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    IAU Office of Astronomy for Education, OAE Center Italy - Annual Report 2022

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    Annual report 2023 of the the IAU OAE Center Italy, an international office addressed to education and hosted and financed by Inaf. OAE Center Italy was established on the 3rd of March 2021, thanks to a Memorandum of Understanding signed by three parties: IAU, the Office of Astronomy for Education and INAF. OAE Center Italy is a joint project of a consortium of Italian partners, led and represented by INAF and of the IAU OAE, and is operated by INAF. The Italian partners are INAF, the Italian Astronomical Society (SAIt) and the University of Rome Tor Vergata (ToV). Index of contents 1. Professionalize astronomy education 11 1.1 The 4th Shaw-IAU workshop of Astronomy for Education 12 1.2 “Officina degli Errori” Pilot Programme 14 1.3 Educational path for transversal skills and professional orientation through Game-Based Learning 16 2. Provide access to good resources 18 2.1 astroEDU 19 2.2 Shared astronomical Glossary 21 2.3 Astrophotography contest 23 3. Promote astronomy in curricula 24 3.1 MIRTO - Mediterranean Informal Round Table – online 25 3.2 STEAM-MED - Lampedusa workshop on Astronomy Education 2022 27 3.3 Teacher Training Pilot Program (TTPP) 35 3.4 Organisation and delivery of the 16 hour-course for PhD students "Designing innovative public-engagement activities", at the University of Padova. 36 3.5 Castellaro Lagusello Astronomy Festival 37 4. OAE Networking 38 4.1 Participation in Expo 2020, Dubai, Italian Pavilion 39 4.2 Under the same Moon: building bridges through sky and astronomy 40 5. Spread the news 41 5.1 Under the same sky: an exhibition in Rome 42 5.2 Il Cielo itinerante – Italy shines 42 5.3 Universe World / EduINAF column 43 5.4 Time machines, an astronomy exhibition 43 5.5 Workshops 43 5.6 Press release, announcements and new