchildren, using the Dental Health Component (DHC) and Aesthetic Component (AC) of IOTN as well as to determine the possible factors associated with this necessity. Methods: Two hundred and ninety-five schoolchildren (152 boys and 143 girls) from four primary schools in Sarajevo, who had not previously received orthodontic treatment, were examined. One examiner, who had been previously trained in the use of the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need, screened all the schoolchildren. Results: According to DHC, definite need for orthodontic treatment was found in 53.6 % of subjects; and there was statistical significantly difference between genders. Orthodontic treatment need, according to AC, was found only in 3.7 % of subjects; and there was no statistical difference between genders. Conclusions: The results of this study provide baseline data on the orthodontic treatment needs of 12-14 year-old Bosnian children, which will help to decide the treatment priorities and planning community dental health resources. Since orthodontic treatment need among Bosnian children observed trough the IOTN is very high, which is the result of poor oral health, it is necessary to develop and implement preventive measures

    A determination of the standards of morphometrics variables of the stomatognathic system of a fetus

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    Introduction: Many factors affect the growth and development of the mandible. The most common one is micrognathia; this can poseand neonatal emergency. Early recognition of mandibular and other face anomalies could provide immediate care for these infants,and presence of neonatologist or other doctors in the delivery room. The aim: Aim of this study was to develop normal ranges of the facial markers: mandibular length, jaw index and the facial angle inthe fetus using 3D ultrasound. Material and methods: The research was conducted as a cross-sectional study in the second trimester of pregnancy. Fetuses (femalen=23 and male n=27) from singleton pregnancy between 29-37 week of gestation were examined by ultrasound. All images wereacquired transabdominally, using Voluson E16. Ultrasound was performed by an experienced operator (SM) and measured thevalues of head circumference, abdominal circumference, biparietal diameter, femur length, body mass. For mandibular length,inferior facial angle, and the jaw index was calculated (Jaw Index =AP mandibular diameter / BPD * 100), the profile images wereused (only images in the exact midsagittal plane were used). The characteristics of the fetal profiles were determined by the Schwartzand Ricketts profile analysis using soft tissue landmarks and analysis of the profile photographs. Results: The results show that the jaw index ranged from 25.33 and 34.06 with an average of 26.00 for all examined fetuses. Conclusion: The physiological position of the mandible is retrognathic and that the average physiological length of the mandible inthe third trimester is 2.31cm. There is no difference in mandibular length between genders